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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by EspeonEX

  1. Darn it! I was looking forward to playing Luna ..Oh well...There's always other RPs. I wish more people had signed up, but what's done is done.
  2. There are many ways, but this is my favorite way, through the eyes of an evil alternate universe version of my OC, Amber Faye. First I go to Cloudsdale and get a job at Rainbow Dash's favorite resturaunt. I make friends with her, you know, talking while she waits for her food. Then I "lose"(quit and say I got fired) my job, and convince RD to let me move in with her. Being an Alicorn(don't ask, she's NOT a princess), I "accidentally" use a gender swap spell on myself, and make Rainbow fall in love with me. Then, I steal her element, and buy a house in Ponyville. Rinse and repeat, with slightly different curcumstances, staying a stallion all the time, never going back to a mare, untill I get to Twilight. I go to the library, looking for history book reccomendations, and while she is distracted, get her element. I then move to Canterlot, and join the royal guard, moving up the ranks untill I am Luna's personal guard. I use my stallion charm on her, and ask her to be my date to the Gala. I meet Celestia, then ask to see both of the princesses outside in the castle gardens after the Gala. I meet them there, and knock out Celestia with my dark magic, doing the same to Luna. I lock them in a chamber, where they can magiclay see everything that happens to their friends. I place special cones on their horns so they can't use magic, and clips on their wings so that flight is impossilble. I then bring Princess Twilight up to Canterlot, and put her in the same cell, at the other side. I then torture Spike and the Mane Six infront of eachother and Tia and Luna. I then Kidnap Cadance and Shining Armor, and use dark magic to bring Sombra back, and let him have the crystal Empire. I'm evil, I know.
  3. @COBLoneWolf, I will not be around the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and the morning of the 4th, I'm going camping..and some parts of the weekend might be hard for me, it depends. I will be around when I can. I also have school everyday, unless I get sick.
  4. I am looking forward to being Luna in this RP. This RP has the honor of being my very first RP ever, not counting the one I have going with just me and three friends. What is the exact start time? Sorry, I'm counfused by the numbers. Not good with time. I know it's the 10th of October, but what time?
  5. Banned for profile picture. Is that..Tom as an Alicorn??
  6. Exactly HOW much do I need to know about DW? I know from when Rose first met the Doctor, to whatever the episode is right before the Leonardo Da Vinci episode with 11 and Amy. Becuase if THATS enough, I might like to be Luna. Beware though, it will probably be my personal idea of Luna, a bit different from the cannon. Just a bit.She LOVES video games.
  7. Pickles?! PICKLES?!?! I love me some pickles..What kind of cake? What kind of ice cream? What kind of pie?!
  8. ^In response to the person below me, just thought I would point that out A+, good choice in music there. Attack Of The Radioactive Hamsters From A Planet Near Mars-Weird Al Yankovic I Am The Very Model Of A Cartoon Induvidual-Animaniacs Zip-A-Dee-Do-Dah-Disney Maranoa Lullaby (From Centural Australlia)-...The Wiggles(I only have the album because it's full of relaxing lullabies..) Octopus's Garden-The Beatles Soul Man-The Blues Brothers If I Didn't Have You-Billy Crystal & John Goodman Call Me Maybe-Carly Rae Jepsen ....I am ready to be judged....
  9. I last ate leftover Chicken and Dumplings, and had a glass of milk with it. They were good dumplings...Now I need some desert, so the last thing I ate is gonna change soon.
  10. Yay! I like this place! Skylar, you will be my first friend! Cause everypony needs friends!
  11. That gif...My heart is melting..Anyways, I'm glad I decided to join as well, this place seems very cozy.
  12. Yes, Espeon is one of my all time favorite pokemon. Did you like the fist PJ movie? If so, I strongly reccomend the books, they are really good! I like a heck of a lot of video games, Pokemon, Sonic, Mario, and Minecraft come to mind. I hope I have great time here as well!
  13. Hello, my name is EspeonEX! I have been watching MLP for maybe about a year this spring? I haven't been keeping track..Oh well. I found this forum while doing random stuff on Google, and I HAVE been looking for an MLP forum for a while, so I joined. My other interests, so you can get to know me a bit better, include but are not limited to, Doctor Who, cars(Not the PIXAR movie), video games, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, The Kane Cronicles, singing, and acting. ..Never been good with the whole, "opening post" thing, so that's about it for now, I hope to make new friends here, because, after all, Friendship is Magic!
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