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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by jjj

  1. I would like to assist in mixing aswell. I believe Arkane and I would make a great team.
  2. Just at first glance I don't trust it. There's something about the site which gives me the creeps.
  3. i haven't see any ogre here in these forums
  4. Bi-lingual. Native English (Cali born 'n' grown), & native Spanish. I plan to learn - Japanese - German - Chav
  5. I wish I can be #horsefamous.

    1. Bojo


      Keep posting and keep making friends. Or make awesome pony stuff. One day you'll be famous.

  6. ride my jambo jet with me :^)

  7. I feel good today!

  8. Add me on Steam! -- /id/NooME/

  9. Some of my plans are to - Produce more music - Hang out with friends more often during the week - Watch most of the currently existing Star Trek movies - Eat a variety of food my town has to offer - Anything else which comes to mind
  10. I'm interested in assisting in this project as an audio engineer/sound designer.
  11. "Haters gonna hate, I will have the last laugh."
  12. In a terrible mood.

    1. Brick


      whats wrong?


  13. Emotions goin' up and down like a seesaw

    1. Delernil


      It's like one of those chairs where one leg is just barely shorter than the others so it always is a bit wiggly and everytime you move it fucking jolts and makes a super loud sound. That's the forums right now.

    2. jjj


      Very true.

  14. Yo.

    1. Delernil



  15. loool he tryna stunt on me like he all that.

    1. Delernil


      The Picard picture makes this comment perfect.

  16. There isn't really a tried and true "easy" way of making pony music. Producing music for a fandom or just in general requires years of experience aswell as personal knowledge on how well you understand music theory, chords, things of that nature. You also require a DAW (digital audio workstation) which appeals to you and fits your style of production. I personally use FL Studio 11 and Reason 5. I have 5-6 of years experience with music production and 2 years of audio engineering, so feel free to ask me any questions! Like what ThunderDash said above, a "good sounding vst" won't do anything if you have no experience with it.
  17. Not sure what to do on days like these..

  18. tf2 fun server -- soon. #poniverse

  19. happy - pharell

  20. idontplaygames

  21. dank memes :^)

  22. glock's loaded

  23. PoniArcade is coming back! I'm the head of the TF2 division, keep in touch with me for later updates.

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