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Everything posted by jjj

  1. I'm too damn lazy. I really need help with that.

    1. Keezuw


      I'd help, but..I'm too damn lazy too.

    2. Potato Sprout
  2. I'm bored, pls help.

  3. Developing plugins for the super secret tf2 mlpforums server

    1. Kon


      omg cofrniemd!!!!

  4. I just figured out why Call Of Duty Ghosts needs 6gb of ram to run.

    1. Kon


      better download more ram

  5. A lot of drama going on in these forums.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jjj
    3. Kon


      lord bababa has nice abs

    4. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      A few people just don't know when to stop, or are never content unless they're embroiled with something. See a lot of that at work too. Peace and contentment are underrated.

  6. Why would you think it's difficult? FL is probably one of the easiest DAWS you can use, assuming you actually have musical experience and don't just fiddle around with the keyboard piano. As for Reason being better than FL, both are DAWS. Both are equal and have their strengths and weaknesses. When I first started out producing 3 years ago, my main DAW was Reason. I've moved onto FL after that and in my opinion, is much more fun to work with.
  7. Is halloween over yet

  8. #$ONDER coming soon

  9. The reason why I made this track "straight on with random changes" is because this track is meant to be rapped on, as I explained in an earlier post. My tracks aren't meant to be used in the way of regular compositions in other genres, such as electronica. I'm not saying that your critique is invalid, though. Just realize that my material is heavily depended on vocals. This is coming from an 18 year old, professional music producer.
  10. Thanks for the critique, but this track isn't electronica. I mainly produce tracks for the hip-hop genre, tracks which are meant to be rapped on, hence why you notice the lack of variation within the melody. This is just a little thing I whipped up quickly, so I'll change it up soon.
  11. I've been noticing a lot of people have been calling my tracks 'electronic' when when I don't produce electronic music. I produce hip-hop.

  12. Hey everyone! It's been a while since I've last posted in this area, but I got a track which could possibly be a hit within the brony hip-hop community! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Without any further ado, here it is. Enjoy. VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Click here to listen to the track! /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ For those interested in critiquing me/this track: What do you think of this particular track? What can I improve on/do better on? Does anything bug you on this track?
  13. To those who are wanting AJ to be killed off: you guys are silly.

    1. Delirium


      It's a kids show...

  14. One day, I'm going to get a feature. One day.

  15. I'm from killer Cali where, all we do is grow up

  16. Did anyone else here purchase Call Of Duty: Ghosts? Or am I the only one?

  17. COD:Ghosts is coming out soon. It's happening.

  18. I feel like I can get a whole lot more out of this place. What do you think?

  19. Under-rated, yet talented.

  20. Kept it real from the jump.

  21. Planning to do an album called Fluttershy's Yay Area. (Producers, contact me for more info!)

  22. Happy spook-a-ween! Don't let the skeletons get you!

  23. Finished a tight beat! All I need now is a singer/rapper/etc.

  24. Pro Tools is the way to go. It has almost every option you could want for audio editing. I myself personally don't use it but dozens of other people use it. But if you want like a music composition software, you should get FL Studio or Reason.
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