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Everything posted by Vaddix

  1. Welcome to the forums. I hope you enjoy your stay here with us, as there is so much to do. This place is filled with so many wonders!
  2. I'm not sure if these are true, but I posted the link for anyone who is interested. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hDpDgdBdXdEgmlG5KpM_cvvZJWcFkE_kfseKK1mWfzs/edit?pli=1 Some of these seem highly unlikely, so I doubt the authenticity of this GoogleDoc. For instance, Pinkie Pie goes to prison in episode nine? I'm pretty sure that we've never caught a glimpse of a prison in the entire show, yet, and highly doubt, if anypony, Pinkie Pie would be the first one to be sentenced there.
  3. Is it time for season four yet?

  4. Vaddix


    Welcome to the forums! I know that you will have a wonderful time here! Message me at anytime if you'd like to talk!
  5. I watched Mighty Morphin Power Rangers when I was three or four, but I don't remember it at all. The current Power Rangers, Megaforce, I watch daily. I was just watching the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers theme on Youtube, and I'm a little upset that I don't remember any of that show. The theme sounds amazing. I'm twenty, but I've never gotten into the Power Rangers show until August. I know that I've missed out on a lot, because I've been so busy with MLP. If anypony else likes Power Rangers, could they recommend some of the installments to watch?
  6. I prefer the Mentally Advanced Series by far, and wish that they'd make more episodes. Friendship Is Witchcraft didn't impress me at all. FlimFlamFilosopher is outrageously funny.
  7. I watched the "You're Gonna Go Far Kid" Rainbow Dash version. I had no idea why there was a PMV of a horse in it, but I decided that I'd watch it anyway, as I loved the song. After seeing that PMV, I became curious about what it was, and I watched the Party With Pinkie video. I thought it was a new type of anime. It wasn't until I logged on cheezburger did I discover it. I loved that I enjoyed it. I was probably one of the few that didn't have doubts to why they enjoyed it, or that it's for little girls, so it's not normal if a dude likes it. The first few days, weeks, and months were awesome. Even now, I'm still loving every bit of this fandom, though the hype has died down a bit. Once season four premieres, everypony will be up and moving again!
  8. It's always time for bacon.

  9. No way. She's still the same adorable pink pony that she's always been. Still loves parties, pranks, her friends, cupcakes, and smiles! Pinkie Pie has always been the same pony that we all know and love.
  10. Nope, I'm not referring to the show. I'm referring to summer, spring, autumn, and winter. I love the winter because I love snow. Whenever I see a snowy tree, or road, I find it beautiful. Snow in nature, is always breathtaking. Plus, the cold weather is nice. Fall is extremely awesome because of football. I don't watch it on TV, but my pals and I play football every autumn. Also, who doesn't love apple picking, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and pies? I enjoy summer because it's the only time of the year that I'm more interactive. There's a local bridge that everypony flocks to each summer, so I get to see more friends there, annually. As for spring, I don't enjoy it that much. Unlike the snow, I dislike rain, and the spring is filled with it. If I had to choose, I'd say my favorite season is the fall.
  11. Drat, I thought that this was going to be a quiz on the movie. I've seen the movie over fifty times, and know everything about it. Script is memorized. I know everyone in the credits. Yeah, I'd be able to take the Billy Madison challenge. I graduated only a few years ago, back in 2011. I still have plenty of knowledge that they taught me, stored up there.
  12. I'm a Celestiaist. I believe in Princess Celestia. Celestiaism is a very laid-back religion. We don't believe in pushing our religion upon others or practicing silly commandments in order to please our goddess. If you follow the lessons that are being taught each week through our sermons as often as you can, that is all you will need to be characterized as a good soul in her eyes. Also, there is no worry about behaving badly. Celestia views bad behavior as an illness, and she will not send you to a place of misery if you behave badly. If you do, upon your death and entrance into Equestria, Celestia will see to it personally that you are rehabilitated and can live a long happy life in Equestria. In the afterlife, you will shed your human form when in you die and live out your afterlife as a My Little Pony, in the world of Equestria. Your goals in the afterlife will consist of continuing to follow Celestia's word, finding your destiny, and living it.
  13. Vaddix


    Welcome, Marty! I'm so glad to see a new member on the forums. I just know that you're going to love it here and make lots and lots of friends.
  14. What Type of Brony are you? "I'm a..." I'm a mix of moderate and creative. I try to contribute things to the fandom, and I have, before. Sometimes, I just watch the show to watch it, though. How do you contribute to the fandom? "I..." I've written a few fanfics, and have had pretty good reviews on them. I haven't written one in a while, though. Aside from fanfiction, I'm currently involved in a group that does episode dubs, artwork, animations, let's plays, and anything else we can think of. Also, I'm in the group, The Brony Syndicate. Are you in the closet, or out the closet? Out of the closet. It only took me less than a month in and half to be open about liking ponies. My family didn't really care, though they faked mocked me a bit for it. I'm a proud brony. How often do you watch the show? Well, I've seen every episode at least once. There's a handful of episodes that I absolutely love and can't stop watching, (The Cutie Mark Chronicles, Discord episodes, Party of One) but I don't watch that many a day. On a scale, How often do you think about the fandom/show A solid seven. I care about the fandom alot, but I'm not obsessed with it or anything. Maybe it's the hiatus between episodes, though. When season four premieres, I'll probably be a ten again. Would you like more surveys like this? Of course. Having other members take surveys like this, really help you get some insight about them.
  15. Because of how today's world is to live in, I'd give up my current life to live in Equestria. Seeing the happy expressions on each of their faces, leaves me a bit envious. Their world, a perfect utopia, is what Earth should try to, but never will achieve. Whenever a new episode premieres, I watch it, and lose myself in how truly beautiful it is. Sometimes, I wish I could join them. Their smiling faces, and the way that each of them are always happy. What a great life that would be.
  16. Considering it's the first fandom that I've ever joined, and the first group of people that has accepted me for who I am, I'm elated to be a brony. I was struggling with depression but this show changed it. Without this show, I don't even want to think about where my life would be right now. This community is one of the best group of people in society. We don't judge. Most of us love and tolerate. It's a place where people can feel at home and at peace. I don't think I've ever been happier.
  17. Welcome to the forums, Danzxc123. You've entered the paradise of the internet, and I do hope you enjoy your stay. Feel free to message me anytime. Remember, Dashie is best pony.
  18. Welcome to the herd, new friend! Glad to have you aboard with all of us on the friendship express! I hope you enjoy your stay here, ZenPony. Message me anytime you need somepony to talk to.
  19. I dream of doing parkour. It's more than just running, and doing flips, it's an art form. People who do this make it look so easy, but then I remember that they've been doing it for years. Awesome video, TC. You're getting there. Nice skills. How much does it cost for a parkour trainer? Also, is this located in Swansea MA?
  20. I give thanks to my mate, Levi, for designing this awesome signature.

  21. On July 15th 2012. I was just browsing Youtube one day, and there was a thumbnail of a rainbow-maned cyan blue pegasus. Curiously, I clicked it. It was the You're Gonna Go Far Kid, Rainbow Dash version. I watched the whole thing and enjoyed it. Strangely, I never thought it was "gay" or "queer" that I saw this and liked it. I was intrigued, and wanted to watch some more so I then watched the Rainbow Dash Stole the 20% Cooler Thing. Again, I loved it. Within two hours after watching that first video, I was hooked. I still didn't know where it came from, though. A few days later, on Cheezburger, I found my answer. So, I watched an episode, and a brony was born. I believe Bridle Gossip was my first episode. It's been a wild ride, filled with so many awesome moments and experiences. I don't regret joining this fandom in the slightest, and I know I'll be here for a while.
  22. I only have two pony shirts, and a Rainbow Dash hoodie, which I'll probably start wearing once October comes around. I wear the shirts whenever I want, but where I live is filled with the local douchebags. Of course, they must feel compelled to yell something after I've walked by hundreds of feet, or mutter something under their breathe, but I still love them. No biggie to me if I get a reaction out of wearing pony attire or not. I'd hope people wouldn't mind it, and go on their daily business, but I know that's not a possibility considering where I live.
  23. As much as I think Fluttershy has great motherly qualifications, I'd have to go with Applejack, here. In the show, she's basicaly a mother figure to Applebloom. Sure, she can be a bit brash at times, but we know deep down that she loves that little filly. Motherly tendicies are a walk in the park for AJ, so I'd choose her if I ever end up lost in Equestria, and I had somehow reverted fifteen years back in time.
  24. I LOVE sugar. If there was ever an instance where someone was addicted to Glucose, it'd be me. I consume around four hundred grams a day. My absolute FAVORITE dessert would have to be Tiramisu cake.
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