What Type of Brony are you? "I'm a..."
I'm a mix of moderate and creative. I try to contribute things to the fandom, and I have, before. Sometimes, I just watch the show to watch it, though. How do you contribute to the fandom? "I..."
I've written a few fanfics, and have had pretty good reviews on them. I haven't written one in a while, though. Aside from fanfiction, I'm currently involved in a group that does episode dubs, artwork, animations, let's plays, and anything else we can think of. Also, I'm in the group, The Brony Syndicate. Are you in the closet, or out the closet?
Out of the closet. It only took me less than a month in and half to be open about liking ponies. My family didn't really care, though they faked mocked me a bit for it. I'm a proud brony. How often do you watch the show?
Well, I've seen every episode at least once. There's a handful of episodes that I absolutely love and can't stop watching, (The Cutie Mark Chronicles, Discord episodes, Party of One) but I don't watch that many a day. On a scale, How often do you think about the fandom/show
A solid seven. I care about the fandom alot, but I'm not obsessed with it or anything. Maybe it's the hiatus between episodes, though. When season four premieres, I'll probably be a ten again. Would you like more surveys like this?
Of course. Having other members take surveys like this, really help you get some insight about them.