MLP Forums, it's a pleasure to meet you. First things first.
I was referred here by a friend, who goes by the name of Cartophile. If anyone is unfamiliar with me, I used to be a member of a smaller pony forum, which went by the name of Ponyville Forums. The site has an almost identical layout to this one, so I applaud the administrators for making me feel at home. Unfortunately for me, PF crashed this Spring and never came back up. Thus, I was disbanded. I am now a member of AvP Galaxy Forums, but I see that it won't be the only forum I shall partake in.
I was a brony since December 2011, where I fell in love with the sheer awesomeness of this phenomenon. I also found myself obsessed with the Alien franchise since August 2012. I also managed to get a small dose of anime this summer, but those shows weren't anything like Evangelion or Attack on Titan, if you're wondering (though I may get into AoT in my spare time).
As in the norm, ask me away!