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  • Birthday December 23

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  1. I made dis http://www.mediafire.com/file/mials4xjnhr31e3/Video.mp4
  2. I wonder how A.K. Yearling copes with all the porn fanfiction and porn fanart that feature Daring Do having sex with Ahuizotl... You know, because Daring Do actually exists... and she is her... and nobody knows about it... except herself, the mane 6, and her arch enemies...
  3. Friendship Games Bloopers from the film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58SF0PzbzVw
  4. Throughout the TV series, movies and comic books, Pinkie Pie (both Pony and Human versions of her) have shown proficiency and talents at many tasks. In fact, Pinkie Pie seems to have the skills and potential to be the greatest at any task or endeavor she would ever want to take. In one of the early comic issues, we see that Human Pinkie Pie did try outs for every single club at Canterlot High and was so good that each and every one of them wanted her to join AND be their most important member. Pony Pinkie Pie has ran as fast as Rainbow Dash can fly, can play any musical instrument, or all of them at once, has knowledge of creatures that not even Twilight knows (like the Parasprites), the list could go on forever. So, the question is, why isn’t Pinkie Pie, either of them, interested in using her hidden potential to its maximum? Why isn’t she inventing new things, discovering new things, etc? Instead of any of this things, Pinkie Pie in any of her versions, seems to seek only one thing: having fun, being happy, and making everyone else around her have fun and be happy as well. Thought history, philosophers have tried to answer several questions, like what “is” and what “is not”, what does it mean to be “good” or “evil”, and other questions regarding the meaning of life and the universe. But then we have Epicurus, a greek philosopher from 341 B.C. Unlike other philosophers, Epicurus didn’t focus his philosophy on existentialisms, or good and evil, he focused on what was fun, on what made a person be happy. A question that he spent all his life trying to answer as good as possible. Unfortunately, even back then the world was a bitter place always trying to bring people down, and when people heard that Epicurus had set up a SCHOOL to study happiness, there were all kind of rumors about it. Some rumors said that the school would have orgies every night, or feasts where people would eat until they were full and even more, or both. One of his critics even said that Epicurus had orgasmed 18 times in a single night in a room full of virgins. Of course, none of this things were true. Epicurus, and the rest of the staff in his school of happiness, were indeed studying happiness, but were very serious about it. Epicurus only owned two pieces of clothing, and would eat only bread, olives and an occasional slice of cheese every now and then. As for his sexual habits, he usually answered that philosophy was his only love. Having patiently studied happiness for several years, Epicurus finally came to a conclusion of what exactly a person needs in order to be happy. He first concluded that everyone usually made three mistakes when thinking about happiness. First, people usually think that being happy means having a romantic, sexual relationship. But Epicurus only had to look around to notice that there were many unhappy couples, who had their unions tainted by jealously, misunderstanding, cheating and bitterness. At the same time, he noticed how much nicer friendships are, how people tended to be so decent and unpossessive with their friends. Friendship, he concluded, was where human nature was at its sweetest. The only problem with that, according to Epicurus, was that we don’t hang out with our friends enough. The second thing that people usually think is that happiness means having a lot of money. But, again, Epicurus noticed the big flaw here: that people tend to miscalculate the tremendous amounts of sacrifices we need to do in order to obtain said money. To get money we have to endure a lot of jealously, backstabbing, long hours of hard working effort, and so on. Epicurus concluded that what made work really satisfying wasn’t money, but it was when we were able to work alone, or in small groups, like a bakery, or a repair shop (ancient Greece had plenty of repair shops for merchant ships, for example), and also when we feel that our work is truly helping others, and in our own, small way, making the world a better, happier, place. Deep down we don’t really desire wealth or status, what we desire is feeling like we are making a difference. And third, Epicurus saw how people seemed to be obsessed with luxury and having a lot of things, especially houses in great locations, the bigger and better looking the better. But beneath our desire for luxury, what we really want is to be calm, we want our minds pure and free, free of all the bother and chaos of the rest of the world. So, did luxury actually make us calm? Epicurus wasn’t convinced about that. And so, his studies on happiness concluded that a person only needed three things to be happy. First, you needed to have your friends around you. No sex, no orgies, just your buddies, and not only seeing them every now and then, it had to be regular contact. So Epicurus purchased one big house and moved in with all of his friends. Everyone had their own bedrooms, but there were also big shared areas, like the kitchen, there was always someone nice that you could talk to. Second, everyone started to take it easy or take it down a couple of gears, or however you want to call it. They stopped working for someone else, they took big paycuts so they could have more time to do their own things, some took up farming, some took up cooking, or crafting, or writing. And third, Epicurus stopped thinking one could be calm just by having a beautiful scenery around you, and focused on trying to find calmness in their own minds, spending some time by themselves, reflecting on things, writing things down, reading, meditating about things. Epicurus little experiment was so successful and the members of his little commune were so happy, that his ideas spread like fire. Communities just like the one Epicurus had formed started to appear all around the world (which, back then, was basically all the land around the Mediterranean sea). At the height of the movement, there was an estimate of 400 thousand people living in communes from modern day Spain to Lebanon. This movement was actually ended by the Christian church in the 5th century, but they must have had some respect for said communities, because all of them were converted into monasteries. In fact, what we today know as monasteries were really “Epicurian” communes, with a Christian topping. Another little tidbit is that Karl Marx did his college thesis on Epicurus, and what we call Communism, that joyless and failed system is actually just an unsuccessful, and corrupt, version of Epicurus’ ideas. The real legacy of Epicurus is that people aren’t very good at making themselves happy, mostly because we believe that being happy its easy, we all believe happiness is having lots of sex, lots of money, lots of luxury, and all we have to do is find a way to secure all of this things. Epicurus says no to all that, and ask that we reflect in the moments that really made you happy, and they have nothing to do with these things, and to have the courage to change one’s life in accordance to the moments that actually gave us satisfaction, this means that you might end up living in a very different way, in a very different place, with just a couple of cloaks, some cake, some nice books, and all your friends. This is basically how Pinkie Pie lives her life, she doesn’t seek to use her talents to become rich and famous. All she cares about is being with her friends, be it baking a cake, having a party, playing games, or anything else they might want to do together. Sure, she could become the best whatever in the world, with customers and/or fans coming from far and wide, willing to pay her a lot of money for whatever it is she does. But she just doesn’t want that, because she’s not after money, wealth or fame, she wants to play music with her friends, not be on tour all over the world and be rich and famous. She wants to make cupcakes for her friends and eat them together, she doesn’t want to have a five star restaurant with thousands of clients and her own reality cook show. She’s not even seeking a romantic relationship, all she is looking for is more friends, to have more fun moments. Pinkie Pie is, basically, the best student Epicurus could ever hope to have. A pony (or person) that simply understood that what she wanted from life was to be happy, and understood what she really had to do in order to be happy. So, what do you think? Is Pinkie Pie's way of life what we should all strive for? Or is she a fool for wasting her talents on banal things?
  5. Anyone has ever seen an old 80s animated movie from Argentina: Ico, El caballito valiente (translates as Ico, the brave little horse) Finally a fandub did a subtitled version of the movie in English. Watch the subtitled movie here:
  6. Happy birthday! c: Hope you have a lovely time~ ^-^ https://derpicdn.net/img/2013/6/7/342406/large.png

  7. Just as an information source, here's a compilation of the causes and effects of each alteration Starlight did on each timeline and how she and/or Twilight were involved. ---------------------------------------------- Alteration: Rainbow Dash is stopped by Starlight Glimmer’s magic right before she performs the Sonic Rainboom causing one of the bullies to win. Rainbow Dash is confused but has no idea what caused her to stop like that. Consequence: King Sombra and the Crystal Empire are at war with Equestria. Princess Celestia leads the fight, but Luna does not seem to be around. ------------ Alteration: Starlight Glimmer talks with the colts that were bulling Fluttershy, convincing them to stop bulling her. When Twilight shows up, she tries to stop her but fails, Starlight makes a comment on how wonderful the world would be if everypony were equal. The colts and Fluttershy seem to end up in better terms with the colts offering to help Fluttershy in the course and she accepts stating that she could use the practice. Twilight flies and tries to convince Rainbow Dash to race her, but fails, Rainbow Dash notices that Twilight is an Alicorn. Twilight makes comments on how she had seen Rainbow Dash perform a Rainboom in the future when Rainbow Dash comments that performing one is just an old legend. Consequence: The Changelings take over Equestria, some ponies lead a resistance in the Everfree Forest, led by Zecora. ------------ Alteration: Starlight Glimmer and Twilight fight each other, the fight is so intense that it distracts the colts and fillies in the area, including Rainbow Dash and the bullies who were in the middle of their race. Then Twilight is again transported in time “back to the future” in front of their little audience. Consequence: Nightmare Moon successfully takes over Equestria and banishes Celestia in the same way she was banished 1000 years before. ------------ Alteration: Starlight Glimmer makes Rainbow Dash trip during the race, without Rainbow Dash being aware of her presence (except being tripped, of course) Consequence: Tirek destroys Equestria. ------------ Alteration: Twilight accidentally freezes Rainbow Dash in a light purple crystal magic thing right at the time that she was defending Fluttershy from the bullies and challenging them to the race. Consequence: Discord takes over Equestria, makes Celestia and Luna his personal clowns. ------------ Alteration: Starlight Glimmer uses her magic to help Fluttershy clear the flying obstacle course without any problems, leaving the colts that were to bully her looking in awe. Nopony is aware of Starlight doing it. Consequence: Flim and Flam industrialize Equestria and tear down the trees. ------------ Alteration: Starlight shoots a beam of magic at Rainbow Dash during the race, causing her to spin off course. Nopony sees Starlight doing it. Consequence: Everything seems like scorched earth, cause unknown. (Wasteland timeline)
  8. Look at the line of the ponies waiting to get on the train to go and fight against the armies of King Sombra in the "Crystal Empire Invades" world... Dr. Whooves... and A FILLY! How desperate is the situation that Equestria is having KIDS fight the freaking war!?
  9. After watching the episodes, this is what first came to my mind when I saw the scene...
  10. So, the fandom (and to some extenct, the writer that wrote it) https://twitter.com/KeatingRogers/status/668105748279259136 have adopted "Equestria, the land I love" as the Equestrian national anthem. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5m5abHPkdjQ Equestria, the land I love A land of harmony Our flag does wave from high above For ponykind to see Equestria, a land of friends Where ponykind do roam They say true friendship never ends Equestria, my home *DING* Never forget the DING at the end. The DING is very important... for some reason.
  11. I think that the Pie sisters are all a perfect representation of the Four-Temperament Ensemble. Here are detailed descriptions of each temperament and the sisters that best represent them: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FourTemperamentEnsemble Pinkie Pie - Your temperament is sanguine. The sanguine temperament is fundamentally spontaneous and pleasure-seeking; sanguine people are sociable and charismatic. They tend to enjoy social gatherings, making new friends and tend to be boisterous. They are usually quite creative and often daydream. However, some alone time is crucial for those of this temperament. Sanguine can also mean sensitive, compassionate and thoughtful. Sanguine personalities generally struggle with following tasks all the way through, are chronically late, and tend to be forgetful and sometimes a little sarcastic. Often, when they pursue a new hobby, they lose interest as soon as it ceases to be engaging or fun. They are very much people persons. They are talkative and not shy. Sanguines generally have an almost shameless nature, certain that what they are doing is right. They have no lack of confidence. Limestone Pie - Your temperament is choleric. The choleric temperament is fundamentally ambitious and leader-like. They have a lot of aggression, energy, and/or passion, and try to instill it in others. They can dominate people of other temperaments, especially phlegmatic types. Many great charismatic military and political figures were choleric. They like to be in charge of everything. However, cholerics also tend to be either highly disorganized or highly organized. They do not have in-between setups, only one extreme to another. As well as being leader-like and assertive, cholerics also fall into deep and sudden depression. Essentially, they are very much prone to mood swings. Marble Pie - Your temperament is melancholic. The melancholic temperament is fundamentally introverted and thoughtful. Melancholic people often were perceived as very (or overly) pondering and considerate, getting rather worried when they could not be on time for events. Melancholics can be highly creative in activities such as poetry and art - and can become preoccupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world. Often they are perfectionists. They are self-reliant and independent; one negative part of being a melancholic is that they can get so involved in what they are doing they forget to think of others. Maud Pie - Your temperament is phlegmatic. The phlegmatic temperament is fundamentally relaxed and quiet, ranging from warmly attentive to lazily sluggish. Phlegmatic tend to be content with themselves and are kind. They are accepting and affectionate. They may be receptive and shy and often prefer stability to uncertainty and change. They are consistent, relaxed, calm, rational, curious, and observant, qualities that make them good administrators. They can also be passive-aggressive.
  12. Was it just me, or did the show imply that Limestone, Pinkie and Marble are tripplets, born on the same day, and only Maud is older and born on a different day than them?
  13. Are you kidding? The episode had Trixie show us the whole thing, and we clearly see it's Pinkie's dad. So yeah, it was at the Pie's family Rock Farm.
  14. Now that we know more about the Rock Farm and Pinkie's family, I'm really wondering what Trixie's experience was working for them.
  15. So much shipping fuel between Marble and Big Mac... Also, was it just me, or did the show imply that Limestone, Pinkie and Marble are tripplets, born on the same day, and only Maud is older than them?
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