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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by lolololol

  1. i feel anxiety all of a sudden

    1. SCS


      Are you okay?

  2. Each and every one of you will be sent home to your mama in a box!

  3. If I have an avatar of two ponies kissing will it be allowed or too nsfw?
  4. Yes I am autistic. its not good and I would take a cure right away. EDIT: No
  5. I like the surname Schneiderlin. see Morgan Schneiderlin.
  6. Jesus on a phone 7.5/10 Moshi is the way japenese people say hello on the phone.
  7. I just loved this episode. made me feel better. Losing interest in the show? no. thats just my depression talking. yep.
  8. Favourite candeh(candy) What fruit is your favourite Ever got sunburn? Did you have it bad? Do you like Anime?
  9. I was bullied a very very very tiny bit. all the bullying was in year 7 only. i got into fights and have a record of winning 1 fight losing 4. If I cant get hits on someone I resort to biting and scratching.
  10. I dislike it and I've only got 1 year left. Year 11.
  11. I am neither. leaning to weird. I used to be class clown in primary school.
  12. This makes me laugh more than I should [removed]
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