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Lamb Booty Mayo

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Everything posted by Lamb Booty Mayo

  1. My past self would be like "WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, I don't understand why people like a show for little girls, It's weird and I want nothing to do with it." Yeah I was pretty confused when I first heard from a friend what a Brony was.
  2. I don't know, I'm Irish so I just wanted to find out, if she was human though would you consider her Irish maybe?
  3. Is lyra Irish because Lyra is an Irish name, she is green, and this picture, Idk. http://prntscr.com/2uduzu
  4. Same for me, Python is awesome, I love Java-script and Java, and I'm learning regular C, Then probably C++.
  5. I think Jim Carrey is weird, creepy and funny, anyone else agree?
  6. I know Rascal61, she is nice, but why must you say she is weird?
  7. With a Polyphasic sleep cycle you can go straight into REM sleep without any delay. Look it up and see what you find, who knows it could work for you.
  8. My mom always tells me I get to little of sleep, I think its a massive waste of time, I honestly hate sleeping. If you really hate sleeping that much why don't you try a polyphasic sleep cycle, it really cuts the amount of sleep you get and need in half, or actually more.
  9. Hello Nice to meet you, welcome to the forums, they have everything you will ever need on these forums. Everyone here is awesome from what I know.
  10. I actually Have that computer case, it is so awesome, and I love the blue glow at night when the lights are off. I have the fans set to medium speed and it is actually very quiet. You should definitely get it, I think it would work nice for you.
  11. Ooops, yeah I remember now, I switched the conversions in my head somehow.
  12. I cant see them realizing its from the show unless they watch it them self or they are a brony. So I wouldn't worry so much, and even if they did find out would they really care so much? I told two of my friends I was a brony yesterday and one thought I was a little weird and the other just didn't give a darn. I told my third friend and he said, "He do you want to watch the show?" right after I showed him a bunch of funny pony video's. Oh wow, my post was a little late wasn't it?
  13. Welcome to the herd! I'm sure you will love these forums, I know I do!
  14. Season 5 hype-train lol?

  15. Watching Rascals Live-stream!?!?!??!??!?!!

  16. This is my OC, and I include all everything about him in the link. I also have no idea where he would want to go in the story. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/glacier-r4993
  17. I Shove the Heating coils down your throat and turn them on incinerating you into a pile of ash. I leave behind a muffin
  18. I am going to try to attempt this, I sort of have before but not really. Apparently I thought of an idea of lucid dreaming to ponyville. If you don't know what a lucid dream is, it is a dream where you know you're dreaming and you can do what ever you please. One guy I know online said that he actually lucid dreamed to ponyville and had picnic with rarity and PinkiePie. I already know that you should stimulate your brain in someway while making your body tired. I am going to attempt to lucid dream by staying up for 20 hours, and at hour 15, 16, or 17 I will drink coffee which will stimulate my brain, then since staying up for twenty hours will make my body tired and force it into a rest mode. However the coffee will force my brain into a conscious mode, and wallah lucid dream because my body would be asleep and my mind awake. Please note that doing this could cause sleep paralysis which is when you could be consciously trapped dreaming, it sounds fun to me because I would be awake the entire time in ponyville which is about 8 hours, more or less which sounds pretty awesome. If you guys have ever done this can I ask some tips on how you did it because I know that sleeping face up helps to dream?
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