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Everything posted by KandeeFlaus

  1. Well, going by that mindset there is no perfect setup. Everything in competitive Pokemon battling has a weakness that theoretically could be exploited. What's significant is how likely you are to encounter a team that could exploit said weakness. For instance...yes, Foul Play Klefki could technically be countered by Magic Bounce. Honestly though, only three Pokemon have Magic Bounce: Espeon, Xatu, and Mega Absol. Xatu is pretty lackluster so you probably won't see much of it at all. Mega Absol is a huge potential threat but is so frail that personally I don't see as becoming much of an issue. Espeon is admittedly a pretty great special sweeper but again isn't really seen too often.
  2. Um...I don't really have a crush on any of them for the VA talents. I've been a big fan of Tara Strong, however, long before Friendship is Magic existed.
  3. Klefki doesn't really need a Safeguard setup. It can do fine by running Foul Play with Substitute, Swagger, and Thunder Wave.
  4. I'm sure there are numerous other threads about League of Legends, but personally I accept the game for what it is. LoL is a watered down DotA that is more accessible for new players. The champions lack the complexity of their DotA counterparts, and the build variety and item diversity is comparatively lacking. That being said, I only play ARAMs in LoL. It's a fun enough game type that my friends and I can enjoy. Otherwise, we stick to DotA for the more traditional 5v5 gameplay.
  5. Most of my posts are heavily edited prior to being posted. The only time I'll edit a post after it's been made is if I see minor errors such as grammar, punctuation, or spelling. Unfortunately, these minor errors happen far more often than I'd like to admit...
  6. Ooo...this might be tough! Normal: Porygon-Z Fighting: Blaiziken Flying: Skarmory Poison: Roserade Ground: Nidoqueen Rock: Rhyperior Bug: Scizor Ghost: Froslass Steel: Mawile Fire: Blaiziken Water: Starmie Grass: Roserade Electric: Galvantula Psychic: Espurr Ice: Weavile Dragon: Goomy Dark: Weavile Fairy: Mawile My overall favorite type is Steel, and my overall favorite Pokemon is probably Mawile. Skarmory and Weavile are very close though.
  7. I do not consider Trixie to be untalented or "weak" as described in this topic. Trixie's affinity is for stage magic. She is an illusionist, and a quite good one at that as seen during her first appearance. It has already been established that there are numerous types of magic in Equestria. Rarity, for example, has a natural affinity for finding gems. Twilight Sparkle is not a good standard of comparison for one's magical abilities for multiple reasons. She is exceptionally gifted in magic as a whole, she posseses the element of magic, and she eventually transcended into an Alicorn.
  8. There is nothing wrong with showing patriotism for your country. Patriotism is simply a feeling of admiration for your beliefs, ideals, and way of life. I believe that some in this thread are confusing patriotism for nationalism. Nationalism is the feeling that one's country is superior to others.
  9. Whitney is not hard! Yes, we've all heard the myth about how notoriously challenging Whitney's Miltank is, but that's all it is...a myth! Here, let me break it down for you. Whitney's Miltank is level 20 (19 in HG/SS) and knows Attract, Milk Drink, Rollout, and Stomp. Obviously Rollout is Miltank's most threatening move, and Milk Drink gives it a lot of sustainability in battle. Attract can be annoying if your Pokemon is male. So, how do you combat such a well equipped Pokemon? Easy! Catch and use any of the following Pokemon against it: Bellsprout, Geodude, Ledyba (Silver), Mareep, Oddish, or Zubat. All of these Pokemon are very easy to catch before reaching Goldenrod City, and are very effective against Whitney's Miltank. Geodude can simply tank the damage from Rollout as rock type moves only deal half damage to it. Ledyba learns Mach Punch which is super-effective against Miltank. The rest of them have access to either Confuse Ray, Sleep Powder, or Stun Spore which stops Rollout from building up damage every turn. Congrats! Victory is sure to be yours!
  10. I heard this speech by David Foster Wallace a few years back, and it completely changed my perspective on life. It inspired me to change the kind of person I am, and to open my eyes to perspectives other than my own. I highly recommend that you all take 10 minutes to watch this video, and to take it to heart. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaVrn1Sz0H8&feature=youtu.be
  11. Heads up! An update for Pokemon X & Y is available in the Nintendo eShop. Patch notes below: This update fixes a bug related to resuming your game after saving game data in Lumiose City. It also improves the filtering feature within the Global Trade Station (GTS)
  12. No offense, but if you didn't want to hear anyone's opinions other than your own, you should not have started this thread in the first place. There is absolutely no need to get defensive just because people don't necessarily agree with you, or because they have a differing opinion. If you want to engage in open discussion on a public forum, you need to be prepared to entertain the possibility that some people may have a different opinion or perspective towards your topic. No one is saying that any one opinion is right or wrong. We are simply putting our own two cents into a collective jar of thoughts.
  13. Luna doubts her sister's judgement, and does not agree that Twilight should be chosen to tackle such a dangerous and important task. I do not believe that it was a look of malice, but rather one of concern and reluctance. Keep in mind that Luna is a very traditional Alicorn who fully embraces her royal heritage. She conducts herself much more seriously than her sister, Celestia.
  14. I always brush my teeth in the morning, and I try to at night (though I usually never get around to it). So, typically I brush once a day. I always make sure to floss at night, however. I've got an industrial-sized bag of disposable floss picks in a drawer in my office so they are always on hand. That being said, I've never had a cavity or any other issues with my hygiene/teeth so I'm not really sure how much I buy into what dentists tell me anymore.
  15. I could ramble on and on about exactly how I like my pizza prepped, topped, and cooked...but instead I'll keep it simple. Costco's combination pizza is, in my opinion, the best bang for your buck when it comes to simple and tasty pizza.
  16. People who drive slow in the passing lane really get under my skin. I don't care if you are doing the speed limit. If you drive in the passing lane, you need to be keeping with the flow of traffic. If you wanna do 55 in a 55 then get out of the passing lane.
  17. HNNG!!! I accidently killed a shiny Nidoran(F)! It was hiding in a horde of Nidoran(M) on Route 11 and I didn't notice it because it looked so similar to the males. Serves me right for watching anime while playing Pokemon. I let my guard down and I got punished for it!
  18. From a competitive standpoint, it's hard to tell how Mega Evolutions will affect the metagame. Giving up your held item is a pretty big deal, so I imagine that it won't be worth using Mega Evolutions for the most part. That being said, there are a few standout Pokemon that seem like they'll do very well. Mega Genger having Shadow Tag is a scary thought, and I wouldn't be surprised if Gengar was sent to Uber. Mega Lucario gaining Adaptability is another candidate for Uber in my opinion. Mega Mawile could become a very big threat with it's strong defensive stats combined with Huge Power. Only time will really teli.
  19. "Don't marry the person you think you can live with; marry only the individual you think you can't live without." - James C. Dobson
  20. I live my life with no regrets, through the good and the bad. I am who I am because of my past, and if I were to start from the beginning I would not be the same person I am today. Dealing with hardships is a normal part of living, and they only make you stronger in the end. Trying to avoid or erase hardships is just silly. Bad things are inevitably going to happen to you at some point in your life. It is how you handle those things that define who you really are as a person.
  21. I don't think she's underrated because frankly I don't find her to be very interesting. She's a typical voodoo witch-doctor character that really only does typical voodoo witch-doctor things. I don't feel like she's very complex or deep, and because of that I'm totally okay with seeing very little of her.
  22. John De Lancie as Discord is easily the most captivating voice from the show, but the most captivating voice from a pony goes to Rarity and her wonderful accent.
  23. Luna and Trixie are my two favorite secondary characters because I really feel like both of them have a lot of potential to be deep and complex characters if given the chance. I would love to see an episode that explores Trixie's past, and I would absolutely love to see more of Luna in general.
  24. Well, after days and days of theorycrafting I've decided to drop Noivern and Sableye from my team in favor of Hawlucha and Tyrantrum instead. I actually wanted to keep Noivern, but I didn't want to double-up on dragon types with Tyrantrum. I picked Hawlucha because he was really the only dual-type flying Pokemon that wasn't horrible and wouldn't conflict with anyone else on my team. I've really warmed up to it though. As it stands, my team is currently: - Delphox - Hawlucha - Lapras - Mawile (Mega) - Nidoqueen - Tyrantrum I think this is going to end up being my final team, as I'm really happy with it overall. Delphox and Nidoqueen are the obvious weak links but I just don't have it in me to drop my starter, and Nidoqueen is my favorite Gen 1 Pokemon so she will always have a place on my team if I can get one.
  25. You can find the Ampharosite before beating the Elite Four.
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