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Blog Entries posted by iceestarz

  1. iceestarz
    Meet my pups and kitty!<3
    These guys bring light to my life. I have not seen them since January, but I will get to be reunited with them in just 3 weeks! So prepare to see them again in a future entry. ;3;
    First up. The Cat! my baby.
    First you get to meet my cat! Her name is Juno and she is absolutely adorable. She is just over 2 years old round about. We got her last year in May. My little brother picked her out from a rescue center. He has autism and many other issues so my mom surprised him after getting his blood drawn for genetic testing. He absolutely hates doctors and needles so he was overwhelmed when he got to pick out his very own cat.
    P.S. He LOVES cats. He has an obsession with them. We used to have a black and white cat named Dale, but he sadly passed about a month after we moved back to Texas a couple years ago.
    Juno is my precious baby. I love her with all my heart. She doesn't like to snuggle up with me on my bed like Dale did, but she does sleep in my room every single night. She loves laying on my game chair. No one is allowed to sit on it when she's in my room because she gets angry lol.

    This first picture is when we first got our cat. <3

    We don't exactly have a lot of pictures of her because well my family kind of got over her when we got our two dogs later. But it's okay because I still care about her. and so do my two younger brothers.
    Puppy section! Radar!
    I have two puppies, one is a girl and the other is a boy.
    For the first one I will introduce yall to my sweet baby Radar. He's half chihuahua half cocker spaniel. He can be a little bit of a grump in the morning, but other than that he is such a great dog. We got him about four days after we got Juno. He just turned one earlier this year in February I believe.
    This is when we first got him. He was so tiny and his ears weren't up at the time.

    Flash forward some time and now he looks like this!

    As you can see he grew quite a bit in just a year. I love him so much. When I came back home in October for the weekend he got so excited he peed himself lol. Every morning during winter break he would go into my room and check to see if I was awake. If I was he would run up to my bed and give me puppy kisses.

    As you can see he really loves helping me with dishes. He licks the water off of the silverware while i'm loading it. Such a cutie. >3<
    And lastly here is him chewing on a puppy bone while my youngest brother kisses his head. <3

    Maisy Grace! :3
    Now to introduce yall to our teacup yorkie named Maisy! She is so rambunctious and full of energy. She hates going to bed at night and has to be rocked to sleep and snuggled in a blanket. But boy does she love mornings. She wakes up at the butt crack of dawn and runs around the house. It makes my mornings extremely awesome cause she is just so darn adorable.

    This is the very first picture my mom took of her. At the time I was still in college and had not met her yet. But the moment I did she absolutely loved me.
    When I came home for winter break me and my mom would take one of the dogs with us to go get the boys from school. Maisy went with us and wanted to sit on the dashboard.

    She also loves to jump on things. It irritates my mom because she has to keep moving the cat food. She literally was gone for like ten minutes and Maisy jumped on the table and got into the cat food. >.>
    My sister actually sent me this the other day. My Maisy is getting so big and she is still so cute!! idk why she's sideways...
    Today she also went in to get spaded. She was very upset. She was crying when my mom had to leave her.
    -Adios tacos
  2. iceestarz
    So I decided to start a blog; I am going to update as much as I can because I love sharing with you guys! As my first entry I am going to talk a little about myself and let you know a little about me.
    My name is Kassy, but you can call me Icee. or whatever variation of my username.
    I am currently about to finish my first year in college in just 3 weeks! I am super excited about it. Time has really flown by. I was graced with an amazing roommate who I can share a lot of things with and we have decided to room together again next year! I also have a sweet and amazing boyfriend, we are about to hit the 8 month mark in May. It has indeed been a good year despite the stress that college can give to a person.
    Education aside I have a deep passion for drawing, especially ponies haha. That's actually how I got back into art. I had given up drawing for a couple years, that is until I discovered MLP and decided to draw cutesy ponies. You can check out my doodle dump if you want. Or don't. Honestly that's up to you.
    Cutesy things are my life! Unikitty, Pokemon (I find Muk so friggin adorable idk why), and especially cats and puppies!~ Next time I think I will dedicate an entry to telling you guys all about my pets. So if you like cutesy stuff too we're already best friends!
    This has been one crazy and totally jumpy entry, but it is my first one so I decided to just include a few things about myself. Plus my computer is about to die. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
    -Adios tacos (I love tacos) now i'm kinda hungry...
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