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Techite Sparkle

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Blog Entries posted by Techite Sparkle

  1. Techite Sparkle
    Well... lets start off. I only got around four hours of sleep. So the fact that I even started to dream much less REMEMBER it in this time has to be honest. Never happened before.
    So. At first it started as just a normal dream for me where nothing makes sense at all. I am in a building. Or it is probably just hallways with doors and rooms that go on forever. The walls are orange. And the doors are artificial brown wood. And some rooms pack what an average appartment space would. And I'm with a group of "people I guess and were running away from this "thing" that apears in many of my nightmares. As usual I try to keep up with the group for some reason it feels like I'm being paralyzed and start to run slower and I try to fight against it. But the thing catches up to me (I really don't want to go into detail because it scares the crap out of me but I can say that it resembles a mechanical version of a Twiligt Messenger from the game Legend of Zelda: Twilight princess)
    And at the last second I brace myself as I do always in this dream with the reoccouring creature thing ending the dream by doing whatever to me. I also brace for the phantom pain that I wake up with in my spine normally (its scarry as hell when I wake up from something like that)
    Its seems like I'm the only one in the the never ending hallway with doors now eccept the creature thing. Well but eccept right when its about to "hit" me all of a sudden it seems like everything in the dream froze. The creature is completely frozen in place with no movement whatsoever. Everything goes silent. (I have most of my 6 senses in most of my dreams... in nightmares, this sucks) And I'm actually able to move freely again. I am actually aware that I'm dreaming now as in some other dreams I am able to do. eccept never in a somewhat Euclid dream like this where the creature from many of my nightmares is chasing me. Anyway I turn to the thing... And since I am somewhat confused on why my dream is acting so weird. I actually decide to touch the thing. I can't say it was a mistake but the second I did so. In a flash all of my surroundings turned into what I realize to be some stone shrine. everything around me is a circle of black fog. And It almost doesn't feel like I'm dreaming anymore. yet I am aware that I am based on the fact... well in a dream real world music never really sounds like it really is supposed to... but for some reason I heard the Crystal Tower theme from Final fantasy 3 playing (It sounded like a mix of the NES version and the 3D remake mashed together)
    and its a peaceful tune so I don't feel any danger (there isn't going to be thankfully)
    I notice there is 3 pedistalals each containing a complete round sphere... The one on the left... (listed from my perspective) was glowing a dark white... with Princess lunas cutie mark?
    I was becoming very confused at this point...
    The one on the right was glowing a brilliant bright white and had Celestias cutie mark... The sun. And then I started hearing a voice. And from the black fog on my right. What seemed to be at a scale size and features closely depicted from the show art. except in realistic 3D. Princess celestia came out from the fog. looking at me and started to speak. My instinct was to turn and run but the fog has solidified into a stone wall it seems. And then close to exact in the voice actors voice od celestia (I don't remember who again :/)
    She Speaks these words "Without my student, The balance between I and my sister would never hold" moments after she says this Twilight emerges behind from celestia and seems to be talking to me eccept when she says my name I know she is... "Alex, without you here to witness, there would have been no hope for Equestria..., thank you," moments after that my dream started to fade. But moments before it was over I noticed a 3rd pedistal poping up between the two holding a stone ball with Twilights cutie mark glowing such a brilliant redish pink. It might have well been the thing to wake me up.
    I wake up sitting upright against the backboard of my head. And its exactly 4:00 AM
    I've been thinking about it the whole day and what the hell it might mean. Because it sounded important... Like EXTREMELY important...
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