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Everything posted by Theo

  1. Well, probably because that's Equestria political system. Monaco is governed by a prince and has no king or queen. Probably, as physics law seem to work almost the same way. Plus, the moon seems to be round. Anyway, there are ways to determine whether a planet is round or not. If a planet is round then: - When you're on the ground and you see a boat disappear on the horizon you should see the bottom disappear before the top. - When you're on a flat area, the higher you are, the further the horizon is. Since Twilight's alicoronation we know that Cutie marks can disappear and be changed. So I'd say, yes, the pony's cutie mark could change but such pony would rather forget this new idea to focus on their special talent as "the cutie mark says" , as most ponies seem to believe that their cutie mark determine themselves. I think wood isn't food for normal parasprite and enchanted parasprites do not eat trees because it's still living matter. So parasprite don't have much food in the Everfree forest, the reason why they can eat so much at once and divide that easliy. To keep the spiece alive they need to be able to deal with little food and divide with little energy. Actually, this is magic. The best proof we have is that when a ponies lose their inner magic ( Tirek) their Cutie Marks disappear. A Cutie Mark appears on a pony when they discover who they are ; my theory is that at this moment, their magic takes a relevant picture from the pony's brain and tatoos it on their flanks Um , probably not. They might look like cristal but they aren't ^^ Sunshine and Rainbows I guess their are living beings. Plus magic. Pinkie Pie probably has the answer. Playing golf and hoofball with AJ's parents I think. If humans could clear the sky and choose the weather, don't worry, they'd do it too. The pony of shadows. Because they're scary. And because we haven't been underseas yet.
  2. Indeed, there's more than Star Swirl's spell, but maybe they would not have got the chest and everything without the spell. And the fact that " their friendship remains" as Fluttershy said, meaning that they still have the powers of the elements, though Celestia lost the connection - we don't know how long it took , thought, but that only a theory -
  3. The spell could also be a step to the Rainbow Power, something which would strengthen their connection to the Elements of Harmony, so that they don't need them anymore to keep their magic of Friendship and ultimaltely be able to unlock and control the Rainbow Power.
  4. Good morning/afternoon/evening/whichever pony time it is for you Let me present you two videos I've made : The first one studies in a rational(ish) way what Equestrian magic could be made of. It has some physics in it ( but not too much, it's only 3 minutes long) ; but the following will probably be different ( more thinking and less raw science laws) Here it is I made the second one for Nightmare Night about a couple things I noticed. Nightmare Night is over, but why not some more spooky (it's still analysis though) I hope you'll like them and that you'ill tell why if you don't
  5. I've heard of this a long time ago and I don't know what to think actually. But I doubt they'll do a good job
  6. NFL - The same as Rainbow Dash For other sports, even if I watch/play I don't care
  7. Oh and I might have understood something wrong: For the VA, do you want us to send demos ASAP or to wait for you to send demo lines ? I know, I understand things really slowly
  8. I'd totally love to voice Dr Cabaleron, though I'm not certain he really is French ( I mean he refers to a French character but his name sounds more like Spanish).
  9. I'd like to try to voice Dr Hooves or any minor character if possible. Oh and btw if you need any of your characters to have a French accent, I may be useful.
  10. Almost every single line of Maud made me laugh.
  11. The funniest, the strangest character of a the show. She's nothing but the best pony.
  12. Generosity. A lot of people told me they liked this song but when I hear it, the only thing I think is that I should have counted how many times Rarity said " generosity
  13. This would be the worst possible thing. Equestria is doing well without humans, thank you.
  14. Ok how could you not think about this one before ? Celestia: " I'm expecting some mail " Or perhaps you don't spell " mail " that way... Actually even in contexte that line is weird
  15. Actually Celestia isn't that powerful as she's been beaten by Chrysalis, Discord and would probably lose agaisnt Sombra if she's alone. So I imagine she could easily be killed by a huma wizard.
  16. I don't think anyone has to be proud of liking something or not. I don't think they have to be ashamed either. That's in theory. But I rarely say I like MLP
  17. Yeah, I'm really, really scared on this one... I hope I won't be as awful as I think it will...
  18. Well, I really liked Hearts Strong as Horses and Bats. And back to the past, Flutterguy's Evil Enchanteress and Smile Song were pretty cool too?
  19. I thought there were two teams in a football game. So where's the second one ? :okiedokielokie: Anyway the first play of the game was just awesome. Never seen that PS: Where I live it's actually 2:30 AM, I'm gonna be a zombie this morning (but I don't care of course )
  20. It's because Twilight sent the real Pinkie Pie back through the mirror (Too many Pinkie Pies) But, I agree Pinkie's character could be way more intersting
  21. Actually it's possible that Chrysalis isn't evil, not as evil as Sombra seems to be for example. First, we all know that she tried to invade Ponyville to feed her subjects; Sombra may have tried to get the Crystal Empire for his own benefit and glory (I say "may", because we don't actually know a lot of things about him) She failed the way we know. And she thinks that she owes this defeat to Twilight (I think she's mistaken but that's not the point). That's why she wanted to destroy her. But having a grudge against somepony doesn't mean being evil. That's why I understand why people think Chrysalis is not evil.
  22. Here are a couple ideas - Mechanic Dawn - Steel Dreamer - Stain Rock - Icetool
  23. I'm talking about the episode not Rarity I understand myself anyway
  24. And this would actually explain the lack of subtlety of this episode about the :(yelling) " Rarity is generous, that's her element !!!!!!!!! " Or maybe it's only because Dave isn't really subtle in his episodes :okiedokielokie: Anyway I don't think this is actually Rarity's key because this would be too much subtlety following too few subtlety But it will be obviously something that will help Rarity to have her key
  25. First language is French but MLP French Version is ... not really well done. And there aren't a lot of French bronies either.
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