Personally, this is why I'm indifferent:
WHY I'M PARTIALLY AGAINST IT: 1. It means she might not be able to participate in activities with the mane six and the citizens of Ponyville, which made some interesting and sweet stories in the older episodes. 2. I'm not sure how well the writers will be able to play off such a dramatic change in story and overall plot. I mean, they're amazing writers, but they're only human.
WHY I'M PARTIALLY FOR IT: 1. I have faith in the writers, just like I had faith when EQG was being talked about ( ). I have faith that, somehow, they'll make it interesting and different. 2. All the buildup and preparation for this season has really got me excited about what they're gonna do with the whole Twilicorn storyarc, leading me to ignore all doubts and just bring myself to the state of awe and wonder that anticipation brings me to
Overall, I'm indifferent, but I probably lean more to the "For it" side