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Posts posted by Slitherpon

  1. This is cool it got that feeling that shes taking up arms to fight off the plants from the everfree forest good job

    Thanks! Yeah, I was trying to go for something like that, accepting her duties and defending the Kingdom.


    I think that the sword is awesome, it seems to match her perfectly.

    It reminds me of Harry Potter finding the sword in the hat in 'The Chamber of Secrets'


    Thank you! Oh yeah, I love that scene. I can see the similarities now, they were both kind of battered up too.

  2. This picture is the result of all my hype after watching the season 4 premiere. Not sure why she has the sword, but it felt fitting adding it in. laugh.png


    I guess if MLP had a darker, more serious tone, this might've made more sense. tongue.png

    Oh well, hope you like it!



    • Brohoof 7
  3. The picture looks really good, well done! However, there is one thing I've never understood. What is it with steampunk and goggles? Haha I've just never gotten it.

    I dunno, but I've always found steampunk to be an exciting genre. Airships, inventors and adventure...it's just so awesome!


    And thank you! wink.png


    omg its so damn adorable, I love the way her eyes ^-^. Steampunk ponies are so cute xD Ps: I love her hat for some reason I love ponies in hats

    Thank you very much! Yes, you definitely can't beat steampunk ponies. happy.png


    I'm not a Steampunk fanatic by any means (not even much of a fan of the genre to be honest), but this drawing is quite adorable and really well made, so kudos to you Slitherpon on a job well done.

    I'm glad you like it (even if you're not so fond of the genre)! biggrin.png


    Well, for starters, Twillight's cutemark has five white stars around it, not six. Secondly.....eh.... mayby tweak the holes in the headband to emphasize the roundness of the head. Seriously though, awesome stuff you got here, keep up the good work.

    Ah, true, I guess I'll pay more attention to the cutie mark next time.


    Thanks a lot for the feedback, glad you like it! smile.png

  4. I don't think I have ever seen something that was simultaneously so cute and dark at the same time. I love your chibi pony style, it looks awesome. Hats off to you, sir.



    Thank you so much! Yeah, I really like playing around with dark themes in pony art...but never too dark. I like to keep it as cute as possible. wink.png


    Wow! Very well drawn picture, my friend. You did a great job! biggrin.png I Really love your style, too. Those fluffy ears are so cute! derpy_emoticon1.png I'd love to see more soon!

    Thank you!! Hopefully I can get some more pony art going soon!

    • Brohoof 1
  5. hi there welcome to the forums buddy its great here im sure you will really enjoy it i hope to see you around

    Thanks man, I can't wait to explore this place! biggrin.png


    Oh yes,luna is surely one of best characters! :3 And also nice to have you here,i came here today xD but yeah :3

    Nice to meet a likeminded person! She really is best pony. Thanks for the welcome, I guess we're both new here then! :3


    10 Points to Slitherpon! ... No? Nothing? Not even a grin? (Welp I tried!) Welcome to the forums regardless! If you're looking for an amazingly accepting community to join you definitely picked the right one. And the art critics here won't jump down your throat like most others would; and instead give helpful feedback! (Amazing right?) If it's friends you are looking for, why not the Aniki model?*shimmer* He's quick as a fox, cuddly as a kitten and smells like raspberry farts tarts... Look, I'll level with you; he's been in the display room for like EVER! He's got finger prints and ABC gum all over him! Nobody wants to buy... they just want to touch. Please take him out of here? Don't worry about the price tag, he's free; just get him out of my sight! (Pretty please!)

    *grins and wraps his Slytherin scarf around neck*


    It really is amazing how welcoming people seem to be here! Thank you so much, and...I think I'll take you up on the offer, Big Bro. :3



    • Brohoof 1
  6. This is great! Is this your first art ever, or just your first art on the forum?

    Thank you so much! Yeah, I've drawn ponies for a while now! This is just my first post on the site. wink.png



    Get's a brohoof for the fantastic art. Would definitely bend reality to brohoof a second time for use of track #3.

    Yay, thank you! And I know...Track 3 is the best. wub.png



    • Brohoof 2
  7. Wow! I can't believe how fast a welcome that was! Thank you so much, everypony for the kind words and support! Really glad to hear how great and effective the art community is here, I'll definitely be checking out that art section (Octavia's Hall, is it?) and posting my stuff. img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png

    • Brohoof 2
  8. Well, I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm Slitherpon! I'd really like to make some new friends here, and meet some fellow bronies! After unsuccessfully using sites like Bronysquare and such, I was recommended MLP Forums as a really great community to join! I'm also a pony artist and love contributing to the Brony art scene when I can. Anyway, nice to meet y'all! :squee:


    (also Luna/Woona is best pony...)

    • Brohoof 3
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