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Everything posted by DukeofCanterlot

  1. Stallion would be great, unless it's for that gender bend idea in the tower.
  2. Been crazy busy, I know it's been three weeks. I can probably only contribute on weekends now, but am still interested. Haven't logged on to the site in a while. Flies are good at that scaring stuff.
  3. Some of those guys look normal in the trailer.. I don't think it's going to be all bad. I bet it's gonna end with Ashleigh saying that bronies are not simply perverts or something like that...
  4. It's one of my favorite episodes of Season 4. So much awesomeness in the episode.
  5. It's okay. It's G1. G2 and G3 on the other hand..... Those are crap. Especially G3. G2 has some redeeming qualities but just isn't my cup of tea.
  6. LOL! I bet Suri is from the pony equivalent of New Jersey. I've known chicks like her all my life! 1.) It is disappointing that Discord is not Star Swirl.. I mean really disappointing. 2.) I love Fluttershy but she's my least favorite of the Mane Six. 3.) I think there should be a death on the show.
  7. As I think about it, it was also probably that Pinkie didn't apologize for what she did. If we got an apology from Pinkie, it would have been less irritating.
  8. When someone makes Fluttershy cry, that makes a lot of bronies angry, including myself...
  9. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/199193/cutie-mark-cleansers A story I'm working on, a dark fanfic.
  10. Your predictions would make for a very good season!
  11. I wouldn't be surprised if Pinkie Pie has already been to the real human world, not that artificial bs world Celestia probably created in that mirror of hers...the world where boots are permanently affixed on people.
  12. Honestly, Pinkie Pie would have the easiest time! She's Pinkie Pie, that's why. She'll be all like, I want to make you smile!! As for the toughest, probably Fluttershy for reasons stated in the OP.
  13. Yikes, sorry for the delay. I've been real busy unfortunately Just made my turn.
  14. "Yea, she's real strong", commented Number Cruncher, "and Crunchy? Never heard that nickname before." Number Cruncher was wondering whether they would ever make it. They were still awfully far from Twilight's library and almost anything could stop them in their tracks.. but it'd be okay as long as they're aren't actually on the tracks again!
  15. Hey everypony! I started off writing my novel ("The Halfling") on FiMFiction with a lot of enthusiasm, but unfortunately I hit a writer's block and am not sure where I want to take this story. If someone can give me some ideas, that would be fantastic, Here's the link to the novel. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/182534/the-halfling You can either PM me your suggestions or respond in this thread. Thank you in advance!
  16. Ooh, I like this a lot!! Comedy Drunk Bon-Bon vs. Berry Punch http://www.fimfiction.net/story/195612/drunk-bonbon-vs-berry-punch Spike and Rainbow Dash Make a Bet on Rarity http://www.fimfiction.net/story/189891/spike-and-rainbow-dash-make-a-bet-on-rarity Pinkie Pie's Substitute http://www.fimfiction.net/story/169505/pinkie-pies-substitute A Troll in Equestria http://www.fimfiction.net/story/148568/a-troll-in-equestria Romance The Noteworthy of the Bon-Bon http://www.fimfiction.net/story/175541/the-noteworthy-of-the-bonbon The Blueblood of the Bon-Bon http://www.fimfiction.net/story/171650/the-blueblood-of-the-bonbon The Unrequited Love of the Bon-Bon http://www.fimfiction.net/story/166396/the-unrequited-love-of-the-bonbon Bon-Bon Meets Lyra's Parents http://www.fimfiction.net/story/163586/bonbon-meets-lyras-parents The Will of the Bon-Bon http://www.fimfiction.net/story/158957/the-will-of-the-bonbon Dark The Halfling http://www.fimfiction.net/story/182534/the-halfling Slice of Life Sapphire http://www.fimfiction.net/story/151344/sapphire Brainy Envy http://www.fimfiction.net/story/147595/brainy-envy
  17. Lyra is best pony!! Think about it this way..has Lyra ever betrayed a pony or human in the same way as Discord? Do you seriously want Discord to win the World Cup?
  18. Typing this on my phone since I'm returning from vacation and am on the road but I want to say that Lyra is the best pony!! The Representative of the Humans is for you, not Discord. Lyra supports you!!
  19. Yikes.. Have been on vacation with family and missed the first day for Group G
  20. "Wow", said Number Cruncher, "you're definitely a lot stronger than me. I couldn't even lift another pony with my magic. Your friend must have not been too happy about that!" It felt safe under the teacup. A feeling that the cream-colored unicorn hadn't felt all day. Number Cruncher could feel running. Thankfully, no pony looked under the teacup.
  21. @ Number Cruncher was in for a shock but not in the way he expected. He suddenly felt himself be swept off the ground. Was that Anala? Yes it was, she was strong for such a little mare. How ironic that he would be referring to anything as little in his situation. Anala carried him into a chipped teacup. It was dark inside, but Number Cruncher felt oddly safe. "Thanks to your quick thinking there, I owe you one", said Number Cruncher to Anala.
  22. "Anala, I'd love to see you try to toilet paper my house if I didn't give you candy on Nightmare Night. I'd be prepared:, chuckled Number Cruncher. Suddenly, Number Cruncher noticed what some of the others noticed: two dumb looking colts with a tarantula in a jar. Number Cruncher groaned, "Can this day can't get any worse? But hmmm, I suppose if needed, I could momentarily stun the tarantula and maybe we could fight it with arrows but would that be enough? "
  23. Upon further introspection and research, I honestly think I'm an ENTP and not an INTJ, like I was tested. Personal issues (including a breakup) have led me to feel more reclusive/antisocial lately, but that doesn't make me an introvert. My energy comes from the external world and things surrounding the external world, which is a big part of being an extrovert. I am energized by positive social interaction and bogged down by negative social interaction. I'm also not too big on small talk.. and try to steer conversations into more interesting topics. As for Perceiving/Judging, this one is even easier. My job has forced me to become more organized and J-like (for the sake of making things more efficient which is something T-types tend to be focused on), but I'm a Perceiver everywhere else. So, in ENTP land.. that puts me as the same type as Discord (and Q) and Applebloom. Changing my vote.
  24. Not gonna happen. If you think the execution of Discord is something that should happen, write a fanfic about it! Do some sort of alternate universe where the ponies (except Fluttershy) don't forgive Discord
  25. Can Celestia do this?? http://jeosadn.deviantart.com/art/Scootaloo-on-a-scooter-275309770 I'm rooting for Scootaloo...
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