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Laydee Kaze

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Everything posted by Laydee Kaze

  1. Possibly a signature? x3 It's what I do with mine... because I have no idea what else to do with them xD
  2. The end of every round of TF2, when everyone leaves and I'm sat there like a lonely spy foreveralone. /sob hah, but seriously. erm. I dunno. Kingdom Hearts 2 made me a bit upset.
  3. Haha, glad you like it C:
  4. Celestia! Oh god... that might be a bit hard x3 considering I'd have to make her pony sized. HMM. Might try it anyway x3
  5. http://datkaze.deviantart.com and http://pixelartcrusaders.deviantart.com
  6. What species of pony would you be? Unicorn What colour would your fur/mane/eyes be? Fur: Pale Green Mane: Teal/Blue Eyes: Turquoise What would your name be? Kaze [Means Wind in Japanese] What would your special talent and cutie mark be? Feather. And it would be controlling the winds/Being a Spy. Where would you live? Since I'm a Pegasus, Cloudsdale. Would you have a pet? Probably not. Who would your best friends be? MrMeep <3 and Fluttershy/Rarity/Luna. Theme song:
  7. http://fav.me/d4whk8x <-- Link to DA page for it. :3 Hope that's okay! Was a bit weird trying to get the hair right xD HNNGN. http://fav.me/d4wi2n6 <-- DA Link. http://fav.me/d4wi2f2 <-- You foreveralone [w/out Pinkie]
  8. >.> Icon still wont change. I've tried hard refreshing too. AND I've tried on two different PCs since. ;w;

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Laydee Kaze

      Laydee Kaze

      Hmm... fair enough. I thought that it would have changed by now though, I think it's been 2 or so days. Ohwell x3

  9. Ah, sorry about that xD Heh.
  10. So, everyone has phobias [Things they are scared of] Let's discuss our phobias, maybe help each other if we have similar ones? I'll start off: I have a genuine phobia of Elevators/Lifts. :I After having repetative nightmares of an elevator falling, getting faster and faster going down floors, to the point where gravity kicked in. I've woken up a few times with that feeling of, y'know... moving really fast. I always woke up before it hit the bottom though... but I've still been really scared... to the point that I just try avoid them as much as I can, and I shit bricks when it comes to being in ones that don't look/feel safe. I also have more 'normal' ones... such as spiders and stuff... I tend to flip shit at spiders too. I can tolerate smaller ones, but when they're big, then I just go flip-mode. :I I'm only afraid of the dark when I'm outside, aka. I'm scared of getting jumped. So I'm pretty cautious outside... but other then that, I can't really recall any that come to mind. They're just my main ones.
  11. That's more than do-able. :3 Yeah, if you guys want I can do couples/friends together too! [i can make it one Gif, just to make sure that they're always in sync.] and I can always give out the seperate ones along with, just incase you want your character single. But yeah, I shall be doing the ones I like when I get home... possibly tonight/tomorrow. Since I don't have the base here at MrMeeps house D: [and it takes way too long to re-do it. >.>]
  12. I'd offer my pixel art stuffs, but I just don't have the time :/ Come to think of it, I had about three people ask me on DA about doing something similar, including them needing an applejack sprite using a lasso o_O That would have taken forever to create. But yeah, your best bet is the Desktop Ponies made by MonkeyJay [on DA]
  13. I don't mind it too much. x3 I normally eat the 'Hot' option at Nandos :3 soo~
  14. Anypony know how to change the text above your user icon? for example if your banner below the icon is a muffin, it says muffin above? :I wanna change that.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Dragonshy
    3. Crazy Misty

      Crazy Misty

      If I had a donor I'd show it off...

    4. Laydee Kaze

      Laydee Kaze

      Oh you guys U:


      Fair enough, think I might Donate at some point x3

  15. That is awesome x3 ...needs moar spy tho. C: But scout is good.
  16. Ahaha, oh god. Back in the day when I was alot younger, I had loads of crushes on stuff x3 Rock Lee, Gaara, Kiba, and a few others from Naruto... Erm, Urahara and Grimmjow from Bleach... :I Used to have little lesbian crushes on characters too... BUT THATS ANOTHER STORY. Now I just have little obsessions, rather than crushes. xD Like right now, it's Blu Spy. <3 HNNNNNG.
  17. There is a welcome video! What are you on about! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCox8kju0UI
  18. LOL WHAT. ...everyone here know's BLU spy is mine. Rarity has no chance. :U
  19. LDGFJVSSAKHFJADSHFJSDVKHJSADFC WHERE DID YOU GET THAT RARITY? </3 Also, *sharp intake of breath* I currently own, Two hamsters: Archimedes [named after Meet the Medic] and Penny [named by 4chan] Three cats: Daisy, Socks and Watson. Three Fish: A goldfish and two of those ones with massive eyes. Three Rabbits: Cotton, Jack and Sweep Nine chickens: I can't even name them all. :I LOL. and my parents recently bought Four baby chicks :3
  20. This is my reaction: Bro, I approve on so many levels. XD
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