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Laydee Kaze

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Everything posted by Laydee Kaze

  1. Laydee Kaze

    request shop BroHoof! [Requests]

    It SHOULD do... that's what I'm hoping anyway... just there might be a slight chance that it will not sync properly, and that would look silly! xD I -might- end up doing the mane 6, but if you want yours putting with anyone elses, feel free to ask, as it's not TOO much effort for me to just join them both up as one Gif :3
  2. Laydee Kaze

    request shop BroHoof! [Requests]

    Possibly a signature? x3 It's what I do with mine... because I have no idea what else to do with them xD
  3. The end of every round of TF2, when everyone leaves and I'm sat there like a lonely spy foreveralone. /sob hah, but seriously. erm. I dunno. Kingdom Hearts 2 made me a bit upset.
  4. Laydee Kaze

    request shop BroHoof! [Requests]

    Haha, glad you like it C:
  5. Laydee Kaze

    request shop BroHoof! [Requests]

    Celestia! Oh god... that might be a bit hard x3 considering I'd have to make her pony sized. HMM. Might try it anyway x3
  6. http://datkaze.deviantart.com and http://pixelartcrusaders.deviantart.com
  7. What species of pony would you be? Unicorn What colour would your fur/mane/eyes be? Fur: Pale Green Mane: Teal/Blue Eyes: Turquoise What would your name be? Kaze [Means Wind in Japanese] What would your special talent and cutie mark be? Feather. And it would be controlling the winds/Being a Spy. Where would you live? Since I'm a Pegasus, Cloudsdale. Would you have a pet? Probably not. Who would your best friends be? MrMeep <3 and Fluttershy/Rarity/Luna. Theme song:
  8. Laydee Kaze

    request shop BroHoof! [Requests]

    http://fav.me/d4whk8x <-- Link to DA page for it. :3 Hope that's okay! Was a bit weird trying to get the hair right xD HNNGN. http://fav.me/d4wi2n6 <-- DA Link. http://fav.me/d4wi2f2 <-- You foreveralone [w/out Pinkie]
  9. >.> Icon still wont change. I've tried hard refreshing too. AND I've tried on two different PCs since. ;w;

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Laydee Kaze

      Laydee Kaze

      Hmm... fair enough. I thought that it would have changed by now though, I think it's been 2 or so days. Ohwell x3

  10. Ah, sorry about that xD Heh.
  11. So, everyone has phobias [Things they are scared of] Let's discuss our phobias, maybe help each other if we have similar ones? I'll start off: I have a genuine phobia of Elevators/Lifts. :I After having repetative nightmares of an elevator falling, getting faster and faster going down floors, to the point where gravity kicked in. I've woken up a few times with that feeling of, y'know... moving really fast. I always woke up before it hit the bottom though... but I've still been really scared... to the point that I just try avoid them as much as I can, and I shit bricks when it comes to being in ones that don't look/feel safe. I also have more 'normal' ones... such as spiders and stuff... I tend to flip shit at spiders too. I can tolerate smaller ones, but when they're big, then I just go flip-mode. :I I'm only afraid of the dark when I'm outside, aka. I'm scared of getting jumped. So I'm pretty cautious outside... but other then that, I can't really recall any that come to mind. They're just my main ones.
  12. Laydee Kaze

    request shop BroHoof! [Requests]

    That's more than do-able. :3 Yeah, if you guys want I can do couples/friends together too! [i can make it one Gif, just to make sure that they're always in sync.] and I can always give out the seperate ones along with, just incase you want your character single. But yeah, I shall be doing the ones I like when I get home... possibly tonight/tomorrow. Since I don't have the base here at MrMeeps house D: [and it takes way too long to re-do it. >.>]
  13. I'd offer my pixel art stuffs, but I just don't have the time :/ Come to think of it, I had about three people ask me on DA about doing something similar, including them needing an applejack sprite using a lasso o_O That would have taken forever to create. But yeah, your best bet is the Desktop Ponies made by MonkeyJay [on DA]
  14. I don't mind it too much. x3 I normally eat the 'Hot' option at Nandos :3 soo~
  15. Anypony know how to change the text above your user icon? for example if your banner below the icon is a muffin, it says muffin above? :I wanna change that.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Dragonshy
    3. Crazy Misty

      Crazy Misty

      If I had a donor I'd show it off...

    4. Laydee Kaze

      Laydee Kaze

      Oh you guys U:


      Fair enough, think I might Donate at some point x3

  16. That is awesome x3 ...needs moar spy tho. C: But scout is good.
  17. Ahaha, oh god. Back in the day when I was alot younger, I had loads of crushes on stuff x3 Rock Lee, Gaara, Kiba, and a few others from Naruto... Erm, Urahara and Grimmjow from Bleach... :I Used to have little lesbian crushes on characters too... BUT THATS ANOTHER STORY. Now I just have little obsessions, rather than crushes. xD Like right now, it's Blu Spy. <3 HNNNNNG.
  18. There is a welcome video! What are you on about! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCox8kju0UI
  19. LOL WHAT. ...everyone here know's BLU spy is mine. Rarity has no chance. :U
  20. LDGFJVSSAKHFJADSHFJSDVKHJSADFC WHERE DID YOU GET THAT RARITY? </3 Also, *sharp intake of breath* I currently own, Two hamsters: Archimedes [named after Meet the Medic] and Penny [named by 4chan] Three cats: Daisy, Socks and Watson. Three Fish: A goldfish and two of those ones with massive eyes. Three Rabbits: Cotton, Jack and Sweep Nine chickens: I can't even name them all. :I LOL. and my parents recently bought Four baby chicks :3
  21. This is my reaction: Bro, I approve on so many levels. XD
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