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Twila Starshimmer

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Everything posted by Twila Starshimmer

  1. Hello, everypony! Have any of you seen this yet? I find it so hilarious! I'm not sure how the uploader pulled this off, but being a fan of both series, I love it!
  2. Sorry for being a stranger, everypony! Been having PC issues on and off that I'm finally just going to have to get fixed. I hope all is well <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MrPandaa


      I hope you get it fixed soon, both of you! Love ya like a sister, Ash!

    3. Twila Starshimmer

      Twila Starshimmer

      Ouch, mine isn't water damage, the cooling fan is going out, and no amount of dust cleaning, lubricating etc will fix it. It's a Jekyl and Hyde fan right now, so I ordered two new ones. :D

    4. Nightmare Night

      Nightmare Night

      Mines supposed to be repaired by tomorrow, motherboard, ram, wireless card, and graphics card all fried.

  3. If you could, fill me in one what happened--the bare essentials--then I'll decide if I think I can catch up again or will just have to watch. I do apologize profusely, I usually don't get sick this many times in a winter. *sigh*
  4. Hey, all! Sorry for such a long absence, I would finish a cold and then get something else sickness wise due to my immune system still being shot. I logged in and had 117 notifications...basically all from this RP. I feel overwhelmed, to say the least.
  5. Hey everyone. Just wanted to let you know to feel free to play as me for a while. I'm really sick right now, and therefore can't give the proper creative thought to my replies, let alone sit at the PC. I hope all of you had a happy holiday, and continue to do so with New Years.
  6. Hi, so I was wondering if anyone reads the Fables/Fairest comic series, as I want to and I'm SO lost. I picked up "Fairest in all the Land," which is a stand-alone based on Fairest but features characters from Fables. This intrigued me, so I search it up. I honestly have no idea how to go about this, as there are a lot of spin-offs and such that appear to help with the main story arc(s). I found this website that lists what to do, but I don't really know if the Jack spin-off is necessary? I am a female, and though I don't discriminate against males, unless Jack is a very cool character, I'm not sure how keen I'd be to read the side series. http://myreadingbooks.blogspot.ca/2013/11/so-you-want-to-read-fables-updated.html Oh, and I saw that they have volumes now, which seems easier for me to understand/buy. If I went with the Fable Deluxe volumes, and the Fairest volumes, what would I still need? That Fables Encyclopedia sounds like it might help, as well as that 1001 Nights book. Obviously I could use some help, haha.
  7. @, @, (OOC: to make it easier, I'm just going to make the whole font purple, with bold being talking and italics being thought.) Twila sniffed the air, scrunching her nose. "Yuck, it smells like rotten food and stale air." She picked up her pace a bit, starting to get a little creeped out by the close quarters. She playfully nudged Wish on the shoulder, giving her a reassuring smile. "It's okay, though, we have each other, right?" She hoped she sounded calmer than she felt. The tunnel seemed to be slowly curving in a different direction, though she wasn't sure which yet. She walked a bit faster to catch up to Sabel, who looked almost in a trance. "Hey, Sabel, is it just me or is the tunnel changing direction?" She looked up at the ceiling of the tunnel as she walked, and could have sworn she saw those strange symbols again. I must be imagining things...
  8. Okay, I've had a few things, though I'm not sure if you'd consider them paranormal. My mom says when I was just a baby I used to point at the corner of the ceiling and just laugh and smile insistently at something that wasn't there. She thought it might have been a great grandfather or someone who had recently passed. First was not too long after my grandmother had passed away of cancer. I lived at another house, and my headboard of my bed had cubby holes--I'd always keep my eyeliner and such in them. Well, one morning, I couldn't find my eyeliner. I had a very small bedroom with wooden floors...not hard to find stuff. I checked under the fitted sheet, springs, everything. Nothing. Came home later that day and it was just chilling right in the middle of the floor underneath my bed...clearly wasn't there before. Little things like this would happen all the time. Possible demonic/negative force: I was once talking to a friend online who said they were dealing with a dark force in their home. At the time I was a bit skeptic so I said how ah, probably imagining things. They said it had a very sulfuric/rotten egg smell. I thought nothing of it. Well, later that day, I began to smell the same smell. I checked my trash can, checked outside my room, checked to make sure window was closed, checked outside window--everything. It went away, so I thought I was just silly. Next morning, I'm in my bathroom getting ready. Smell it AGAIN. And I felt like a dread feeling. Went away. Go out to the bus stop, in the open air mind you with no sewer etc. Smell it a THIRD time. I'm not religious by any means, but I'm telling you when I got to school I researched so much and even had my religious friends pray. It was gone when I got back, but it's still something I remember to this day. I speak with my friend on skype who apparently has ghosts or whatever in his home. There would be times when we'd be talking and the tapestry behind him is making a very odd "wave" motion, almost like something is behind it moving across in one spot. I'd say over and over, it's moving, it's moving! But when he'd look behind him, he said he saw nothing. There was no air drafts or anything either. Creeped me out big time. At the old house and here I'd have a touch lamp that I know I would turn off at night and would wake up and it's on the lowest setting...the cats weren't hitting it and the dog never went in my room. Weird. My dog will sometimes be sitting in my room and he'll just suddenly stare at my doorway, and his eyes/head will follow "something" all the way across the upper wall until about me, then he just stares. He doesn't whimper or anything, but it freaks me out, as they are no mice or anything in our walls! The creepiest thing so far that I can't explain is maybe a few weeks ago I woke up around 3 or 4AM out of a dead sleep and I felt terrified. Like, I felt like there was something in front of me (laying on my side), but I couldn't see anything, hear anything, it was just this "feeling." I couldn't speak, I could move so I know it wasn't sleep paralysis, but something obviously woke me up and my heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest it was so scary and surreal. I want to say I think I remember this happened once at college too after my grandma died, but I woke up suddenly with more of a warming presence, not the terrifying one I just described. Oh, and once in a while I have strange dreams that contain either of my deceased grandmothers in them. Like, a few days ago, I still remember because it was soo weird, that Theresa Caputo (Long Island Medium) was in my dream and was talking about my grandmother and things only I/gram would know. And even though my grandmother didn't appear in my dream, it was obvious her presence was in the dream, if that makes sense. Idk, just weird stuff, man. My mom and sister have experiences all the time (they live in SC), my sister even thinks she has a friendly ghost that follows her. Maybe it's "in the family," haha! My sister worked at an office that was known to have a haunted boy in it. She forgot her key card once and was trying to find it when the door opened for her. She'd feel him when she worked, and knew he liked Elvis. She'd be vacuuming in the office and the plug would be pulled out when there was still plenty left; the radio would come on and it would be Elvis songs every time. My mom was at work and said she woke up one night to see a man in a late 1800s/early 1900s attire, top hat and all staring at her; when she blinked a few times, however, he was gone! She found out a man in that time period had hanged himself up in the bathroom. This one is VERY creepy, in my opinion: My niece had a grandmother on her dad's side who was brutally murdered, but she had no idea at the tender age of 4, nor had anyone else as they were sleeping. My niece and my sister recall her coming up to sister and telling her that "Grandma said she's going to be ok." My sister asked her what she meant. She said--again at the age of 4--"Mommy, she's bleeding all over and she said that she's not in pain anymore." Found out the next morning that her grandmother had been beaten to death by a robber with a bat. Gives me shivers just typing about it! So, I'm not sure if you'd consider these paranormal or just cooky, haha, but please feel free to comment!
  9. @, @, @, Twila smiled back at Sabel, happy that she had made a friend. "Sure, but we better start moving now. I'm not sure how long I can hold this for, as I've never actually tried." She looked and smiled reassuringly at Skuldaf, thankful for his contribution thus far. Twila squinted her eyes shut again and pictured her horn glowing, a beacon for their destination. She heard some gasps and opened them; light was now cascading all around them, and she could have sworn she saw strange symbols further down the tunnel. When she blinked a few times, however, they were gone. She pointed her hoof toward the tunnel's opening. "Shall we go now?"
  10. @, @, Twila shook her head, snapping out of her thoughts. "Yeah, I'll come down, hold on!" Even if I'm actually afraid to... Twila squinted her eyes tight and thought of where she wanted to be closeby; when she opened them, she was down in the hole, immediately in awe of all the tangled vines and the inherent darkness of the cave. "You're right, Sabel, it looks like these vines are showing the way...where do you think they lead?" she asked curiously, feeling a bit of a draft from the dark tunnel. She involuntarily shivered. She walked a few steps ahead, testing out the ground. Hmm, it seems pretty durable, even though the dark tunnel ahead looks foreboding. "Sorry I took forever to reply, I was lost in my own thoughts, and I tend to zone out when I do so. What's the plan?"
  11. Oh? Well, I guess I was lucky before, haha! That sucks. :okiedokielokie:
  12. Ah, well it was always showing me all of them or at least almost all of them before, it was just today that I didn't have the smiley already there to choose from.
  13. Hi, so I noticed today when I went to use the Fluttershy "squee" face that it wasn't there. Upon clicking "view all," she was, but the standard bar does not show the squee face, yay face, and maybe others. What happened?
  14. Just bought the TY Pinkie Pie to go with my Build-a-Bear version! Build-a-Bear I have already:
  15. Just bought the TY Pinkie Pie to go with my Build-a-Bear one! :D

  16. Yeah, maybe it got loose or something. Because when it's making that noise the fans aren't going super fast it seems I can almost see a slight delay. Hard to explain. And when I turn off the PC when they finally stop spinning it's a chugging sound almost.
  17. Yeah, the other fan is black similar to the intel one but it's much larger and it's directly in the back of the desktop case if you were looking at the back of the desktop. The one I think has the issues is resting on the left hand side where the vents are for air to escape.
  18. I think so. Like, my desktop is on my desk and the left hand side is facing me. I can see through a plastic clear pane all the parts, and there's a fan that is attached to this plastic siding. The other two are black and different looking--one says intel. I think its the one on the plastic that's having the issues.
  19. Does anyone know how to tell if a computer fan needs fixed or replaced? I turned on my desktop this morning, and instead of the fan being quiet, it's making a very loud whirring noise. I think it's not spinning as fast either, but I could be wrong. When I came back from sleep mode, for a few seconds it ran normal, but it was right back up to the whirring noise again. I cleaned the whole PC a month ago, and all was working fine. Since then, I've been using compressed air at least once a week through the vents at the fans and such. Please help?
  20. Spending quality time with my boyfriend and bff today--today is a good day! :) I hope all of yours is good, too!

    1. Shanks


      Awesome enjoy, most of my day is just relaxing at home. I got injured at work so I have all this free time, the only things I really have to do today is physical therapy and the doctor. With how things are going I should probably be back to work within a week or so.

    2. Obsolete


      It should be good. I'm staying in and watching movies, mostly.

  21. Feeling a bit better now. I find that communication is everything...no matter what type of relationship it is. :)

  22. How do you personally shake off anger after getting angry/irritated? I can't seem to shake it off today, and I wish I could. >:(

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Twila Starshimmer

      Twila Starshimmer

      Blasting itunes right now...Bullet for my Valentine is currently on, so at least the riffs and such can help express my thoughts and feelings >:)

    3. Skylar


      Well I hope whatever it is gets better

    4. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      Good start with music :) Also actually taking a walk is also one good way to calm Yourself down :)

  23. Thank you to those who have posted on my topic so far...it means a lot <3

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves

      You are more than welcome Twila! :D

    3. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      I gave You a little advice as well. I hope it helps. Also if You need more help or just to talk about it feel free to send me PM or add me on skype (my skype is availible on my profile)

    4. Twila Starshimmer
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