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Twila Starshimmer

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Everything posted by Twila Starshimmer

  1. Where are the theme settings? I keep seeing about "old" vs "new" theme on this site, but have no idea how to test it?

    1. Hyper Tumble

      Hyper Tumble

      at the very bottom, next to an orange symbol

    2. Twila Starshimmer
  2. Do you all do anything "special" to prepare for a new MLP season? This will be my first that I watch live :3

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MrPandaa


      Yeah, I'm having a little bit of difficulty finding time to watch it, though. Before bed doesn't work, because I'd go to sleep way too late, and when I get home from school doesn't work, 'cause the computer's in the middle of the house, and my sis needs to use it for homework. I'm gonna try around nine today, see if that works.

    3. Twila Starshimmer

      Twila Starshimmer

      Ahh, what time is it where you're at? It's 10:22AM for me. :)

    4. MrPandaa


      It's exactly the same for me. :) Go east coast!

  3. @@Pat.Rio.T., Oh, oh, I don't post on everything, either. I'm sure many of the posts come from statuses and stuff
  4. @@Pat.Rio.T., I've been posting a lot everyday...
  5. There's a tiny part of me that wants to sing for y'all, which I have NO idea why I even have that feeling, since I'm positively terrified of singing for anyone, haha!
  6. I posted my voice over on the "show us your voice" thread!

    1. MrPandaa


      Oh, I'll definitely take a listen. Tomorrow, though--I'm going to bed now.

    2. Twila Starshimmer
  7. I decided to upload my voice :3 http://vocaroo.com/i/s1uXz02lw3E8

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Twila Starshimmer

      Twila Starshimmer

      @Rudy awww, thank you so much!


      @Sugar Cube oh you did? I didn't look at all of them yet :3

    3. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      That took a lot of courage, no reason to feel awkward. /)

    4. Twila Starshimmer

      Twila Starshimmer

      Thank you, Sir Cal Stonehoof!

  8. Eek, okay, here's mine: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1uXz02lw3E8 I hope I don't sound too awful...
  9. @@MrPandaa, Yep! I know, I love to especially learn about Irish culture.
  10. This is Felix, my furbaby! His name means "lucky," which fits since black cats, especially around here, are seen as "bad luck."
  11. I'm primarily German/Irish with sprinklings of Scottish, English, and Welsh thrown in!
  12. I'm getting SO antsy for the 23rd...just have to watch AHS: Coven tonight and TVD tomorrow to hold me over :)

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Twila Starshimmer

      Twila Starshimmer

      Teehee, I knowwwww. I'm being a pain :P

    3. MrPandaa


      One the subject of the Irish, I think I'd like to name one of my daughters Aisling (it's Gaelic for "Dreams," pronounced "Ash-ling"). I just love the way it rolls of my tongue and lingers.

    4. Twila Starshimmer

      Twila Starshimmer

      Ah, there was a name I liked...trying to remember.

  13. @, Ahh, I see. Well, since our characters are rooming together, it should be a bit easier for me in theory, right?
  14. @@SilverHeart, Twila walked into Mirror Image's hotel room, taking in the scene. She only had one bed opposed to their two, but it looked just as comfy. She couldn't see too much, as there wasn't a whole lot of light coming from the window, but the hotel room looked nice enough. "You have some nice digs for a hotel room," she added, completing her circle of the room. "So...what do you like to do for fun?"
  15. @,Sorry, could you explain a tad bit more? Being new and all, I want to understand everything
  16. I make random cat noises, and random noises in general sometimes, but always in good fun. I am very detail oriented, which causes a perfectionist OCD type reaction with projects, especially when styling something, such as the MLP character I made...
  17. @@Pat.Rio.T., It's all good Pat, honestly!
  18. @@Pat.Rio.T., Ah, well username is staying, avatar I might change from time to time.
  19. @@Pat.Rio.T., What do you mean, exactly?
  20. @@Kyoshi, Hi, is it possible you could do one of Luna and Nightmare moon together, maybe one on each side? Not sure if you take requests.
  21. @@Lunatic Cake, Okay, that sounds good to me!
  22. @@Lunatic Cake, So sorry I didn't see this! Must have accidentally deleted the notification. I'm honestly not familiar with MLP crossovers...would you mind telling me? @@Pat.Rio.T., I'm SUPER excited for season 4, as it will be the first season I watch week by week, not already online As for Doctor Who, I don't watch that show...
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