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Twila Starshimmer

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Everything posted by Twila Starshimmer

  1. @, That would be awesome, thank you so much! I did save her code at least, so I can easily give it to you or at least have my version up.
  2. Can't wait for Ravenswood tonight at 8PM :D

  3. @, Ahh, I see. Hmm. I'll need to keep this in mind as a reference as it's a bit hard to remember...might even draw it out. I'm a very visual person P.S. Could anyone perhaps help me add a cutie mark to my OC character, Twila Starshimmer? I used GeneralZoi's Pony Generator--found here http://generalzoi.de...rsion-254295904--over at DeviantArt, and there's an "import cutie mark" button, but I need help finding a cutie mark and also getting it to show up! Twila Starshimmer: http://mlpforums.com...arshimmer-r5003
  4. Could anyone perhaps help me add a cutie mark to my OC character, Twila Starshimmer? I used GeneralZoi's Pony Generator--found here http://generalzoi.deviantart.com/art/Pony-Creator-Full-Version-254295904--over at DeviantArt, and there's an "import cutie mark" button, but I need help finding a cutie mark and also getting it to show up! Twila Starshimmer: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/twila-starshimmer-r5003
  5. @, Thanks, Lhee! By the way...how should I go about exploring the swamp/hotel. I mean, we only know so much, so obviously imagination is in order, but I don't want to overdo it or underdo it either in terms of what I do.
  6. OH. I didn't even think to look there *face palm* Oopsie!
  7. Does anypony know when they'll update the MLP forums to non-Halloween? I'm familiar with the site yet, do they change it for holidays?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Twila Starshimmer

      Twila Starshimmer

      Ah, I didn't know if it was one that would just get locked or not :3

    3. MrPandaa
    4. Twila Starshimmer

      Twila Starshimmer

      Because some I get those messages about not being open enough for others to add to or something like that.

  8. Love your avatar :3

    1. Sweet Dreams

      Sweet Dreams

      Thanks, yours is cool too. :3

    2. Twila Starshimmer
    3. Sweet Dreams

      Sweet Dreams

      You're welcome! :3

  9. Love your new avatar! :3

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Twila Starshimmer

      Twila Starshimmer

      *hugs* Haha, I take it there aren't very many? :3

    3. UserNotFound


      it's like everyone in my life right now is rather tall... My boyfriend is like 6ft2... my friends are all really tall too... it's like... Are there any more shorties out there?! :(

    4. Twila Starshimmer

      Twila Starshimmer

      Awe :( Yeah, my boyfriend is 6'1 or 6'2..don't remember which, so I definitely know the feeling. A fewwww of my friends are short, but all are at least one inch taller than me >.<

  10. Love your avatar! :3

    1. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      Thank You,Your avatar is awesome as well :3

  11. @@SilverHeart, Unless I am blind, I didn't see a link to your character Mirror Image on your profile? Sorry if I missed it somewhere!
  12. @@SilverHeart, Suddenly, she saw the light emitting from the door disappear, and a started voice answered. After some rustling noises, the door opened, and she finally saw who was living next door: Though she couldn't tell any real characteristics of the pony, she could tell that she was younger than her, but not by too much. "Uh, Hi! My name's Twila. I was peering down the hallway when I saw a soft glow emitting from one of the doors, and thought I'd see who it was...I didn't meant to startle you!" she finished quietly, feeling guilty. (OOC: Will you be uploading your character any time soon? It's kind of hard to know what to say and not say right now.)
  13. @@SilverHeart, Oh! I'm so sorry! I thought Godmodding was abusing your magical abilities. I can change it so that I only see an orb, not you at all, so you can have your cape/mask off still. Again, I'm so sorry! I edited the post to just say "not sure who she was meeting" and left out everything else. Thank you for the praise, btw.
  14. I actually am really enjoying this RP stuff!

    1. MrPandaa


      Great! Hey, do they expect you to come on at certain times or anything? 'Cause I'd love to do some RPing myself, but I'm afraid I wouldn't have the time!

    2. Twila Starshimmer

      Twila Starshimmer

      Well, from what I understand you're supposed to participate everyday; if you can't you have to let them know in their OOC thread that you won't be participating that day or whatever. :)

    3. MrPandaa


      Okay, thanks, Twila!

  15. (OOC: I hope this is suitable to y'all's liking. I tried to put a bit more imagination in.) Twila Twila started the drain the bath, feeling warm and content. I wonder what the others are up to? she wondered thoughtfully as she made sure to dry behind her ears. Wiping the fog off the mirror, she stopped to really look at herself. She had never felt that she was a gorgeous pony, just sort of average. Her coat was a periwinkle coloring--nothing special--but it was silky as a cat's. Her hair was one aspect she as actually proud of; it curled elegantly, a mixture of dark purple and a sky blue. When the strands hit the light, they even emitted a subtle shimmer from their glossy shine. She also had a spiraled horn, being a Unicorn, that did set her apart from other ponies. If only I knew how to properly use my magic, though... @, Upon entering the room, she discovered that Sabel was out still. Hmm, she must be out exploring. "Sabel? Are you around here?...o-okay, guess not." she called out meekly into the hallway. Nothing. @@SilverHeart, She heard rustlings of movement a bit down the hall, and upon further inspection saw what seemed to be a soft glow coming from another room door. She decided she mind as well greet them. She knocked on the door hesitantly, unsure who she'd be meeting... (OOC: I fixed it, SilverHeart)
  16. @@Khajiit, Haha, don't die! @, Thanks! I know, she's so mystical. :3
  17. I made my own collage for my about me page, and thought I'd share all three options (first is TS and PL separate ones smooshed together). One giant collage: Side option:
  18. I made my own collage for my about me page, and thought I'd share.
  19. Put my favorite MLP pics in a collage on my profile, so I/you don't have to scroll or open in a new tab to view together :)

  20. Okay, I think I updated my profile to my liking now :3

    1. MrPandaa


      Heading on over to see...

    2. MrPandaa
  21. Hi, everypony! Since I'm new to the forums and just found my first RP, I was curious how many RPs you all are in.
  22. Well, it's a humanized version of Twilight Sparkle...you decide Mysterious
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