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Posts posted by EpiPony

  1. Better set up than i have :P i havn't used the zooms yet but my friend got one not long ago and he seems to love it plus anything Redwirez is good  B).

    Iv been thinking about getting a bunch of iZotope stuff as well, maybe like the Ozone 5..... if i can afford the bloody thing  :( but yeah, you've mentioned a few things im not familiar with so now im going to go and sus them all out lol. Cheers for the detailed set up reply man.


    Haha no problem man, i love talking gear (even though it's a pretty cheap setup I have lol. Money's a bitch at times)

    I do use iZotope Ozone actually, for mastering. Personally I really like it, it's on every one of my songs, sometimes multiple times for like post-post-processing haha.

    It's probably one of my most used plugins, together with addictive drums and reValver.

  2. This song is solid, sweet rhythm, the drums are so clear, the death vocals are pretty mint and on top of that the mix is great! 


    Man this is one hell of a tune if you ask me, i especially loved some of the effects on the guitar plus the slight reverb and delay you had going the whole time, sat so well. Not to mention those triplets are rad.


    I might be wrong but it sounds like you recorded through a DI in this. If thats the case was plugins are you using?. If its not DI......... then im an idiot :P


    The only thing i would say is i personally would like the song to have a bit more presence but thats just me. 


    Anyway sick track dude!  :yay:  :yay:  :yay:  :yay:  :yay:

    Hey man, thanks for the reply!


    I did indeed record DI, no amp or cab involved haha. I do have hardware for guitar so not 100% plugins though. 


    I use a Zoom G3X for everything guitar related (i like the overdrives and amp sims better than the ones in plugins so far. Also has that cool auto-wah for the clean bit haha), with redwirez cab impulses loaded in the VST leCab by lepou (they sound hella better than the built in impulses in the zoom). 

    After that the delay and reverb on the leads were done with peavey's ReValver III.V. 

    For bass i went completely off of plugins though. I use ReValver's 6505 model (very high gain), together with a clean DI. 

    Both guitars and bass were post-eq'd with the native reaper plugins.

    Not sure how the vox were recorded, blast beat did those :P. I did process those with iZotope Nectar though.

    I do agree with the presence, could have been a bit brighter but i couldn't make it work. For some reason it felt less powerful.


    Well at least that's how i do it haha. Hope i answered your questions about the plugins :3

  3. Yep, i did another music thing!

    Pretty happy with the end result, if you're not into too much heaviness this track might suit you.

    Lemme know what you think!

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Brohoof because djenty music is best pony. I have an idea. I saw a meme today, saying "Not sure if Binary code or Djent guitar tabs." Those of you who play guitar here should try and write a djent song using only 0, 1, 10 and 11. Any tuning you want though. This could spawn some interesting songs. Let's give it a two week deadline. What say you djentlemen?

    I play guitar, i might try something like that. Already had my creative juices flowing for 000's a few days ago haha


    EDIT updated link

  5. some music that's also not slayer. Slayer is way overrated IMO. I mean they're cool and were new at the time all but the music is way overrated  (opinion guys no h8)

  6. Might as a well jump, jump! Go ahead jump!

    eh that's one of my least favorite van halen track tbh xD

    Ain't talkin' bout love is probably one of my favorites so here's an amazing cover by Mike Semesky and Alex Rudinger

  7. @@EpiPony,


    Have you ever considered learning to tap? Tapping is a really great way nail down those solos, since both hands are on the neck of the guitar.


    In terms of the cymbals, you had too many crashes in one of the sections. If you have two different crash cymbals, you could do a pattern like this




    If you have a splash and china, you could do something like this (splash represented by 3, china represented by 4)



    yeah i've been practicing tapping and sweeping quite a bit lately but i'm not yet at the point where i am confident enough about it to implement in my leads (although there is an economy-sweeped part at one point). And yeah those patterns seem pretty cool, i was thinking of implementing something like that, but i never really liked the outcome that much. By the way i use drum software so i have all cymbals i really need. The pattern I used was mainly to create some sort of a climax towards pega's lead. Could have been executed better i'm with you there haha

  8. It's a okay track. 


    I'm not really getting hard metalcore feel as I was envisioning. I'm getting more of a standard metal sound. 


    Your rhythm guitar could totally use some clean up. It's too fuzzy. The distortion needs to be brighter and NEEDS MORE BASS! (sorry, just had to)


    I kinda felt that the dubstep sections were a little forced and injected. 


    The piece could also use some variance, as it's repetative. 


    The lead you've got at around 0:43 could've been a bigger solo. I was expecting it to go all out, after all it is metalcore, and metalcore has some very hard and fast guitar solos. Add some squealing harmonics, whammy bar shakes, vibrato, and anything else you can do. 


    The drums and percussion were a bit bland. They need more flavor. Sometimes, the reptative crash cymbals overpower the rest of the instruments. 


    The mastering also needs some work. 


    It's a good start, but if you want it to really shine, you need to revamp it some. 




    If you need any help with some of the stuff I discussed, you can always PM me. 

    Hm yeah i guess it is more regular metal than metalcore huh. 

    I've really been tweaking my rhythm tone since the beginning and i'm not really sure what you mean by fuzzy actually. I've been tightening it a lot and really been going for a tight low end and kind of a 'djent' ish sound. Maybe the distortion is a bit high though and the EQ isn't spot on completely. I'm trying to keep the bass out of the rhythm guitars to make space for the bass guitar itself, which could have been boosted a bit more. True.

    And yeah me and pegasyth both aren't really great at fast playing so that wasn't really an option. Both of us have a fixed bridge as well. I've been trying to get my solos as interesting as possible, don't know about pegasyth though.

    What exactly do you mean by flavour in the drums? I know the kicks could have some more 'click' and that one cymbal is pretty overpowering. Should've alternated cymbals there. I'm still working on that but could you elaborate? Do you mean like more use of toms and tricks?

    About the master, i've just been working from a preset in ozone, heavily modifying it so that it really doesn't even sound close to the preset. What exactly is wrong with the master? like, too much clipping for loudness?

    Anyway thanks for the (very fast) feedback, really appreciate it :)

  9. Hey guys! I recently released yet another track and am pretty proud of how it turned out. Definately my best mix thus far IMO. I'm also pretty satisfied with the riffs going on.

    Check it out, if you like bands like periphery/haunted shores and intervals, you might like this! There's also a few dubstep-esque wobble sections and an Animals as Leaders-ish clean section.



  10. Have we talked about Intervals new album?



    Because I gotta say, I'm digging the direction.  Reminds me a lot of The Human Abstract.

    seriously that is my favorite track off the album (which has been the first album i've bought in quite a long time). It's so jazzy, but also so heavy. Semesky's doing a great job on the vocals, i too am one of the people who are liking this direction. And like you said, the human abstract was the first band to come to mind as well with the album haha.

  11. My Album/EP has been released! I'm really thrilled because it's been a heck of a journey haha. This has been in the works for about a year now and i'm pretty pround of the final result. It's pretty much straight up progressive metalcore, with exceptions for a few parts. Hope you guys like it as much as i did making it!


    • Brohoof 1
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