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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by UltimaX

  1. UltimaX


    I don't know if you are looking for advice, but I'll throw my two cents in despite all the good advice that has already been posted Have you every heard of a speaker called Jordan B. Peterson? Hes a clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology at U of T. While I don't think he holds all of the answers to your problems, he knows a lot about helping people contend with the world and its problems. Through years of dealing with this in his practice, his solutions are surprising helpful and resonate on a deep level. Fair warning, the process of fixing your life won't happen in a month. The process that will take time, perhaps years. If you want me to suggest any lectures, books, or other media from Dr.Peterson, I would love to share some of my favorite. Best of luck to changing how you feel
  2. The two things you need to succed with is motivation and Dedication.

  3. When I try to play a video game with my "friends", they kick me out of it. I now have an oppurtuinty to kick my "friends" out of another game. Should I do it?

    1. Kiri


      As much as you feel like they deserve it, you should be the better person. Doing what they did to you would be stooping down to their level (which is very immature and rude from the sound of it). Have you talked with them about their behavior toward you? It doesn't sound like they're being actual friends toward you. Sorry you're going through that. :/

    2. Kiri


      If I were you, I wouldn't play with them at all until they treat you with more respect.

  4. I have to go to a class today that takes 7 hours, when I can do it in 3 hours. I don't like it when people take time on things that don't need it. GAAA!

  5. Wow, winter break is alot more unproductive than I thought. I wanted to do so much with the break, but now that its here I'm not doing anything. Wow.

  6. Holy Jeez! Since the beginning of the school year, I've leared git, javascript, swift, java, and html/css. I've come along way, yet an even farther way to go

    1. HackTune


      awesome, for me since the school year.. i just learned pascal, database, visualbasic6.0, basic stuff >.<


  7. Last week I finsihed seaosn 5 and last night I finished the Friendship Games movie. Least to say, I think that the show is finally starting to reclaim some of it essence that it had in season 1 and 2 that made it good. Anyone else notice this.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I personally think season 4 and 5 are the best seasons actually.

    2. UltimaX


      Why do you think that?

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Lot's of reasons, not enough space here to contain it.

  8. Its easy to be a consumer, but it takes more to be a creator

    1. HackTune
    2. Nightfall Gloam

      Nightfall Gloam

      This motivates me for some reason

  9. Just watched the latest episode. What the actual F. It was not what I expected. It was kind of good, but also bad. I think I could have done a better job making it.

  10. Just watched the latest episode. What the actual F. That was really bad. I was kind of better. But I think I could have done better.

  11. I was like this when they got their cutie marks. They're cutie mars are not what I expected.
  12. My Dad is being extremely difficult lately.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Sorry to hear that. :c I don't know why parents have to be so complicated sometimes..

    2. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      They probably don't know how to handle some things.

  13. Bronze 3 is terrible

  14. I think i've got a Girlfriend

  15. Do as the wise men on televsion suggests, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icGN07Ecnjs.
  16. Love and Sexually Orientation is meaningless in the grand scheme off the universe. Just think of this; When Earth is dyeing and you invented a cool rocket ship off of the planet, you can laugh at them all you want as Earth slowly burns. And then you can create a new space colony that is based on the ideals of equality and acceptance.
  17. First off, my sister is the reason I'm writing this article. She did some things to me and is acting really poorly about it. So let me begin my tale. A few weeks back my parents had asked me to put my LG(phone brand/not an actual phone) on their dresser. I put it on their dresser and just left it there for a few days. It then went missing, but I really didn't care because I could use my computer. I really didn't know it was, until yesterday. My parents once again asked me for my electronics. So I put all of them on their dresser. They stopped me and asked me for my LG. I said I didn't know where it was; I honestly didn't know where it was. I walked out of the room and a few seconds later my sister dashed into the room and quickly deposited my LG on the dresser and then quickly left for her room, shutting the door behind her and locking it. My Dad asked if that was my LG. I looked at it and confirmed that it was. The reason she had my LG was because she had broke both her iPod and her Phone and couldn't access the internet anymore from her room. I probably would have been fine with letting her use my LG if she had asked me. But I wasn't mad at her for not taking it with out my knowing. It was that she had took it without me knowing and that all the time she yells at me to stop touching her things without her permission. For example, when she did have her iPod, I couldn't pick it up from more than 2 seconds without her yelling at me to put it down. Also, she locks her dresser; That's right! Her DRESSER. For Pete's sake! Do you really not trust me that much to leave your dresser locked. I mean, why would I want to mess with your clothing. It's not like I'm going to go in and take a shirt from her and wear it. That would be weird. Anyway, she is the biggest advocate of privacy. But she picks up my phone, doesn't tell me, keeps it in her room for 2 weeks, and tells me not to touch her stuff. SHE IS THE BIGGEST HYPOCRITE IN THE WORLD! And then when I discover that she had my phone the entire time, she ignores me. And the following day, she is acting mad towards me. I don't understand. I should be the one mad at her for being a hypocrite. The way she treats me, and then what she does when she wants something. I'm not exactly furious at her, but I'm not OK with what she did. If I did that to her and she found out, she would be furious and I would fell regret full. But in this situation it's the other way around. The way she is acting is a complete mystery to me. And then today, when I asked her to turn down her music, she just looked at me and said "I don't care." And I and was not being unreasonable. For starters, she is using MY headphones. Secondly, she is twenty feet from me (literally, I measured) and wearing headphones. I could tell you exactly what song she was listening to. It was that loud! The way she acts towards me is absolutely a mystery and is bugging the hell out of me. I can't seem to figure it out. So if any one of you girls out there would like to help me, the advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
  18. Im going to be a drving Time Pirate soon!

  19. I'm taking Drving School this week. I know most of the stuff so I kind of fall asleep. But it is required to get a permit, soooo.... Yeah.
  20. Buy myself computer parts so that I can make a beast computer and 1-up my friends. Oh yeah.
  21. I be sailing the Time Rift, YAR!

  22. LOL, I come to this post, and see that the creator just comment 3 minutes ago about downloading it and then listening to it. I want to know what he thinks. The song is good so far. Who created it?
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