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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Character Comments posted by UltimaX

  1. When I made this character I wanted him to be a somewhat disconnected pony with a somewhat sad, not tragic back story. I wanted him to be a genius, but a harsh personality.


    I guess you can relate to him as some of this figures

    • Napoleon Bonaparte (A genius at Strategies)
    •  Naruo Niijima (From Kenichi: the mightiest disiple)

    I add his eye of foresight because I couldn't resolve which kind of pony he would be. Would he be a Unicorn? Or would he be a Pegasus? I didn't exactly know which to pick. But then I thought to my self "Why not an earth pony" So I choose to be an earth pony. That adds a venerability to him. So I thought that since he will be the main character in a few of my future fanfics, I wanted him to be special in some way. So added his foresight. Most main characters in books have some special ability or talent, so why not mine?

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