I'm not sure if this is a bug or if i'm doing something wrong but, if try to make a topic in the Everfree Forest it turns what i said in the topic, into a post in another thread and then what i say doesn't make any sense, so could somepony tell me what I'm doing wrong? thx
Bats! was my favorite in the series (so far) but i didn't really like Power Ponies, It felt like it was kinda rushed and would have made a better 2 part episode.
Although i personally would love if she returned, but she probably won't, there were alot of cliff hangers this season but there was never a part 2, The pony of Shadows, The keys, Flutterbat, I think Hasbro is just trolling us.
1: Puppeteer (Anypony who hasn't played that GO BUY IT NOW)
2: LittleBigPlanet2
3: Terraria
4: Slender: The Eight Pages
5: Scribblenauts Unlimited
6: Minecraft
7: Super Mario 3d World
8: New Super Mario bros. U.
9: Scribblenauts: Unmasked
10: Angry Birds
EDIT: oh this was games in 2013? oops... oh well...
This Is my Favorite Episode in the Series Flutter-bat was amazing and it didn't make it feel like it was fan-made! Yay! And the tooth growing at the end might mean More Flutter-Bat! Although the Evil Pony thing at the End of Castle Mane-ia Didn't Show Up Again so Maybe Hasbro is Trolling us... Edit: this post is really long
This is why i DESPISE Walmart: http://www.meatvideo.com/ whoever decided it was okay to do buy from these people should rot in hell and drow- okay maybe i'm going a little far but still... HOW IS THIS LEGAL?! and i'm sure this doesn't make the meat taste any better... I AM RAGING SO HARD RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!