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Everything posted by Veggiebrony

  1. 6/10 firstly you gave my twin 10/10for his name, secondly I don't really understand the idea behid it, it is a decent name though.
  2. I did not really like this episode that much, I understand that other people like it but it reminds me of cupcakes too much, I thought that the only good bit was when Gummy was in the punch.
  3. Firstly, call me immature but I have to get it out of my sistem, hehe you said 'plothole'. Secondly I did not think that Rarity was the most attractive, that honour goes to Pinkie Pie, what I don't understand is why he went out with Sunset Shimmer, even if he did break up with her?
  4. I watched it for a forth time yesterday, it is such an amazing movie, I especially liked it when Scootaloo was doing a chicken dance, I thought that was a nice reference.
  5. Can I please have a sig? I would like to have Pinkie Pie on it and my name 'Veggiebrony' I would like it to be cheerful , not like cupcakes (the fanfic, actual cupcakes on the sig are fine) It's OK if you don't want to, I'll understand if you think you've done enough for everypony already.
  6. FALSE!!!!!! I do not enjoy drama. TPAM likes ducks
  7. If I am eating a sandwich Am I eating a sandwich? If I am eating a sandwich Am I eating a sandwich?
  8. I have to say Peter, brilliant success, this has turned to be my favourite website for catching up on the rest on the herd, I thank you Peter for everthing you have done with this website.
  9. I'm sorry that people teased you, some people are mean, you won't find mean people here(but you probably already know that now, after being here thirteen days) welcome to the herd and I hope you feel welcome.
  10. Any name is fine, it does not matter what your name is, just what you are like as a person p.s. you do not need to worry about people using bad language here, everypony is really nice and welcoming here, I'm sure you'll fit in just fine.
  11. I've only been watching the show for six months and only been on MLP forums for two days but I already feel like I belong here, everypony here will make you feel so welcome.
  12. That's really amazing, you are very talented. It look like an official figurine.
  13. I selected the new elements of harmony box but I really have no idea, I think it could be a seventh element, but who would possess it , spike possibly? I think that it may not nessessarily be new elements of harmony but some new way for equestria to protect itself.
  14. I think that the lore is just that, lore, legends are altered to make them seem better, celestia's appearance change from the book to the actual thing could be down to a bad artist in the book, the elements of harmony have changed shape from gems to necklaces, is it really so hard to believe that they changed shape before. Of course it could all be down to an animation error or something, sorry for rambling.
  15. I think that since Lauren Faust left, the show has been less random and has had a more compelling storyline. Is this a good thing? I have no idea but I LOVED THESE EPISODES!!! I thought the story was amazing and well told and I loved the fact that Luna was in the theme, so, overall, I thought these episodes were amazing!
  16. I think that making them all alicorns would be (to quote Pinkie Pie) nervousciting, I would want to jump up and down but also curl up into a ball and forget that it ever happened. After the way twilicorn was recieved I highly doubt that the rest of the mane six will become alicorns.
  17. Text:Veggiebrony Colour scheme:Pinkie Pie related things (balloons, cutie mark, gummy etc.) Text font:Normal Images:Pinkie pie (fun and happy) Sorry forgot, size 100x600
  18. Just saw mlp s4 e1+2, so awesome!

  19. back from school!!!!! yay!

    1. Literally Snails

      Literally Snails

      No more school till season four! /)^3^(\

  20. I think I became a brony about June this year so I haven't been a brony for long but I alredy feel like areal part if the herd. I first heard of bronies on a finebros react video and I thought that I should see what all the fuss was about, I fell in love with the show instantly and have loved it ever since.
  21. Thank you for telling me about this websit. IT IS AWESOME!!!YYYEEEAAAHHH!!!

  22. I agree that the sonic rainboom could be a family technique although I think that maybe the fact that it is called a rainboom is a coincidence that rainboom sounds like rainbow and the only pegasus to pull it off had a rainboom that was rainbow coloured or, more likely it was only named the rainboom after Dashie performed it and until then it was merely known that something cool happens when you break the sound barrier.
  23. I think the mane 6 are much better as ponies although, in the movie, when Twilight looks in the mirror and sees her pony self I think that the pony looked ugly, I think they probably got her from the wrong angle. Anyway, thats my opinion.
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