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Posts posted by RainbowGlitter

  1. I don't know you think? We continue to  go down this route and 10 years from now some poor kid could have his pecker cut off instead of just being suspended.



    If that is the case than why risk it and make that a factor in addition to whatever else he may or may not be in trouble with or may have been in the past? Is this kid is really that much of a trouble maker than they can surely find other things that are more worth of suspension than that. The whole mention of "he got in trouble for other stuff too" probably shouldn't have even been put in that article in the first place both because it is irrelevant and because it just sounds like they are making excuses for the schools actions. 

    Don't be ridiculous no one is going to have any body part removed at school. The school system is hardly getting worse in terms of punishment in america, back then physical abuse from teachers was allowed. Just because one school does some questionable action doesn't mean *all* schools are following down that path.


    Not that public education is great, kids get punished for really stupid things all the time. I have witness firsthand the school system doing questionable things and punishment. Not saying he deserved punishment but just that I am not going to assume anything based on a news snippet thats hardly informative. I was just stating there could be more to the story than what was stated and listed a posibility, thats all.

  2. I don't use brony anymore I just say I am a fan of the series, I like it but I own no merchandise and don't think its super amazing as everyone makes it out to be. I definitely have not lost interest though,don't characterize all "Fans" as not being genuine as people who actively participate in the fandom. 


    Actually I am one of the rare "people who liked mlp before g4" not that you kids would know what I mean GIT OFF MY LAWN.

  3. Your friend kinda sounds like a dick but honestly I don't think even if he tried to carry out his plan it would have worked well, there is just a lot of things nonfans don't know about the show and somewhere along the lines she is going to notice something is off. I can definitely tell if people are legitimate fans of shows or not, it not very hard actually. Pretty easy to see through if someone is lying about liking something to impress you to me at least.


    To answer the question yeah duh course you can love someone not into the same stuff as you I mean no couples are completely compatible. 

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Anthro stands for "anthromorphic" not anthropology you can even see this on the furry page in wikipedia, furries were originally referred to as "Anthromorphic" 




    Anthropology is a field dealing with the study humans and has little to do with furries unless an anthropologist was study furry subculture. Yes they both begin with "anthro" but that is a latin rootword for "man" so it shouldn't be surprising both start with "anthro" but both mean very different things.


    "Anthropology" is my current degree I am working on, I am not studying furries I can assure you :P.

  5. Unicorns because magic seems to be pretty powerful if used right. Thats assuming though I would pick the side I thought would win and the one I think is the coolest. XD


    I don't know I would probably want to know the circumstances and their interests before joining a side if this were serious.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I am not really embarrassed to be seen with them but my parents can be really obnoxious sometimes, mostly my mom who is sorta terrible at gauging when and how much to talk to strangers. Even as a child I realized she did it so excessively. My mom and dad also get overly upset/angry about really stupid things in public sometimes. Never made a huge fuss but its enough to make me roll my eyes.


    Hmmm... I dunno. Sounds a little bit to cheesy for my taste. Though it's an interesting idea. It just sounds weird that the key just appears out of thin air you know?


    I get the feeling it will be this I mean most of the adventures they have are comfortably in ponyville they don't usually travel that far away. If they had to travel somewhere to find the 6 keys then that would be 6 whole episodes or more or traveling and that doesn't look like the direction they are going. Unless they crammed finding the 6 keys in 1 or two episodes which would just feel sorta cheap to me. Plus the addition of diaries seems like its important to the overall plot, why else would they have those unless it had something to do with the keys?


    I mean a lot of stuff is sorta cheesy in mlp though, lets just say I wouldn't be surprised if they took that route.

  8. The fact that you didn't close up the bottom section of the eye bothers me. A lot the lines are also very wobbly in some places (bottom part of the chin specifically). Lastly could use some shading too but if you are not quite ready to do that, then its understandable.


    Good work though, its a simple design but its very cute. For a name I keep thinking "Bec" or "Becca" I definitely think a name starting with B feels right but thats just me. :)

  9. Well I misunderstood what you meant by "dream deja vu" when I read the title but I will share some experiences with dreams/deja vu not along your lines. I have dreams where I feel like I have dreamt them before even if I cannot recollect it. It's very odd since in my dream I accept it as "this has happened before" while when I wake up I feel very confused since I cannot recall having a dream like that.


    I had a "prophetic" dream once but I cannot even recall what it was about even. It's not too weird our brains may cover mudane things that might happen in the near future. I wouldn't call it magic though but I guess thats spoiling the fun lol.

  10. I don't wear pony merchandise or shirts and I don't really mention it often but if someone asked me if I saw it I would tell them I was a fan.


    Both my sisters also watch it, my older one actually collects the toys. We all know that we all watch it but none of us really ever talk about it.

  11. I am honestly never a huge fan of putting disabled characters on a pity bus, which is how this came off to me. It felt like those cheesy "christmas shorts" people play around christmas.


    In terms of video quality if I remember the music, animation, and voice acting was great though. I can appreciate the message and effort they put into it.

    • Brohoof 1
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