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Blast Box

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Posts posted by Blast Box

  1. Whenever folks are down, I ALWAYS think about this tune by Eric Idol, from Monty Python's The Meaning of Life. A movie I also would suggest everyone to see.

    (And remember, the Earth actually rotates at about 1070mph/1670kph)


    Regarding a meaning of life, they're only as valid as we personally make them. I've heard millions of different reasons people use to put meaning in their lives, but none of them matter to me, as me and them are different people with different experiences and priorities. However, I've always felt the meaning of life is to evolve.

  2. Considering it's Hasbro, a company that's gone out of it's way to shut down brony projects, I'm not sure bronies are the reason it's still going. It's a large company that's got one major concern: Bottom line. As long as the show/merch sells, it'll keep going.


    Granted, it's seems that some of the cast and crew enjoy the bronies in general, but ultimately they aren't the ones that decide whether the show continues production or airs. Ultimately, that's Hasbro's decision.

  3. Not sure it was truly him wanting to change for her, or him making a shallow attempt to relate to her. Since he was so infatuated with her image. He barely knew anything about her, all he knew about her is what he saw her doing on a farm.


    I think it was more trying to relate to her farmgirl image, than actually becoming an entirely different pony in order to attempt to spend his life on the farm with her. Since he didn't seem too broken up at the end when he was back to his normal self, and everyone else was the same.

    Yes, he finds her attractive and is welling to change for her. Pretty sure that's love

    • Brohoof 1
  4. You don't have to PvP. I'm just saying, the server is good at it, if you were into that sort of thing. But it should be noted that Tarnished Coast is also the unofficial official U.S. RP server. So believe me, even if you never pvp, it's a very well-rounded server. I've made some fun friends there.

    Yeah, I just like playing with friends, not a PvPer

  5. I think I might have tried it ages ago. I got stuck in a room with death. I'm not too into medieval stuff though.

    It is also a subscription-based game. To play is free, but to open up enough of the game where you can play for more than 4 hours and not have seen everything, takes a subscription. Though, RS does have its charms.

  6. I never cared for RIFT, personally, as I felt it was just a WoW clone. But Tarnished Coast is a nice heavily populated server, that's got great groups for farming and events. But also does very well in WvW, and doesn't have to cheat like other servers. :)

    Haven't tried any of those, I have only tried the ones I mentioned in my original post, as well as briefly tried TERA, RIFT, marvel heroes, DCUO. I did not like marvel heroes, and didn't really get far enough in the others to decide.

    Ok, I might switch. I'm currently on jade quarry, but mainly picked that because I liked the name lol

  7. I play on Tarnished Coast, a pretty good all-around server.


    Yeah, unfortunately none of my friends are able to game with me due to being too busy or they just don't like Mmos or they don't have a computer that can handle games.
    Sure, if you're interested in playing together, you can guest or I wouldn't mind switching servers because I want to start over on my ranger anyway.

  8. Playing with people is the name of the game, you know. The M's are for Massive Multi-player, not single-player. Playing with people you can relate to or enjoy the company of make these types of games the most enjoyable. :D


    I'm always game for GW2, certainly always glad to help people out, especially if they're fellow ponies. Message me if you're interested in my in-game name. :)

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Hmmm. Tough call, there are so many songs I'd like to come to mind if my character were to walk on screen with accompanying music.


    Though, I think I'd have to say: "The Blood of Cú Chulainn" By Mychael Danna & Jeff Danna would best fit his entrance or just him overall.


    A taste:

    (I wish there were better quality versions to easily link.)

  10. Blue

    Your Aura is Blue!

    Personality: Blue’s are very loyal and can be the truest friend any aura could hope to find. On the inside, blues tend to be emotional and even a bit moody. However, you know that other auras depend on you, so you put on a strong front. They tend to live a quiet but enriching life. Blues are very giving of them and is hard to let go of relationships. They believe the key to living a good life is simple: Be as honest with yourselves and others as possible. They value the truth over everything else. Blue will remain loyal to those who are honest with them, even if their honesty hurts. Compared to most other auras, blues handle the truth very well. They take every event into stride. Blues are the calm spot in a sea of chaos. They think that the solution to most problems is open communication; they wish that people would be more real with each other. A Blue personality uses its five physical senses to access information. An emotionally driven personality, you need to be liked and accepted. It is one of the "needs" that can cause apprehension in your personality. You are a polite, cooperative person who seeks to create conflict-free surroundings. You possess highly developed powers of observation. Family is important to you and you sometimes find yourself in the role of being a caretaker. You are conservative, reliable and trustworthy - you are quite trusting of others although you are very wary in the beginning until you are sure of the other person. You are not impulsive- you always think before you speak and act and do everything at your own pace in your own time. You take time to process and share your feelings. You are genuine and sincere, and you take your responsibilities seriously. You have a deep need for peace and harmony in your everyday life. You appear to be confident and self-controlled, but may be hiding your vulnerable side. You are generally fairly even-tempered, unless your emotions take over - then you can become either moody and over-emotional, or cool and indifferent. You are sensitive to the needs of others. While you are friendly and sociable, you prefer the company of your own close group of friends. You are a rescuer and love to be needed. You can be rigid - you like to stick to what is familiar to you- you stubbornly do things your way even if there is a better way. Untidiness and unpredictability overwhelm you. You don't like to draw attention to yourself. While you don't like to have discord or conflict in your life, you are often the cause of conflict with others; you can be quite manipulative but in a very subtle way.
    You make a loyal and faithful marriage partner and you are an honest, trustworthy and sincere friend. You are aware of others feelings and sensitive to the moods of others. You are approachable and friendly, always making people feel welcome in your life. You have a thirst for knowledge in order to gain wisdom and appear knowledgeable in whatever area interests you. You can be too cautious and worry about every little thing.


    That's not too bad, actually. Only thing I'd object to is the but about creating conflict. I tend to be the mediator between others conflicts, and resolve things. I really avoid creating conflict, but the rest is spot on. Though, I am a bit curious as to whether these are the true aspects and colours of auras. If so, bravo. Since apparently I'd be lucky to find a Pink interested in me, lol, guess I'm too boring. Green and purple are my best options.

  11. I like the question. Heck, at first I loved Rarity, it was her song Art of the Dress that got me into the show in the first place. More so her actual singing voice, which I believe is Kazumi Evans. Don't get me wrong, as I still really like her character, but... Not with the same puppy-dog enthusiasm I had at first. 


    But, it was AJ and Fluttershy, (AJ a little more than Fluttershy) that really struck a chord with me. She really does represent everything I'd love to have in someone very close to me. Honesty being one of the biggest things I've ever wanted out of anyone. Not to mention she is hardworking and keeps her hooves on the ground, even when things go pair-shaped. Cares about her family big-time, and always willing to help out. All the things I strive to be, but see so little in day to day life and even I may falter on rare occasion. I'm still only human, but AJ is almost like my rock, when it comes to striving for those qualities in a world that seems to ignore them.


    I never make sense.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. I vote "No" on all three accounts, and that happens to be the truth. But I have absolutely -no- problems with those that do clop; And especially no problems with those that create clop-fictions or clop-art. In fact, I happen to love finding all sorts of clop and R34 stuff, even the out-there stuff. But fact remains, that to me the ponies mean something. I really do love the characters that were created in this show.


    While I'm all for even explicit expressionism, when it comes to the colourful characters, I can't bring myself to simply objectify them, turning them into simple sexual objects, by clopping myself. That's just my own personal opinion though, those of you that do clop, I'm sure have your own reasons for doing. Those that don't, probably also have plenty of reasons themselves to abstain and object to it. Know that both sides have their valid points, but I myself? Choose to abstain. :D

    • Brohoof 1
  13. Lets say your mind, everything in it, thoughts, hopes, feelings, perceptions, memories, EVERYTHING that is you and makes up everything you think and feel during conscious and unconscious life, is like a small room with no windows or doors. There is only a lightbulb, and a light switch.


    Death is pretty much that light switch, just getting turned off. That's it.


    So enjoy the time you have here. :D

  14. Well, it'd be nice to have some ponies to play with. I never solo-que as randoms tend to be trolls or frustrate me. When my other friends have full groups, having some pony folk on the team may make things better. I can Top, Jungle, Mid and Support, just can't ADC. I'm not an super-competitive player, mostly just a recreational player, something to do with friends and such. Feel free to send me a message if you want my in game name. Play on North America servers.

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