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Everything posted by KatieHooves

  1. Computer technology would have stagnated a long time ago. Why create a $1,000 video card if only a certain group of professionals would use them? Motion tracking technology would have also not made much of an impact at all if it wasn't for Kinect and the Wii. Video games move technology because players want more and more and the race is on for companies to create better and better technology. It's a huge industry and one that has pushed technology very far.
  2. PSN: rivercherri Nintendo Network: akiba_chi88 I'll add my friend code once I decide whether or not I'm getting an XL. Always looking for more people to play: Battlefield 4 Resogun Injustice: Gods Among Us Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition And soon Gran Turismo 6 and GTAV.
  3. Sonic Boom isn't being developed by Sonic Team though. And to be fair, Sonic Generations and Colors were really great. The Racing series and Mario & Sonic At The Olympics have been fun too. Their only serious missteps were Sonic 06, Black Knight, and Secret Rings. Lost World doesn't compare to those two. Knuckles does look ridiculous and the bandages are weird though.
  4. I think a lot of people felt pretty burnt by Sega by the time the Dreamcast ended. They blew it with the Genesis by attaching two parasites (Sega CD and 32X) to it, blew it with the Saturn by just failing miserably to make it work in the US, and finally blew it with the Dreamcast by not making right decisions to keep them afloat. That would be horrible to go through something even remotely close to that with Nintendo.
  5. Highly unlikely. Nintendo merged their handheld and console divisions so it is likely their next console will be a hybrid device. Nintendo is also working on a new "third pillar" platform relating to health and quality of life. Brain Age and Wii Fit U are great pieces of software, so this should be really exciting. Especially if they make it work with the Fit Meter that I'm always wearing.
  6. Well, this year they have Yarn Yoshi, X, Fire Emblem x Shin Megami Tensei, Super Smash Bros., Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, Hyrule Warriors, Sonic Boom, Mario Kart 8, a new Miyamoto IP, and Bayonetta 2. And those are just the announced ones. Coupled with Wii Sports Club, Wii Party U, New Super Mario Bros. U, New Super Luigi U, Nintendoland, The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker HD, The Wonderful 101, ZombiU, Pikmin 3, NES Remix, Sonic Lost World, and Mario & Sonic At The Winter Olympics, there will be a lot going on for the Wii U. I've had mine since last March and haven't been bored with it at all. I enjoyed getting the 30 cent classic NES and SNES games and Earthbound especially. It has been a great purchase.
  7. It is four players so maybe that's where you got the impression from. The multiplayer is a blast. Good for experienced gamers and beginners alike. Better than the multiplayer in the New Super Mario Bros. games.
  8. No. It's a 3D platformer that it is a bit of a cross between Super Mario Bros. 2 (US version), Super Mario 3D Land, and Super Mario World. One of the highest rated games of last year and pretty close to being the best Mario game ever made.
  9. Just curious. Have you played Super Mario 3D World? That was very memorable.
  10. 1. David Tennant (Favorite episode: Blink) 2. Tom Baker (Favorite episode: Genesis Of The Daleks) 3. Sylvester McCoy (Favorite episode: Remembrance Of The Daleks) 4. Christopher Eccleston (Favorite episode: The Doctor Dances) 5. Patrick Troughton (Favorite episode: Tomb Of The Cybermen) I like all of the actors that played The Doctor. But, I've never gotten into the Third Doctor's stories. They are too action focused for me.
  11. The whole thing blew me away. Did you hear that the little girl who was flying broke her arm and they offered to let her go but she refused and even wants to compete in the Olympics someday?
  12. Sonic & Mario At The Sochi Winter Olympics. I've got a craving for all things Olympics and it looks fun. I enjoyed the demo of Sonic & Mario At The Olympics on the 3DS.
  13. Well, my name is Katie. And after a dangerous medical procedure, I had my hands replaced with hooves. I love My Little Pony, so I went with KatieHooves.
  14. The Dream show was the most beautiful and Russian feeling of the opening ceremony. But, the ballet was choreographed and designed so wonderfully. I can't decide. I loved that the fifth ring didn't open until later. It felt like the Olympics were almost there but hadn't completely started yet.
  15. So I had to download Flappy Bird one more time before it is gone forever. And it is still the most awful thing I've ever played. But, if it was released for the NES back in the day it would probably be well known to this day as being one of the hardest games ever made.

  16. Too bad we will never see Conan do a Clueless Gamer review for this abomination.
  17. Been too long to remember. The one I have the most memories of playing would be Super Mario Bros. 3.
  18. The opening ceremony has been breathtaking so far. Ballet, Tolstoy, history, and flying girls so far all in the same event. It's pretty amazing so far.
  19. KatieHooves

    gaming Flappy Bird

    Why is this game a thing? I don't get it. Does anyone go out of there way to play Superman 64? ET? Custer's Revenge?! Has everyone gone crazy??? My high score is 2. Stupid game.
  20. The opening ceremony in Sochi just set a whole new standard for awesome.

  21. I love hockey, figure skating, and snowboarding. They really made Sochi look beautiful for the Olympics. If this goes off without a hitch, Putin should get a lot of credit. He may be a jerk, but he's given Russia a reason to feel proud.
  22. Sochi looks so pretty on TV.

  23. Yowza, the new Sonic designs are atrocious!

  24. Just finished watching The Thing. They don't make them like they used to.

  25. Gravity. That was just one of the best, most original, and intense movies I've ever seen. Sandra Bullock taught a master class on acting in that one. Can't wait for it to come out on Google Play. American Hustle would be second. My favorite actor (Christian Bale) and favorite actress (Jennifer Lawrence) need to be in more movies together. I could probably make a more detailed list of movies I hated last year. 2013 was an iffy year for movies.
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