I second this; Also, matching up your style of clothing, color scheme, and fit to the the character it's based on. For example, with Rainbow Dash I'd imagine something sleek and colorful. This was my outfit the other day. Keep the fit and also keep the shirt, change the hoodie to blue, the pants to grey, and the shoes to white, and I think it'd be a pretty decent RD-inspired outfit. Or say your favorite character is Rarity. You could have a white cotton MA-1 bomber jacket with flashy zippers and other trinkets as your main piece (maybe even have a stylized version of her cutie mark on the back of the jacket), paired up with a purple-blue gradient T-shirt; black slim/skinny jeans, and black low-top sneakers with white and blue detailing. That might be a shitty combination, it's 2:30am and I'm tired