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Posts posted by Bunni

  1. The next upcoming champion as been revealed. Or...Leaked i should say.

    It might not even be legit, but its worth sharing with you guys.




    Looks pretty cool.

    The only thing he needs is Samuel Jackson to voice him. And his attack quote has to be

    "I've had it with these mother fucking minions on my mother fucking lane!"

    I like his design.


    Any info on what role he'll be filling or any of that stuff?


    I'd love it if he was a new adc or viable as one. *Starts drooling*

  2.  Soup buddeh! Glad to see you're still around! I was playing Voli when he was mediocre at best, and now he's really good now! That made my day for sure. What are the standard bans for ranked now? I'm used to Amumu, Blitz, and Shen banned every game so naturally, I am a bit lost when I have to ban.

    Standard bans from silver 2-gold 5 is: Shen, Malph, Heca, Elise, Kha and Vi. At least on EUW. Might be slightly diff on NA but probably same.

    And I'm still around yush ^^


    EDIT: I forgot about Renekton and Leona.

  3. Hey, hey, hey! Guess who's back... Again. I really need to stop making a habit of leaving xD. Regardless, I am back playing LoL again and I might even try to poke around the forums here a bit more to! 2 months of no games and Voli is apparently meta now. My first ranked game back and Shen wasn't banned! Strange world. Guess I should throw up a score or something... and I have nothing new except a 2/0/22 Shen game that I didn't screen cap -.-. 


    And for you, feel free to add Lord Sprixx when you have a chance. I'd love to play a game with you smile.png


    Oh my. I haven't seen you in months! How've you been old pal ^^?







    I'm rather new to this game, but I enjoy it a lot.

    I mostly play Dr.Mundo and Voibear.

    I am as of this moment, suffering from a three day ban because my brother disabled the hotspot on my phone while I was in the middle of a match. (And doing quite well, mind you.)

    Keep playing that Voli. He's super stronk and eats his greens like his mother told him to :3

    • Brohoof 1
  4. and sooooo super irritating!

    you cant believe how many noobs ><

    yesterday someone in a game bragged about being pro cause he has a skin ._.

    I used to play on that server a good couple of months ago. And I feel sorry for you since you're stuck on it ;-;

    Ranked solo queue on EUNE was a nightmare D:

  5. so there arent any tricks with him? why do people call him a character which hard to play? O_O

    now i have to try jungling with him XD

    There aren't too many tricks I think. At least nothing out of the ordinary. And people say he's hard to play?

    And he's quite a fast/strong jungler. His E's short cooldown and damage helps alot with it ^^

    • Brohoof 2
  6. i started playing with zed (free and such, nice chance)

    he is a really awesome champion, even thou he is kinda duplicated complicated (i was about to delete my misuse of english, but then i understood it isnt wrong this time, so i just ---- it XP)

    im kinda badass with him, but i feel like i dont use all of him, are there any players who has expiriance with zed?


    I play Zed every now and then. He's one of my favourites and his kit just clicked with me. I play him where I can, but mainly take him into the jungle, because getting fed with him is rather easy with some ad and his ulti ^^

    • Brohoof 1
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