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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Guitarguru007

  1. *An old challenger approaches* Hey, guess who's made a comeback?
  2. It's when you start to work when you can finally begin to appreciate the term "day off"

  3. Gotta work from 4 pm to 11 pm tonight. Woo closing is so much fun. #Sarcasm

    1. butter scotch

      butter scotch

      Unlucky mate, hang in there...

  4. Well where I come from there's really only one thing to do after a momentous occasion such as this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_bY75hnNzyk#
  5. Of course! I mean why wouldnt they make a well deserved return. I mean look at Luna! She got a whole episode and....well....yea...she got a whole episode! Minus a few seconds of cameos on the season 2 final. But aside from that, I'm sure they'll return in some kind of way. Be it a full episode or just some brief apperances (LUNA). Which also makes you want to think, will the Changelings return too? I mean they were never actually DESTROYED or locked up or anything
  6. I leave the forums for a bit and come back, and the chat is gone? *Luna Voice* Hello everypony, did I miss anything?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Guitarguru007


      Long story short. Had to help save Equestria with the help of Dr. Whooves. Took us awhile.



      I thought you were bailing with the chat... wb


    4. Guitarguru007


      Never! I wouldnt just leave the forums hanging all because of a silly chat getting deleted. Being honest, my interent has been down for weeks and we just got it repaired.

  7. Idk why but my internet has been bugging out on me. I haven't been able to post or even use some of the forums.
  8. Oh. Well shoot, I'll finish up all formalities in my next post I guess.
  9. Blue couldn't help but cringe as he heard the loud pop of the mare's shoulder sliding back into place. "SWEET CELESTIA!" Her eyes shot open and she bolted up into an upright position, rubbing her shoulder. She looked around in amazment at both Blue and Spirit, confusion written all over her face. Blue smiled, she was fine, if not a bit dazed. Before he had time to reply, the dark earth pony walked back over to the group and was speaking. "The guards attacked us and I think knocked you out for a bit there, but seeing as you're awake again I think we should get going. It's only a matter of time before more of those strange guads show up, if you need I can give you a shoulder to lean on as we walk." He said to her. Blue nodded his head and looked from the earth pony, to Spirit, back to the mare. "He pretty much just summed it up, although you me and Spirit here were all together when it happened. You dive bombed the captain after my flute missed his knife. It it weren't thanks to you, Spirit here might not of been around to fix your shoulder." Blue spoke to her. He looked around. All the ponies who were involved in the previous incident had begun to surround him, Spirit and the mare. Blue remained silent for a moment. Everything was happening so fast. Blue looked back at Spirit. Blue was sure that everypony was interested to know what was going on, but he also knew that now was still not the time for formalities. It wasn't safe where they were. "I think we should probably move before any other crazy stuff happens. Let's warn the others, before we begin to get all formal." He said to him. He looked back at the mare and quickly said, "The name's Blue but we'll have time to talk about this later. Can you walk, or do you need some help?" He asked her.
  10. Ill get mine in later today. Its 12:51 am I need to sleep hahaha.
  11. You thought that was impressive? Just watch how I can tilt my hat....LIKE A BOSS.
  12. LOL! I'm sorry dude I was just having some fun with the chat last night. I'm back though
  13. Done but my phones not letting me modify it so...eh
  14. "I am a doctor. Name's Spirit. Spirit Whitemane. Thanks for the help back there." The white unicorn responded to Blue with a smirk. Blue's eyes widened a bit as he watched the tip of the unicorns horn glow green. The gash on his neck began to close itself, until nothing but a red scar could be seen. It was a rushed job, but Blue could imagine that Spirit was weak after what had happened. "Well its nice to meet you Spirit, the names Blue. I would love to be more formal, but we've got bigger problems on our hooves." Blue responded, motioning to the body he was carrying. Spirit looked at the pegasus and a dark expression crossed his face. After a moment he said, "This is as good a place as any, now that those bastards are gone." And began to help lower the pony off of Blue's back very gently. The two managed to get her on her back, while Spirit held her head in one hoof. Suddenly the dark grey earth pony trotted over to where the two of them were talking. "Now might be a good time to go. It might not be agood idea to stick around here much longer, seeing as how we technically made ourselves criminals here." He told them. Blue shook his head, then motioned to the pegasus. "I'm not going to move a single hoof until I know if she's ok. She saved both Spirit's AND my own life with her actions." Blue said. Spirit agreed with him and began to look at the beaten up pegasus. After giving her a once over, he began to rub his hoof over one of her shoulders, saying, "It's been dislocated. I'll have to snap it back into place. It's gonna hurt like hay if she's awake, but I don't want her unconscious any longer. If she did suffer a concussion, and I'm not saying she did, but if she did, that's the last place we want her to be." He lifted up one of her eyelids and began to talk to her, trying to wake her up. After a few moments, she began to stir. Blue sighed in relief and smiled. Thank Celestia she was alright. Well, for the most part, anyway. Blue took another look at Spirit. "Is she going to be ok, Doc? I mean she's moving at least?" He asked, hopeful for some good news. Meanwhile, Blue never noticed the event taking place a few yards away between the dark unicorn and the last remaining guard. He DID however, notice the sudden clearing up of the fog. Ponyville was mist free, but remained as empty as it always was. Blue took a moment to eye the ghost town. "Celestia, did I really expect to find friends coming to a place like this?" He thought, a sad expression on his face. "And to think I used to hear such good things about Ponyville..." He directed his full attention back to Spirit and the mumbiling Pegasus.
  15. Haha wait for me, master I need to get in Blue's response before you go. Afterall their together
  16. Lol yea my last "you guys need to see a doc" post was master and sky's cue.
  17. Blue sighed in relief as the white unicorn managed to get up on his feet. He knew the cut on his neck wasn't too bad had still feared for his life. "Thank Celestia he's alright." Thought Blue as he watched him get up. When the unicorn finally managed to stand, he thanked Blue and began to study the pegasus on his back with great detail. Gesturing at her, he warned Blue to watch her head, in case she had gotten a concussion from her previous impact. Blue looked behind himself at the pegasus. She looked to be in pretty bad shape; he cursed himself, thinking most of this was his own fault. Suddenly, he saw the white unicorns horn glow a bright green, and the knife, which had been such a problem to all of them before, appeared between the both of them, lifted by the unicorn's magic. Blue looked suprised at its sudden appearence. Out of nowhere, he heard the captain of the guard shuffling torward them. "Muh muh m-ine, give-knife-back, stupid unic-unicuh, must kill peg-sis, kill you." The stallion was muttering weakly. The captain was in horrible shape. He was beaten and bruised, and was coughing up blood. He seemed to have a glazed look over his eyes, and was attempting to move closer to where Blue and the Unicorn where. Blue turned around and put a hoof behind himself, protecting the pegasus on his back. He wasn't going to let anyone, especially not her, suffer anymore harm. Then as soon as it started, it ended. The captian slowed down his advance, and his body began to slump onto the ground. With one final breath, the stallion hit the dirt, and was still. Blue couldn't believe what was going on. Just the morning, he had woken up expecting one of his first days in Ponyville to go smoothly, (He had arrived a few days ago) but little did he expect what had happened. Taxes, fees, insane guards, even death! What in the hay was going on here. Quickly, he began to notice an event taking place all around him. The bodies of the guards that had been knocked down, save for one, began to vanish. Some mysterious force caused them to just fade away, and soon there was nothing but empty spaces where the bodies had previously been. "What sort of magic is this...?" Blue muttered to himself, eyes fixated on the body of the captain, as it too began to fade. However the captian's body did not fade all the way, and Blue was soon staring at the skeleton of the stallions former body. The skeletion then proceeded to burst into dust. Blue's face contorted in disgust. What was all this? He looked back at the white unicorn and saw a small pool of blood had began to form around his hooves. Blue gestured torward his neck. He would have to worry about what was happening later. "That cut isn't looking so good, man. We're going to have to find you, and HER," he motioned to the pegasus on his back with a nod of his head, "a doctor, and quick." Looking back at the captain's dust pile, he added, "As for him...I don't think any amount of medical attention is going to matter. What in the hay is going on here?" His head turned a little to the right and saw two ponies. The unicorn which had been knocked down twice and the dark earth pony were standing over the body of a guard, which had not yet vanished.
  18. The flute continued to fly like a bullet towards its intended target. Blue's eyes were squinted in concentration; he was unable to notice anything happening around him at the time. The flute was mere feet away from the target...the guard pulled away. The flute flew past him, his knife, and the white unicorn underneath him. Blue's eyes widened in shock. The flute flew about another 10 feet from the guard until planting itself firmly in the ground, and vanished with a puff of smoke. He had failed, and could only watch in vain and the captain gave him a sneer and turned back to the unicorn to finish the job. Blue almost couldn't watch. *BANG!* The blue pegasus whom he had been protecting appeared from nowhere out of the sky and slammed into the captian with the force of a bomb, knocking him far off the unicorn, and knocking his knife many feet away. Blue gasped and looked behind himself. Sure enough, the pegasus had managed to recover and engage herself in the fray. Blue couldn't help but smile in admiration. She had managed to save the unicorns life, and in turn, Blue's concious. Looking back, Blue saw her lying on the ground, clearly in pain. It seemed as though the shock of her hit had not only knocked the wind out of her, but also might of broken something. He looked toward the unicorn and saw bright red blood pouring from his neck, down onto his white fur. The contrast of colors was frightening. Ignoring the action that he heard from behind (He also forgot to check for the captain...), Blue rushed over to the two knocked down ponies. He eyed both of them, fearing the worst. Looking at the pegasus, he deemed her to be in the worst shape, seeing that the unicorn's cut wasn't as bad as he feared. He rushed to her side, and surveyed the damage. She was knocked out cold from the impact of her hit. He gently pushed his head under her belly and managed to get her on his back. He moved very slowly, not wanting to agrivate any previous injuries on her body. She needed medical attention, and stat. Gently walking back to the unicorn, Blue poked him with his hoof. "Hey buddy! Are you alright?" He asked him, a bit of fear in his voice.
  19. Funny I was just about to ask. Somepony has ESP
  20. Easier to be a guy or a girl you say? Well lets take a look at my past experiences as a girl, shall we? Oh wait, I don't have any. Boy wins. Hey, I'm proud to say I'm NOT part of that group. I'm one of the nicest, most considerate guys you'll ever meet!
  21. What? I thought it was great! Lol, don't doubt yourself, Sky.
  22. Ahhh brings back good ol' memories of RE4. Anypony other than myself like to shoot Ashley just for the heck of it? And that pretty much sums up EVERY multiplayer game. I mean just try playing MW online sometime. If I had a penny for how many 5 year old brats who think they can swear and try and talk trash while I play online, I'd be richer than Bill Gates.
  23. It already started, the OOC is up and so is the RP actually. Edit: But if you want to join try talking to Tyoe.
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