Well, hello everypony, I'm 13 years old, and I live in Argentina. I started watching MLP about two years ago, but I've decided to keep that a secret 'till I decided to admit I really was a brony and that I liked the show. Before I firstly watched the show, I didn't think it was going to be that "Awesome" as I think it is after I watched it, mostly because I have fun watching, and it's very entertaining. Sadly I haven't gotten to watch Season 4 yet, my internet has been really slow lately that it takes lot of time to even upload 1MB. Well, about myself I'd like to tell that I'm interesed on pixel-art, but every time I try drawing, I tend to mostly fail and such giving up, which is thing I don't like to do, and I'm too interesed on becoming a musician on a future, but I really don't know too much stuff about music but I should really consider learning one day. I also play Minecraft, and I make hacks of the old Sonic games for the Sega MegaDrive/Genesis.
I have a Skype account (TheElectroball), so if you want to know more about me, Skype me.
And I also have a YouTube channel, where I mostly upload my stuff from Sonic-hacking, but if somepony's interesed looking at, my channel's name is Electroball13
Thank you for your time at reading this, and have a nice day.