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Everything posted by HunterTSN

  1. Mine's a wave... Yeah it's really hard to dress up the mascot for basket ball games.
  2. Oh I know full well what happens to them. I haven't been able to eat processed food ever since I mad the mistake of watching Food Inc. I'd like to imagine that ponies have a much "cleaner" system in place.
  3. I live in Florida. It's 80 degrees. It's raining. Sunshine State my ass.
  4. I have sleepovers with Discord, I leik Gengar, and I am best friends with Voldemort. I guess I am just villainously inclined.
  5. Well my hat is off to you sir, I've been forced to use a mouse before and it was quite the harrowing experience.
  6. That is actually remarkably good for MS Paint, what drawing pad do you use? (I'm assuming you use a pad, if you did that with a mouse... just damn."
  7. Well I live in the center of a college town so almost anything I need is within walking or biking distance. I should have gotten my license quite a while ago, however since I've never really had a good reason to I just always put it off. Whenever I need to go somewhere far away I can usually find a carpool anyway.
  8. It might be weird if they put red meat in, but not so much eggs. There is quite a few differences between meat and say milk or eggs, a main one being you don't kill anything to get them.
  9. Early 2012 here. I've taken quite a few extended hiatus since then, but I'm here now. Who remembers the chat room?
  10. Who keeps stealing my raisin bran?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. HunterTSN


      Lol you showed me that song.

    3. The Crimson Cross

      The Crimson Cross

      Oh yeah, i did too.. No regrets! It's a symphony of the Gods!

    4. Unicorncob
  11. It's all for the sake of art, it doesn't have to be functional ...unless you actually plan on dealing with mustard gas or a nuclear fallout at some point in the future of course. I've hear that the asbestos in old gas masks is in a separate compartment of the respirator and can't be breathe in unless there it's damaged or something.
  12. Short answer: No way in hell. Although it makes for good fanfiction doesn't it?
  13. Well for dieselpunk it will certainly work. I'm not a fan of the grey mask with green respirators personally, they remind me more of something out of World War II. I prefer a leather and yellow brass look.
  14. I think black could work, the problem is that it has a very rubbery texture when you should look into something a bit more leathery. Another suggestion would be modifying it to only cover the face rather than the whole head, that combined with a cool hat and some crazy hair coming out the back would look pretty cool indeed.
  15. Although I've never been one for the whole dressing up thing, I am a huge fan of steampunk artwork and creation. It's just something about the clashing of the old and new technologies that intrigues me; it has that very grungy and crude design, however it works in such an intricate and ornate way that makes it completely majestic and incredible.
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