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Posts posted by WindShear

  1. @@Auriel

    Here is your request if your still even on here anymore xD Sorry for the LONG ACE wait  :(




    Thank You! It looks great, I love it!  :yay:


    and dont worry about the wait, took me over a year to finish the request you made in my old shop, so I've got no room to complain.  ^_^

    • Brohoof 1
  2. You are awesome, I have pretty much just been sitting here staring at it since you posted it.   :pinkie:


    and I see that it is now in the front page of EQD!   :yay:

  3. My longest single gaming session was probably on EVE Online a few years ago. I played from when I got up around 3 PM, to 6 AM when I normally went to bed, but then right as I was about to go to bed I learned that my alliance was about to run a massive fleet op, so I unwisely decided to stay up and run that with them. By the time that ended, I think it was around 2:00, so that was about 23 hours.


    Never doing that again.  ^_^

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Wow, I haven't posted in the RFC in forever.


    Have some nice Rari-Art! post-22964-0-58432500-1422670137.png







    Why is Rarity assumed to have Narcissistic Personality Disorder? She doesn't even come close to fitting the criteria. She admires herself, but that's not what NPD is. If she really did have it, she wouldn't be able to handle criticism, she wouldn't care about her friends at all, she would believe that she's superior, she would never ask for advice, and she would never be generous. I doubt any of you think she has it, but any idea to why? I'm guessing it's ignorance. It's like how people assume Pinkie Pie is bipolar. I don't mind when people diagnose other ponies with mental disorders, (I do it, too) but I wish they would at least do research. 


    I'm pretty sure that's mainly just the result of people judging Rarity based off of whatever their first impression of her was, and not bothering to actually look past that and see her true character.

    • Brohoof 4
  5. Well my rankings tend to change quite a bit, but as of right now


    1 :yay:  and post-22964-0-58432500-1422670137.png - I really can't decide between these two, Flutters is by far the most relatable to me, but I find Rares to be the most interesting character.


    2   :adorkable:  - Twilight was initially my favorite character, though she has dropped a couple rankings over the past season or two I still love her.


    3   :sneer:  - I love Dash, and she has developed a lot over the course of the show. I always love seeing her caring side shine through her brash personality.


    4   :pinkie:  - If Pinkie was always written as well as she is when the episode centers around her, she would likely be higher on this list. She is only this low because I feel she was written kinda badly in a lot of episodes in seasons 3 and 4


    5   :bedeyes:  - Although I still like AJ, to me she is the least interesting character in the show.



  6. I don't see how it would ruin the series. Even if the movie is awful, that doesn't make the series itself any worse.


    As far as it being action oriented, I don't know if that would be a good thing or not. I generally prefer the slice of life style episodes of MLP to the action/adventure episodes, but if they can pull off an action heavy movie while still maintaining a good and interesting plot then it might be good.

  7. I love game OSTs!  :yay:


    I'm pretty sure I have spent more time listening to game soundtracks than any other type of music.



    Here are some of my favorite that I can think of off the top of my head.







    Crusader Kings 2







    TES III Morrowind





    Legend of Zelda





    Phoenix Wright





    EvE Online





    Civilization IV





    Alright, I should probably stop there. I don't think I would have any trouble filing up this entire page.  ^_^

  8. Honestly, no I can't say that I am very happy with my life right now.  I work at Walmart, so my job is pretty crap, and I have yet to be able to find anything using my degree. Plus it's now been almost 4 years since I graduated from college, and at this point I forgot most of what I learned back then so that's making it even harder to find a job. I also have bad problems with anxiety, to the point where I am afraid to leave my house to do fun things, hang out with friends, talk on these forums, or to try to take opportunities to get a better job.


    All that being said, I know things could still be a lot worse, and I really don't think it would take a lot for me to get to the point where I would consider myself happy.

    • Brohoof 2
  9. If you are wanting to practice on peoples OCs, and are worried about people getting upset about it you could always start a request shop. I know from experience, that you will probably end up getting more requests than you ever wanted.  :lol:


    Or you could just look around the request guild forums, and try to do things that people have already requested.

    • Brohoof 2
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