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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Damonater

  1. Damonater wiped away the blood tear with the piece of paper that SharpWit gave to him. He had nothing to say really.... because he felt like he didn't need to say anything to him. "Damn you everfree forest creatures...." He muttered under his breath. Damonater still stares at the scenary and the undead below from the edge of the building.
  2. I kept a promise to myself 3 years ago that i would not talk to anyone in school. It lasted for a month but stupid me had to open my mouth... And I look at myself and regret it every fucking day....

    1. Mr Underhill

      Mr Underhill

      do you mean talk to anyone about MLP?

    2. Damonater


      Nope, just to talk to people in general.

  3. Damonater's stomach growled at him, begging for food. He looks down at his stomach, giving it an angry look. "No! You don't need anything." He thought to himself angrily. Damonater tries to fill himself up with some water and vodka. His stomach calms down a little but still growls a bit more. "Oh for the love of vodka, calm your shit stomach. Its only been like what.... 4 days since i ate? Isn't that enough?" He then thought to himself again. Damonater gives a sigh of envy as he quickly glanced at Crismon and Ever. He then slowly trots to the edge of the building, on the side of where the others were and stared off in the distance, thinking about what he could of had with Lost. A small tear from one side and a blood tear dripped down the other side giving a sigh. (( The blood tear is something to do with his right eye. No pony knows what his eyes look like due to his shade being on all the time. )) "Just..... Give it up... Its over...." He thought to himself sadly as a few more tears started to flow, both blood and normal.
  4. Who It's For: My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/damonater-r5335 Type of Metal: Metal or Heavy metal Style of Song: or Hope you could do that for me
  5. "Oh haha... very funny..." He said sarcastically to SharpWit. "But yes I am ready to go. Is it Prance we are headed to?" He asked as he put the keyboard in his saddlebag. Damonater's saddlebag is now full of ammo, guns, pictures of lost ones, food which was mainly cooked rice in small containers (Rice is his favorite food by the way, DON'T TOUCH HIS RICE!) and rashes of cooked bacon. And now a keyboard. His bags can not fit anymore things in there. After he packed and equips his PPSH-41, he then proceeds to follow SharpWit.
  6. Damonater had just finished playing his piece. "I guess one more couldn't hurt. Perhaps..... one that isn't as depressing as the one I just played." He said to himself while wiping away his tear with his glasses on still. He would never dare to take off his glasses because that he never liked showing his eyes due to social problems He then began to play his favorite song from his favorite band in hopes that would cheer him up just a bit more. He then proceeds to hum / quietly sing the lyrics to himself. (( http://youtu.be/ebF7qGcQ1yg?t=21s that's the song he is playing now... but i bet you guys don't even listen to it. But if you do, then quote this little OOC bit ))
  7. Damonater stopped in the middle of the dark, gloomy hallways of the hotel rooms and he thought "Would they really want to hear your piano skills right now? Its probably not the best time for it...." He said to himself. "Hmmm, perhaps i shall play it in that room we all stay in.... since they are all on the roof, they should not really hear it.... or perhaps not hear it at all." He thought to himself as he started walking back to the room with the keyboard under his wing. So then, Damonater sits down at the slightly rotten couch and lays the keyboard on his lap. He then hits one of the keys on the keyboard and it makes a bit of a loud sound. He wasn't to sure if the others could here it. But then, Damonater remembers one of his songs that he made when he was in his teen years. He then takes a deep breathe and puts his hooves on the keyboard softly then simply begins to play his piece. (( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40Vj7LK0HaI Thats the song he is playing )) His hooves move fluently with the tune and he begins to think about Lost. He knew he had to let go...... but he just couldn't..... He knew there was not going to be another chance. A small tear runs down his eyes.
  8. Damonater was washing all the shit away from his body and mane in the shower, he can kinda here whats going on outside..... Hopefully, they are not planning to ditch me like the last group did to him. They left him left for dead, completly surronded but he fought his way out of it, killing every last turned that was around him. "Sometimes.... You just gotta forget the past...." He quietly said to himself in a dark tone while showering. He looked over at his axe that was laying on the saddlebag, he decided to give it a quick clean in the shower. All the blood dripped from the axe down the drain. "There, ready for battle again." He said to himself as he admired his axe. "I wonder if one of these hotel rooms have any pianos or keyboards lying around..... Haven't played it in such a long time. Maybe i could play one my pieces to these guys." He wondered to himself. As soon as he was done in the shower, he decided to look around some hotel rooms, and in one of them.... He found what he was looking for, a keyboard. "Good enough.... Should still work." He played one of the keys to see if it sill worked, it plays the correct tone. "Good, atleast i have something else to do in my spare time." He said while getting back up to the others with the keyboard.
  9. Damonater took a big puff from his joint and looked up at the sky..... he felt really down and depressed. He then pulls out his little mirror from his saddlebag and then looked into it. He started to have one of the sad conversations to himself. "....You know.... If you never went outside, none of this shit would have happened now would it? Because if you stayed introverted and anti-social like you usually do.... you wouldn't be sad, now would you? BUT NOOOOO!! ZOMBIES JUST HAD TO OVERRUN YOU!!" He shouted into his mirror. "You know.... I'm getting real tired of your shit.... why don't you go outside once in a while? Get some fresh air..... or maybe even just talk to other ponies, I cant even name one friend of yours! Oh, I know why, ITS CAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE ANY FRIENDS DAMMIT!!" He said to himself while a bit angry at himself. "Outside sucks..... okay?" He said while taking a drink of vodka. He sighed and stared at his mirror for a few seconds and then smelt himself. He looks into his mirror and says to himself quietly, "Look, I smell like at death at the moment..... I'm going to take a shower to wash this shit off me...." He then pauses and goes on to say to himself. "I know they are going to Prance.... If they leave without me.... then that just proves how much assholes there are in this world." He then chugs the rest of the vodka, throws the bottle off the building, puts his mirror back in his saddle bag and then heads for the shower in the hotel room.
  10. Damonater said nothing when he landed on the roof with the others. He had an emotionless face, even though it was hard for the other ponies to tell what he was feeling mostly by his shades. But he did bring a fair few medical supplies with him. He dropped the medical supplies in the middle of the group and sat on the other side of the roof. Damonater began to smell pretty bad now, with the blood stains all over his coat and mane. He pulls out a joint (or weed) and his lighter and takes a puff to try calm himself and trying to forget what has happend.
  11. Damonater was flying towards the hotel, trying to let go of her death, but little did he know it was a decoy that trolled him. "Love is bullsh*t" he said to himself. "Now dont say that, something might come along." He argued to himself. Now Damonater as lonely as he was and possibly ever will be, always talked to himself, he even had full length conversations with himself. Sometimes they would lead into arguments. "Now I know thats a lie...." He replied to himself in a dark tone. "I almost pity such a dishonorable death." He said to himself.
  12. @ Should I kill off your character since you are not in this rp? I need your answer asap so i can continue this rp.
  13. "I am going to have one last look around here." That was his second last words to Lost as he left to check out the rest of the clinic. As he scouting and looting the clinic, he heard a scream. He knew it was Lost, dying...... being eaten alive by the turned. He quickly rushes to the room where Lost was and he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Lost's flesh being ripped apart by the turned, Damonater had a rage and killed all the turned that were eating her. After all the turned were dead, he collapsed to the ground in tears..... There was nothing he could do to save her now. But he knew he had to carry on...... but he also knew the fact that he might never might find love ever again. He looked at Lost and he knew what he had to do. He gave a sigh and put his gun up to her head and said softly into her ear, "Im......sorry...." He pulled the trigger, thus ending her misery. He then slowly and depressingly walks/trots out with her stuff and begins to head back to the hotel. But little did he know it was a decoy.
  14. How would i come back into this exactly? Well, without dreamless coming back with me exactly?
  15. Damonater quickly turned to Lost and said in a concerned tone, "I think we need to get out of here.... I think the others are starting to question on our whereabouts. Plus, who know how many turned are in here anyways." He drank the last drops from his vodka bottle and began to wonder if SharpWit actually brang him vodka. Most likely not he thought. Damonater began to smell quite horried due to the blood stains and fleshy bits on him. He needed a shower or bath to get rid of such a horrid smell..... He had not showered in at least a week.
  16. @ Damonater just happens to pull out a lighter from his bag. He happened to have one because that he smokes weed every so often, but not to often to be a stoner. He does it atleast once or twice a week to 'calm himself' if he got stressed from working too much on his projects or making mistakes on his piano. "Yeah, i found a few medkits and painkillers.... Also i do have a lighter.... Dont really ask me why though. Its a bit personal." He replied with a kind of a soft voice while concentrating his gun at the door so no turned can make their way in. He chucks the lighter at Lost's hoofs hoping she would catch it in mid air. "I wonder how the others are doing. Hopefully they are not dead for one thing.... we need everypony alive." He said in a curious tone of voice to himself.
  17. @ ((Are you still in this rp? Or did i creep you out??)) He wondered what Lost was doing, perhaps she was building some sort of crazy, uncommon weapon. Or something that could help us in the near future. "Say, what are you doing exactly?" He said to Lost while still holding his shotgun up towards the door covering her six so no turned creep up on her. He wanted to tell her how he felt about her..... but he did not really have to courage to do so since he has no experience with relationships before. He has never kissed a mare in his life before. He is one very, lonely pegasus.
  18. @,((Would you like to be my ssp in this rp? If so, I have to make the first move since guys do that anyways lol xD)) A couple of turned approach me as I look down the halls, So, I obviously go for the kill, I shoot two in the brain with my suppressed shotgun and quickly pull out my axe and slice the turned's head clean off. I then reply to lost "Ok, I got your flank." I then go back to Lost and covering her six. I did not want her to die since Lost was probably the only mare left for all I know. And I had to make it happen somehow.
  19. @, (( I'll make my OC 20, My oc does like you lol.)) ;"Stand back, I got this." I said to Lost. I bucked down the door and quickly turn around to check if any turned were in the way. There was none.... for now. "Dont worry, I got your flank covered." I said while checking his corners..
  20. @, ((How old is your OC Lost?)) "Sure.... I guess it could take my mind off things. Besides, I kinda did have that same idea to begin with, I guess I could accompany you." I said while wiping away a tear. "Also, you cant really go alone. I'll cover your flank while you grab some supplies." I said to Lost.while looking at her hoofs and a bit of her body.
  21. Primary: PPSH-41 http://images.alphacoders.com/146/146693.jpg Secondary: Colt M1911 http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110716183830/world-war-2/images/2/2d/Colt_.45_M1911.jpg
  22. "Vodka..... And lots of it. I am starting to run out of my own supply." I replied to SharpWit. I kept looking out the window at the clinic with the wunderwaffle in my hoofs 'I guess i could try grab some medical supplies on my own.' I thought to myself.'No one would really care if if i died anyways...' I thought.
  23. @, I gave a sigh and said to Lost "Have you ever seen..... your whole entire family being eaten by the turned right infront of your face? And there was nothing you could do because you were too late?" I asked Lost while another tear goes down my eye. I wipe it off with my hoof. "I want to forget the past.... but i just cant at this point." I explained. "Ponies dying left, right and center. As far as I know, more than half the population has been wiped out...." I said. "Now I want to kill every last freakbag there is....." I kind of did sound insane at this point, but I didn't like to be reminded of the past. I equipped my Wunderwaffle DG2 that I personally built before the shish hit the fan and looked out the window and down at the clinic which was down the road.
  24. I was a bit startled by the voice.I turn my head to her direction but still lookin at the floor, mainly focusing on her hoofs and a bit of her body ."Oh, Hello," I said with a bit an upset tone. "What brings you my way?" I asked with a sad tone in my voice. 'A mare talking to me? This is a first' i thought to myself.
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