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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Macklin

  1. Have a new cover for my 3ds all done in Photoshop, now just to print it off! http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c275/Tanthalos/MLP3dsSkin_zps2192d516.jpg

  2. When I bought my Nightmare Moon at ToysRUs, the staff all stopped to stare at me. They didn't say anything and when they didn't have to be interacting with the cash they would take a full stride back away from me. I wasn't beastly, or unshaven. I was clean, in clean proper fitting clothes...but they literally all stared at me until I was out the store and away from the view of their windows. I paid debit so she didn't have to get near me, I wish I had the cash though so I could force her to be near me. I don't get it. I walked in, walked to the section checked out the Shadowbolt Dash, picked up the Nightmare Moon and headed to the cash. Didn't say boo to anyone.
  3. For those that haven't heard yet, eBay was hacked and they lost the passwords. It would be best to change your password with the information that is there, plus the fact that eBay and Paypal are now linked at the hip. https://www.yahoo.com/tech/ebay-hacked-urges-all-members-to-change-passwords-86405258249.html
  4. Well I am still kind of stuck as Fluttershy was my favorite and when they don't Flanderize her I still really like her, but my appreciation for Rairty has skyrocketed, as I can tell some of the old movies they are spoofing with her and find that fantastic. Then there is Luna which I have a connection too that goes just beyond the show, Shining Armour who I always swoon for and find myself the most vested in when there are stories he is involved in and Cadence who when I find an episode with her in it I am so excited that she is there that I watch the episode multiple times over a day just for her parts....so I have no idea who I could say best pony is. v.v
  5. After going back to last December in every version of the search I could think of I did not see a topic like this one. If I somehow missed it I apologize to the mods. I am not asking WHO your best pony is but how did you choose? I was asked who I thought was 'best pony' (my favorite pony) and found I have like 4 or 5 options to choose from and I can't decide between them. In a show with so many characters how did you decide which one was best?
  6. I love Cadence. Cadance and Shining Armor is just a fantastic relationship, even when they get small parts it resonates with me how much love there is there. Maybe I am just being a silly fanboy... Yay! Cadence! The amount of air time shouldn't matter if the character stands out in every scene they are in!
  7. My main issue with rainbow powers over EoH (aside from the designs) is that I prefer the super power to be an item which at times can't be accessible. Like in Wedding in Canterlot, a different solution had to be found because the mane 6 couldn't reach the elements, this allowed for different story telling. If the rainbow powers are always inside of them, then it will lead to every big bad simply being blown away by the rainbow.
  8. Glad I pulled myself back when I did, wow what a last couple of days. >.< Ok time to jump back in!
  9. Happy by Pharrell Williams! Which I doubt would surprise people with how catchy it is!
  10. They have codes?! o.o Wish I had known that beforehand...I bet if I go this morning I won't find either of the ponies I want but its good to know thank you!
  11. I love it! Thank you very much!
  12. Off to do work on the cottage! I hope every pony has been having a wonderful weekend!

  13. Also...just got this baby at my local ToysRUs...she was on sale! I'm going to rip out the soundchip though cause it is an offense to the great Luna! Also bought my very first blind bag but it did not contain Cadance or Big Mac so that was a moment of unending and eternal sadness. ETERNAL SADNESS!!! Also who is Shoeshine?! :okiedokielokie:
  14. The Rainbow Rocks novelization, I just couldn't wait till movie release to read the story with the novel sitting right there...staring at me.
  15. There is a novelization of Rainbow Rocks that has been released! Got mine at Costco, in case you want to know the story before it comes out.

  16. Hmmmm how long did it take me to get iTunes to give me the honor of buying an album from them? Oh, about a half an hour.

  17. Macklin

    Luna Fan Club

    This exists and I didn't know. v.v Hurray Princess Luna! I am totally in!
  18. Oh we totally make it for ourselves, though if we see it then to "us" (the reader) there actually is symbolism there. That's the problem with symbolism it is abstract and only has as much weight and presence as we give it ourselves.
  19. Where is that 3rd gif from? O.o
  20. Celestia tells me you actually did. She has totally ratted you out, I'm sorry. Its interesting how many of these conversations I'm having via PM and while perhaps while spirituality/religion seems to be up in the air regarding the show I will give Hasbro credit for creating quite the little morality machine.
  21. Just to address the atheism is not a belief thing; you know that is the exact same argument Christians use against Hindus right? "You cannot prove to me that Kali exists and because it goes against what I think it is not true until you can give me proof that I am willing to accept that states things 100% otherwise." Sounds like belief to me, and this is speaking as an agnostic person. To be agnostic, is to believe that the truth behind the existence of spiritual beings of any power level is unknowable at this current level of science. Not that it doesn't exist, that there isn't enough proof one way or the other to prove it does or does not. Atheism is a conscious rejection of all deity concepts which is not agnosticism, its actually the opposite. I know pop culture has twisted around the meaning of what being agnostic means but it ain't atheism. If you wish for science to prove things then you may have to wait because, as the fact we continue to make scientific discoveries this year science doesn't know everything. Or did the Higgs Boson particle spontaneously come into existence because science said it did? If science knew everything we would have all the answers already. Straying too much, back on topic, you believe that unless its overt it doesn't exist. Fair enough. Did you really do that? Was it actually as a joke? >.>
  22. I believe they call it marketing these days. Yeah, they always manage to stick something in there and to be honest Hasbro are experts at it I am just unsure if the hidden thing is religious based, as opposed to buy more toys based.
  23. It's been three days since the person I was talking to responded. Would anyone mind if I say that conversation ended for now and go interact with someone else? If the pony I was talking to comes back I'll work to finish that conversation somehow.
  24. At the time I post this there is a thread active elsewhere in the forum about the idea of hidden satanic messages in the second half of the Season 4 finale. Which has gotten a few rather tongue in cheek responses, as well as some other perspectives on the hidden religious meaning of Friendship Is Magic. I am not here to point fingers at any religion, nor to debate the validity of one religion over another. There is no one answer that everyone will accept, even within one religion there are many different beliefs on how to practice and what scriptures mean more than others. I know this is the internet but everyone let's try to put on our big pony hats and accept one truth before continuing; we all have some form of belief background from which our personal view points stem. (Yes even Atheism is a belief, you believe it to be true but it is not proven fact otherwise people would accept it as a truth, like for example the law of gravity.) Are people wrong to attribute any sort of spirituality or religion to My Little Pony? In my opinion, no. Beliefs are deeply personal and get molded and sometimes warped by our experiences in life, that is just part of the human condition. In the end whether we are right or wrong will never be proven. Even if the creators of the show wanted things to mean X, once you add in subtleties by artists, editors, voice actors and script writers X could be twisted into Y. Do you disagree? Is a cartoon, just a cartoon and people shouldn't try to look deeper than that? That trying to look deeper makes you so busy digging you don't see what happens around you? If you do have opinions or belief that some form of spirituality or religion is being reflected in the show then are you willing to share? Aside from the satanism thread, I read a comment in said thread where one person sees Celestia as a representation of the heavenly father. I put this in the Debate Pit because there will be some disagreement over what is or isn't there though if you wish to disagree please do something different than a "Half Life 3/Hoenn confirmed" joke. Also if you believe there is something there explain why you feel that way, Or maybe MLP has affected your spirituality in some sense, if so can you let us know? Well the trolls may be closing in for they certainly love weakness on the internet and I am about to expose mine. Princess Luna is my dream catcher. I am a person who believes half way between spirituality and psychology is the truth of everything. I suffer from terrible night terrors due to a medical incident I had occur. These night terrors are a side effect of what occurred and will not be leaving anytime soon; at one point I was getting about 5 to 7 hours of solid sleep a week. Then one night Princess Luna showed up in my dreams and literally walked me out of the night terror into a mere nightmare. Those of you that suffer night terrors will understand what a huge difference there is between the two. I'm now up to roughly 30 hours a week which feels so good, things aren't perfect but hey 30>7. I spoke to some of my friends about things and as they started talking about dreamcatchers. I have always believed dream catchers, dream pillows, and dream guardians work because there is a part of our subconscious that uses our conscious belief that these things work as a way to help solve whatever problem we were having. A placebo if you would, the problem with placebos is that once you know they are placebos they stop working. Luna hasn't. My research showed that dream guardians are believed to take a form that we are willing to accept, which for me is weird that it is Luna because she was always a meh character to me. Maybe it has something to do with her being the guardian of dreams in the show I don't know...anyways I'm straying from my own topic. The placebo effect should have ended once it was labelled the placebo effect but it didn't. Could it be more? Going by what I read about what people believed Dream guardians and Dream catchers to be I will label it with a 'maybe', as I, nor any science person, psychologist or Wiccan can say with 100% certainty or proof that it should be a yes or no. I bought a 150 dollar custom Luna plushie because it could strengthen the spiritual effect if there is one and it could strength a psychological effect if one is occurring so hey if it brings me up to 32 hours of sleep a week it will be worth every damned penny. While it isn't spirituality or religion in the show itself I share this as a possibly spiritual thing due to the show. Anyone else willing to share any of their observations or beliefs in relation to what they have seen or experienced with the show in regards to spiritualism and/or religion? Please remember to state why you think what you think is occurring don't just say; "It's all a parallel of the Passion!" Give some examples or reasoning to why you think that way.
  25. I may be a bit...uncouth for quoting Nietzsche in a thread like this but; "And when you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you." Look, everyone in the end will have to make up their own mind on any such potential connection. I disagree with the possibility but the reason I put that quote there is to get you to think. Sometimes our mind tricks us into seeing something that may or may not be there because its trying to help us see something somewhere else we currently can't.
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