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Everything posted by ChampionWhatever

  1. You know, most people recommend against what I've been doing recently when it comes to looking at other people. However, this is something that has bothered me for quite some time. I've been looking at the creative things that people have made here, such as artwork, stories, music, roleplay plots, etc. Really, anything that you could classify as "art," I've been having the urge to look at it. All the while, I've been asking myself this fundamental question: Why haven't I improved my ability to be "artistic?" Sure, every one of us has a particular passion that we follow in life. Some people go down the path of making "art," whether it be creating stories, making art, or doing anything that could fit into the field of "artistry." Some others, such as myself, go down a path that is, within the minds of most individuals and by definition, the antithesis of art (for example, I'm currently in college for chemical engineering.) Yet, in seeing all of the creative stuff that people have done, I've been wanting to get involved in that myself. No, I'm not saying that I want to give up being a chemical engineer; I love engineering too much to ever give up that dream. But, I feel as though that I haven't..."made" anything; I haven't taken the time out to create something that isn't entirely based in numbers, calculations, or theory...It's difficult to describe exactly what I mean because it is, at least for me, inherently difficult to describe what "art" really is. So, what exactly am I trying to get at in this blog? Well, I want to make art, whether it be writing a story or finally learning how to draw (which is something I've been wanting to do for a long time, even though I'm not great at it), but I have no idea where I should start. I'll be looking around the internet for resources on how to write and draw, but if anyone wants to give me any pointers, I would also appreciate that greatly. With that, I think I'll end this post. The song I'm leaving off with is the Poke Floats Theme from Super Smash Bros. Melee. Why? Because I love that stage, despite its tendency to unfairly kill players . Enjoy. -ChampionWhatever
  2. @ The easiest RPGs for me to do for a LP blog would be the Final Fantasy series or the Dragon Quest series, although any game that is on an 8-bit or 16-bit console would be feasible for me to do for a blog because they are easy to screencap. (Really, any sprite-based RPG would work for what I'm planning.) Although, provided that I do get some screen recording software, my selection of RPGs (and other game genres) would expand greatly across platforms. @ @@Commander Fresh I will be sure to keep you two posted if I need help with anything!
  3. Hello, everyone, I've recently been considering doing a Let's Play for a while (for quite a few years, actually), but I've never taken up the initiative to do so. Now that winter break is here and that I have some free time, I'd like to start a Let's Play blog (I wouldn't do an actual recorded series, since I don't have the equipment needed to record videos and my voice is...abominable ). Most of the games that I would play would be RPGs, but there might be room to do other types of games depending on various circumstances (i.e. if I can get some decent recording software.) Would anyone be interested in this?
  4. @ Not a problem. Maybe in the future I'll join with a different character, but right now I'll enjoy the events of the RP on the sidelines .
  5. Hello, everyone. I will try to make this first entry as short as possible, only describing what this blog will be about (of course, knowing me, I'll find some way to make this first entry long and convoluted ). Anyways, the reason why I've decided to make this blog has been to provide an outlet for myself to sublimate the negative feelings into a form that would be healthier than simply moping around listlessly and complaining to myself that I have no one to communicate to. There are so many people that I know that are going through the same sort of emotions and events, or even worse, and yet they manage to be as brave as possible and move forward, putting their energy into things that they love to do. After a recent post that I've made today in the life advice section, and thinking about how I've been going through this routine of not having a constructive outlet and that ultimately leading to my feelings worsening, I realized that the easiest thing to do was to just do something that I can commit to every day that I wouldn't mind doing and stop putting energy into my problems, but to put energy into moving past them. So, I've decided to make this blog and to make a post about some random topic every day. Some of them might be rants, others might be short stories, or reviews, or anything that i feel like talking about. If you enjoy reading any of that, then I invite you to read up on this blog. To close this entry off, I'd like to link to one of my favorite songs: Scarlet Tempest from Ys vs. Sora no Kiseki. If you've never heard of Falcom or any of the games that they have developed, you're missing out (though that's only accentuated by the fact that they won't release most of their games outside of Japan ). If there is one thing about Falcom games that I love the most, it is the awesome soundtracks in each of their games. In any case, enjoy the song and have a good night, everyone! -ChampionWhatever http://youtu.be/edXzyx6t_rU
  6. Trying to think of something to do so that I don't succumb to a low mood...Any ideas?

  7. @ Actually, Cinderscribe, I don't know if I'll be able to join the RP, at least not at this time. I don't think that, at this time, I can fully commit to making at least one good post per day. Sorry for the sudden change in plans, but thank you for considering my character good enough to join in the first place .
  8. @ I thought that making a character that could use magic but under certain conditions would be interesting so as to avoid the age-old solution of, "There's a boulder in your way; what do you do? I blast it with a fireball/I turn transparent and go right through it." I like playing characters that have hefty handicaps; it makes me think about how to handle situations . Anyways, a list of items that Blue Shift would be carrying with him: - A brown satchel containing the following: - A diary - A fountain pen - A small telescope - Three small, empty vials (due to his work as a healer, he often needs to have flasks on hand to properly administer potions.) If I've been following the events so far correctly, Blue Shift would be completely unprepared for the events that have happened recently, hence why he is not carrying that much.
  9. I don't mean to interrupt the chain of posts related to cruel torture in the Sims and any of the Tycoon games (which is always good fun ), but would it be possible for me to join in the roleplay with my character, Blue Shift? If it is not possible because too many things have been happening recently, that's okay. Blue Shift's page (sorry if it is too long of a read): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-shift-r5368
  10. Yay, my first OC is complete! Please check here and let me know what you think: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-shift-r5368

  11. Hmmm...For my OC's backstory, what should I name his mother? She was an astronomer, so any good space-based names will be appreciated :).

  12. Writing the final details for my first OC; I may ask some people to give him a look-over once I'm finished :)

  13. I feel as though I have most of the ideas behind my OC finished (save for possibly re-doing how he looks). Now it's just a matter of writing it all up! ...After I finish some research applications first :P

    1. Polaris


      Keep up the good work there! :-)

    2. ChampionWhatever
  14. @@Windbreaker, Thank you for letting me know! I'm really enjoying the forums thus far. I've gotten plenty of help with developing my OC and I've met some great people here .
  15. This seems very interesting, but I'm not familiar with the evens of the first chapter (sorry, new member). Can anyone point me to some information as to what this roleplay is about? I'd be interested in joining once I finalize my OC (which may be soon, but we'll see) Thanks to anyone who can point me in the right direction!
  16. Thank you . It was a tie between that and something involving Polaris. I think that Blue Shift wins and is a better name (if not, then at least a good starting name). I don't mean to spam this forum, but does anyone know of any resources or tutorials that can show someone how to draw a stallion? Yeah, the pony creator is nice, but I feel as though that my character would have much more personality if I drew him myself. As a side note, however, I don't have any artistic skills whatsoever, so if the tutorial is designed for a complete novice at drawing, that would be even better, Thanks to anyone who can point me to some resources or tutorials!
  17. Both name ideas are great! I like Blue Matter, but I don't know if that would quite work since it doesn't quite tie into the alchemy/astronomy interests that he has. Still, I think that's a cool name . Edit: Thunder-Dash, I also like the idea for the cutie mark, as well. Just throwing out an idea for a name I had last night. How about Blue Shift? It ties into the astronomy theme of my character.
  18. @StormwingThePony: Thank you! I'm doing well this evening, and I think I will certainly have some fun here. @Crimsonn: Thank you! I'll be sure to send a PM to you guys if I want to chat
  19. Hello, everyone (or everypony, I guess). My name is ChampionWhatever. I've been lurking around the forums as a guest for a while, mostly looking at various ideas that people have had for/asked for pony OC's. Most of the support that I've seen so far has been very helpful, so that's primarily why I've joined. I also hope that I might be able to contribute to the community in some way. Nice to meet you all!
  20. Hello, everypony! I have been having trouble with naming my first original character, so I thought that I would make my first post on the forums asking for some help in coming up with a name for him (and to receive any and all advice on some ways that I might be able to improve him without making him completely ridiculous.) A Brief Description: Physical He is a male earth pony with a midnight blue coat and black mane, which itself has a blue patch that is a slightly brighter shade of blue. He often keeps his mane as neat and orderly as possible, though his curly head mane is often difficult to keep neat, often leaving him looking like he has a permanent case of bedhead. His eyes are a distinctive shade of green. He is slightly taller than most earth ponies, but also appears to be slimmer than most as well. His cutie mark (not shown because I haven't decided on one yet and also because I cannot draw whatsoever) would be something related to astronomy (I was thinking of either a galaxy or a comet). Background He grew up in Canterlot as an only child to a mother who was a renowned astronomer. While his home life was good (albeit a bit lonely, since it was only himself and his mother who were living together), his life at school and among others was difficult before he had gone to college, since he had not only taken up an interest in a practice that many considered to be exclusive to ponies that had inherent magical talent (alchemy and potion making), but he hadn't received his cutie mark despite his obvious love for alchemy. As a result, he had been ridiculed in school and often bullied by other ponies, and had often found an escape by reading books and studying various subjects. At some point in time, he had been reading books in his mother's observatory and something "clicked" with him, almost as if he had understood the subjects spoken of in his mother's books on astronomy all along. He had also tinkered around with his mother's astronomy instruments (which did get him into trouble on more occasions than one, but his mother often turned a blind eye as he grew up), observing the stars, and interstellar bodies and phenomena for hours on end. It was then the he had formed his cutie mark. When it came time for him to head off to college for a degree in alchemy (though he still retained a very strong interest in astronomy), his mother had fallen gravely ill and had requested him to continue her research for her while still going to college and doing what he had loved. His mother had died shortly afterward. After four years of study and receiving a degree in alchemy, he had moved over to Ponyville. There, he has bought a house and has continued his mother's astronomical research while holding a job in making healing potions for the local hospital, as well as volunteering to help cure the sick. Personality and Mannerisms His upbringing in life has had a polarizing effect on his personality. Because of the ridicule he had faced when he was younger (and even still while he was going through college), he is very introverted and finds it difficult to go out into public and speak openly. Despite his introversion, he is very loyal to what few friends he has. He is also very inquisitive and often has a childlike curiosity when it comes to learning about new subjects. He is very quiet (sometimes to the point where he does not speak at all when in the middle of a conversation), very patient and reserved. He is very humble and does not take well of people he considers to be "arrogant" unless they can prove that they are worthy of making boastful claims. He often mutters to himself when he is trying to solve a problem, a mannerism that has often gotten him some strange looks. He tends to like things to be very neat and orderly, but has been known to let things reach a point of disarray (for example, his "observatory," which is actually his attic at the moment, is cluttered from floor to ceiling with papers pertaining to his astronomical studies.) Image of OC: That's a rough draft of my OC's information (though it is still subject to change), but all I am lacking at the moment is a good name (as well as an idea and drawing of his cutie mark). If anypony has any ideas on a name for him, any ideas on his cutie mark, or just wants to provide any advice on improving him, I would greatly appreciate that! Thank you and have a good day! - ChampionWhatever
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