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Posts posted by Kowaiser

  1. One thing i liked about the spanish vocalization is that the voice actresses are the same during the regular show and in the songs, something that doesnt happen in the original version. While Tara strong is the voice for Twilight Sparkle, Rebecca Shoichet sings for her. The same happens with pinkie pie (Voice Andrea Libman, Singing Shannon Chan-Kent) and Rariry (Tabitha doing Rarity's voice, and Kazumi Evans singing)


    In Spanish, the actresses that does the voices for the characters are both for normal voice and singing, and that makes it more voice-consistent. What i did NOT like, is the lower budget there was for the songs. It is most notorious on Smile, when pinkie sings with a chorus behind her that the chorus is not represented.

    Take a look here at 2:43:


  2. Yeah, i thought of that, but i think there is something else. English and Spanish differ in a sense that English tends to be very genderless. When you say "Friend" you are not specifying if it's a male or female friend, It's just friend. In Spanish we don't have Genderless nouns. One of the things i liked about this incarnation of the series is about how genderless the plots of the episodes were. I could relate to the characters. Being unable to understand social interactions was something common for me several years in the past, so i could relate with twilight, being shy around new people is something that still happens to me nowadays, so i can relate to Fluttershy. That was a bit more disconnected now, It's more clear in the Spanish translation that this show is intended for girls.



    There was something I found pretty... weird. Despite being a Spanish localization there are a bunch of things that were left in English. On the first episode you can hear some things like "La mítica Mare in the moon es Nightmare moon", and also several things like the cutie marks.


    I did like the songs adaptations though, those were pretty good.

  3. Hi guys, Did anyone of you see any localized version of Friendship is magic?

    Originally i saw the original version, in it's original language, and i liked it. Both the voices and the script were to my liking. The thing is, I'm from Argentina, and the language spoken here is Spanish, so I got curious. I wondered if there was a version made in Spanish. Apparently, I missed the whole thing, because i discovered that "Discovery Kids" had been airing the first three seasons for a while now in neutral spanish.


    So, as I started writing a fanfic, I had a good reason to rewatch the series, so I got the first episodes and watched them. I know there is always an awkward period while adjusting to languages, but there was something wronger than usual, something I could not put my finger on. Did anyone get that sensation?

  4. Oh boy, Parodies are my favorite type of fan fiction. There is one i keep reading as soon as i get any chance called "MLP Loops" on fanfiction.net. I really recommend that one as the very nature of the fanfic allows to make parodies with any crossover possible.


    Crash pairings are also very welcome. I have yet to find a crash pairing fic, but i would love to read so. An idea that came today while brainstorming is a situation where Angel falls in love with Tom, but Tom has a serious relationship with Rarity while cheating her with Princess Error. (Yeah, i have issues)


    Gladly, Fimfiction has a lot of parodies.

  5. I joined a few weeks ago on both the forums and Fimfiction in order to write a fanfic. You can find me with the same username "Kowaiser".

    My fic Two Thousand Mirrors only as two chapters as of now, but i only started just recently. BTW, since I'm a newbie writer i need reviews and feedback badly in order to improve.


    Also, cool thread, will check on your accounts those who are writing.

  6. Hi everyone,


    I have started a new fanfic that you can read at fanfiction.net



    I'm having trouble getting it approved at fimfiction though.

    It was finally approved on FIMfiction.net. you can look at it at




    please tell me what you think so far. The main story is an adventure goes for about 12 chapters, but i might add some Slice of Life parts here and there to add some background.

  7. In this case i disagree with "The bad guy". Don't take action against them, just let them be. I recommend to ignore them.


    Please look at this on a logical way. If you take personal offense, then you take ownership for those insults. If you take action against them, if you really act based on the fact that you feel offended because they insulted a group in a general way, then you are just a brony, no better, no worse than any of us. That includes the guys who call themselves bronies and fuck horses. If that facebook page gets to you, then you are one with the best, but also the worst of bronydom. You will become whatever the bronies become.


    On the other side, if you just let them be, if you do not let them to hurt you, then they have no power. Be bigger, better, stronger, and they are just a bunch of ignorant bitches whining on facebook. This will not be a problem anymore, it will become a challenge that you automatically have won. If you can look at that and say "That's not me" you will trascend being just part of the group, and will be the one who sets trends, the one who people follow. You will not be Just a brony, you will be what Bronies will become.


    So, what are you going to do?  Are you going to earn and own those insults or are you going to be the bigger one?

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Let me be a bit harsh here.


    Not all Bronies are good people. That happens in every big group. I know of a stalker whovian, a pedophile otaku and a gun maniac psychopath trekkie. We must assume that not every brony is as good people as you or me can be.

    With that said, do not let this groups let you down. You are not the worst of the Bronies, and you should not pay attention to people who judge a group for the actions of individuals. Just be yourself, and do not use the brony branding as an identity, because You, as an individual have unlimited potential. Raise your brow, be proud, try to be better than yesterday everyday. Laugh on the people who try to put you down, but be humble and don't mock them. You are a big person, and every moment you live you set an example. The brighter you shine, the more people will look at you.

    • Brohoof 6
  9. I say that we are NOT like furries because of our influence. We encourage VALUES, or at least love and tolerance. What message can we get from furries? I'm not saying that furries have not business of being in the world, but I'm saying that we bronies have an almost crusade-like pursuit of spreading love and tolerance.

    HAHAHAHAHA, oh wow. I don't even know where to begin on this. There are several things that are wrong here.


    Ok, i will be general on all of this. First of all, a quick answer:

    Yes, we are like furries. No, we are not necesarily furries.


    First of all i will say the obvious. Furries are people with some affinity for anthropomorphised animals in general. The degree of preference and involvement varies. Bronies are people who like My Little Pony. Those two things are completely separate things, but we do have several things in common.


    The first thing in common is the general aceptance. Furries are treated as psychos, and bronies as pedophiles. Furries and bronies shield themselves in closed communities (Like this forum) in order to feel accepted somewhere.


    The second thing in common, is the misleading excuses. "This is not a sexual thing, we do it for aesthetic affinity", "We are not pedophiles or man-childs, we are trying to promote values". Lots of furries and bronies makes those excuses to avoid doing introspective.


    Third, There are all kind of people on this fandom. On both fandoms there are people who enjoy an innocent cartoon (Like MLP or Disney's Robin hood), there are people who jack off to the cartoon, like previously mentioned, and there are people who dress up as anthro animals, hook up several animal strap on dongs simultaneously and do things that no living being should be ever be witness to. That doesnt mean that everyone in the fandom is like that, and that doesnt mean that this is exclusive to these two fandoms.

  10. This is my personal Alarm clock music.


    This music has been engraved to my core. I remember having my team plowed by a cave full of zubats, having only 2 pokemon not fainted (One of them being an abra with teleport) and getting out of the cave just to be ambushed by this sonofabitch.

    I also remember being overleveled and plowing my rival to the ground curb stomping each of their pokemon with just my starter. This music makes me start my day with adrenaline, like I'm about to battle something bad, but also knowing i will curb stomp my daily problems with the same ferocity i did with Gary Mutherfucking Oak.

  11. I do remember something related to this that i read sometime on a DC comic. It is a quote from Barry allen (The flash):
    "Life does not have a meaning. We give a meaning to life".


    We are left in to this world without any real leads to what to do with it, and if we lose sight of what we truly want from life we end up lost, miserable, sad. Birthdays are a time mark, a time period where we laughed and cried, where we hoped, where we projected. Each birthday we are reminded that we are alive, that we are owners of our life, and that we should making the best of it.


    And life, it's an explosion, it's a brief period of conscious light in the darkness of non existance. During a bried period we grow, become aware, explode with emotions, and change things that many thought unchangable. A party is at least appropiate to mark this brief wonderful period where we are small gods of our own world.

    • Brohoof 2
  12. Be patient. I'm pretty new to this place, but as far as i understand, this place is not as active as it used to be.
    I do hope you feel ok on this place, and also hope that you can cope with your bullies. Just ask for advice if you ever need it.

  13. Well, what can i say. Smith struck me odd at first. He was not my favorite doctor, but he earned my respect.

    Most of this episode kept me on my toes. It as amazing. I was tottally surprised on the end, with Clara's reaction on the new doctor face and capaldi's "DO YOU KNOW HOW TO FLY THIS THING"

  14. Alright. Now that we have the odd questions behind, I will get serious with the questions.
    I think the first question would be regarding your place of permanence. Do you live on Equestria? On which place?

    Obviously, your main trait is you extreme age, and it does raise some important questions.
    Do you manage to remember your life well or some memories gets blurry with age?
    Did you take some time to explore what's beyond equestria?
    Where you during Discord First reign?
    Outliving people must suck balls, doesn't it?
    After over 1000 years, could you see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch?

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