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Everything posted by TorqueEffect

  1. Whoa kinda got the wrong name put in there. Just saying that wasn't directed at me.
  2. I think the stupid skits he does with those other goofballs ruined Nostalgia critic for me.
  3. Looks good to me too. I suggest getting Windows 7 over Windows 8. I hear of all kinds of compatibility problems with games bought off steam not working properly on Windows 8.
  4. I don't even notice a difference between DDR3, and DDR2 to be absolutely honest. Also I wouldn't go for the hub I linked, just realized it was 3.5" not 5.25". So unless the case you get has a external 3.5 bay, and don't mind waiting for it to ship from china. go for it.
  5. The Wishlist link doesn't work. To be quite honest, you really are not going to see any difference between DDR3 1600, and DDR3 1333. But if you want to stay with it I won't try and force ya. Just saying you can save $10 by getting the DDR3 1333 over the 1600. Also I recommend something better for a USB hub, never really liked Belkin stuff, and those external ones take up an outlet, and flop around unless you fasten them down with velcro or something. I recommend this, it fits into one of your disc drive bays and gives you more usb ports than you will ever need. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA1JM0FD2367
  6. Nope, and I can't say I approve of it, but I won't ever dislike anyone for doing it. Though I think people here would burn me at the stake on my opinion of sex changes. I don't care if you are gay, but don't trick someone into thinking your the other gender when you are not.
  7. Simpsons is still funny. Over the last couple months I have watched from Season 1, and on Season 20 ATM, I have not noticed ANY decline in quality or humor. I personally found that it actually got FUNNIER. Only thing I can say about the newer episodes is that is any bit negative is the overuse of Alternate realities and portrayals of Simpsons characters in stories or historical events, that an the overuse of flashbacks. The Ford Festiva is not a terrible car. Verizon is overpriced, and overrated. Futurama shouldn't have tied up loose ends in the story before ending, as much as I like Fry and Leela as a couple, I don't care at all for them getting married in the final episode. Which even as a huge Futurama fan, I refuse to watch the last episode. Dreamcast was a terrible console Nobody but the Handicap, and Elderly should be driving cars with Automatic transmissions. Nickleback shouldn't be compared to Justin Beiber, and they are not a terrible band, just mediocre with a few really good songs. You know, like most bands! Jurassic Park 3, Independence Day are not terrible movies.
  8. Just let people believe what they want to believe. I personally hope they do, but I do have a feeling that they won't. If anything, we may see it here an there, but I don't see it being any kind of plot point.
  9. Sure seems like it. Can we PLEASE get some Applejack episodes that DOESN'T have to do with the farm or her family?!?!?
  10. This, a thousand times this. I don't understand it in the least why people go crazy over it. Ditto with Soccer in Europe. How anyone could go crazy over a sports team is beyond me. Oh god and don't get me started on riots caused by Football (Both European Football, and American Football) It would be like bronies rioting over Twilight getting wings, or Derpy speaking, and I mean literally going out in the streets and flipping cars, setting shit on fire.
  11. As an American. Rugby >>>>> Football I don't see how anyone can enjoy a sport that has to stop every few seconds. If Rally Racing, and F1 was more prominent in the States, those would be the sports I would follow. But they get almost no coverage at all over here.
  12. Want a "real" game of Football, try Rugby. Not allot of padding, or strong helmets, and game doesn't stop every few fucking seconds. Football is basically Rugby, but the pansy version. Only sport I find entertaining while watching is Hockey, but since our local minor league team folded, I haven't had any interest since. Sports on the whole feel boring if you don't have a team to root for.
  13. Wow, such negativity against this. I personally love this, and hope she keeps them. This can add to her character. I mean Twilight got wings, why can't Fluttershy have fangs? I can't understand why us as humans fear change so much. People just get so upset when you change something they are used to. The show and characters can't stay the same forever or the show will get boring.
  14. I say it was WAAAAAAAAY better than "Hearts as Strong as Horses" That song was god damn terrible. This song, I liked much more, I won't say it is down there with last episode's song, but it definitely ranks above all the CMC songs IMO. (Except Sweetie Belle's "Hush Now Quiet Now") I liked the vocals in this song, I enjoyed Rainbow Dash's different singing voice.
  15. I like how at least some of us can agree that is it a good game instead of jumping to "Ewwwwwww clop!" posts.
  16. Problem is, multiplayer games that are NOT FPSs is pretty far and in between these days. Unless they are MMORPGs, or god forbid MOBAS *shudder* I absolutely hate those, I don't see the massive worldwide obsession with them at all. Ummm.... Castle Crashers? That one won't keep you guys busy for long though. Fable 3 has some co-op elements. F1 2011 and newer if you like racing games, I believe from 2011 onward they have co-op career modes. Starbound Terraria That is all I can think of off the top of my head. PC seems to be only good for a handful of genres, the majority of multiplayer non-fps games are on consoles.
  17. Played it. Animation was decent, and the gameplay was quite fun, and for a smut game it was actually entertaining between the porn. Can't say I enjoy full on porn, I am more of a soft-core porn kinda guy. Now I am not going to force my opinion. But some of you are a bit uptight, looking at it like it is the bane of this fandom, people thinking this is why we are made fun of. To be quite honest, it is actually the few weirdos in this fandom they pick out at conventions and point at and say we are all like that, that is the bulk of why we get made fun of. Don't pretend it is all the porn's fault. The porn is just a side thing to pick at.
  18. I Can't Decide - Scissor Sisters
  19. Too lazy to see if someone already posted this. But I will anyway. I want this played at my Funeral. lol
  20. Feels like we already had a thread like this for the cartoons part, not to0 recently, so I will stick to movies. Back to the Future 1, 2 & 3 Terminator 1 & 2 Rambo First Blood, and First Blood Part 2 Total Recall (That remake was terrible and didn't need to happen) Twister (Yes I liked this movie, Tornadoes tearing shit up) Die Hard Jurassic Park 1 & 2 (My two all time favorite movies from my childhood.) Mad Max 2 Road Warrior Ace Ventura 1 & 2 There are lots more, but I would keep going on. That right there is a chunk of my DVD/Bluray collection.
  21. A Light that Never Comes - Linkin Park http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0jIsA2uWqs
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