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Krosp I

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Everything posted by Krosp I

  1. If there's one thing Hasbro's good at is creating franchises with dedicated genwunners. Regardless of opinion, My Little Pony has always been a series about Magical Talking Horses. This is well beyond the scope of suspension of disbelief. Children are another story, but we adults know (At least I should hope) that Magical Talking Horses don't exist. The more horselike the ponies get, the more the art style is relying on our suspension of disbelief to be entertained. We know, by virtue of being cognitive (As well as the title) that we're watching a fictional animated series about Magical Talking Horses. To further take the extra steps to make them as horselike as possible, possibly at the cost of the entertainment value, may very well imply the viewer is a moron. It's like explaining the joke. It's telling, not showing. It's like the PS Vita Welcome Park app. Narrator: *Knock Knock* "There's someone at the front door!" Stuart Ashen: "There's someone at the fro—OH PISS OFF! I'm not five years old." /ragequit
  2. The presence of a single bug is the presence of multiple bugs. To spot one is to spot infestation. To spot infestation means all is lost. Exterminatus.
  3. Krosp I

    movies/tv Foreign Films

    Since there's a rather large interest in Japanese movies, I'll throw in a couple of them since most of us agree that Kurosawa is so much of a cinematographic god that his name is recognized by Chrome's spell check. If you like Kurosawa, check out: Director: Yoji Yamada The Twilight Samurai (2002)—A period piece set about two years before the Boshin War and the establishment of the Meiji Restoration. Iguchi Seibei is a low ranking samurai whose wife passed away and tends to the needs of his two young children and his ailing mother as well as his duties of his status, leaving him no time to live the social life that most expect that come with the samurai status. His clan gets a new leader in a power struggle and he's asked to step up to the duties of his post. I rather like this one, because as a jidai-geki film, it shows a unique and accurate depiction of those in the warrior class. Not every samurai was a soldier and most held mundane jobs, Seibei himself was an accountant and stockroom worker with the rest of his colleagues and spent most of his time dreaming about living the simple life of a farmer to spend his days quietly with his daughters. Samurai were paid stipends from the clan or local lord—you were damn sure they'd be productive when not fighting.Director: Kinji Fukasaku (Same director as Battle Royale) Battles Without Honor and Humanity/Jingi Naki Tatakai (1973)—All I need to say about this film is: Bunta Sugawara. This is a Yakuza film in the classical vein of gangster movies of the era, but I feel this film differs greatly from the Godfather where the Godfather did try and paint the picture that, in the end crime doesn't pay, it did have the unfortunate effect of showing that until you get to the end—HOT DAMN IS IT FUN BEING A GANGSTER! Battles takes place in a period of unrest in Japan post-World War II where everyone's trying to find their place in an increasingly chaotic and Westernized nation. Previous chivalry and codes of honor are dying out, Your word is simultaneously the most valuable and least trustworthy thing about you and ultimately, it expresses the dangers of fighting among one another when you really should be working together to fix the hellhole your fighting is making worse.
  4. Samurai Jack Thundercats (2011) Swat KATS Megas XLR Code Lyoko Teen Titans Dan vs. Mission Hill (twice) Hey Arnold! (Twice! Lost the movie, too) Sonic the Hedgehog Rugrats Anime in the US: The Big O The entire Dot Hack series Yu Yu Hakosho Naruto Shippuden (Not too much of a fan, but it's hilarious how Disney picked it up, didn't realize it involved brutally killing a man with four hearts, they made it disappear and never spoke of it again) Sailor Moon (Every. Time.)
  5. When the little hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, I knew a thread like this formed! :3 I ask of you: What of us who watch the show and are not Bronies?
  6. You'd think spending a lot of time around you guys would drive a good friend to hate the lot of you. But we're just great~! After all, I only hate most of you.
  7. @@KoGy, the world is a library. You just need to use it.
  8. Neutrality. You keep using that word... What I think really raises my hackles is the sort of use of neutrality as a justification of apathy when it comes to existing as a society rather than just where you stand. I know where you stand: You don't. Read: I don't have an opinion. Did you know the largest voter turnout in the United States' Presidential Election was in 1876 between Rutherford B, Hayes and Samuel J. Tilden. The percentage? 81.8%. We haven't gone above a 60% turnout since 1968. Since then we've averaged at just over half. Congressional and local elections fare even worse. We're not angry at people being "neutral" because their stance is different than ours. We're angry at them for not doing a damn thing and then whining about it when things didn't go the way they really wanted it. Laws not the way you like them? Get involved. Candidates not the kind you like? Get involved. Society a wretched hive of scum and villainy? Get. Fucking. Involved. You know why it sounds like two sides are making such a racket arguing with each other? Because nobody else is speaking out.
  9. The amount of bellyaching in this thread has given me an ulcer. Normally, I'd chalk things like this off to the Internet being the internet, Poe's Law and all that nonsense, but I have no reason to believe that the fair majority of you are actually bitching about Hasbro generating advertising revenue on their own intellectual property while simultaneously allowing for fan-created content (save for specific instances that breach copyright) to exist. Get them into trouble? What trouble? The trouble of a handful of fans with an unwarranted sense of importance withholding their burger-flipping money that doesn't get spent on iTunes/Amazon/Play/physical DVDs (because why pay when you can torrent) because you don't get your way in someone else's house? They're not stealing your money. It wasn't ever your money to begin with. My Little Pony is not your franchise and judging by my experiences within the fandom, I highly doubt it will ever be any of the fans' franchise on any realistic time scale—complaining loudly only works for lobbyists. Newsflash: They ARE the only ones who can sell it. Look even worse to who? The people who have intellectual properties of their own, or the swarming horde of pissants that swells from the bowels of the internet whenever it doesn't get its way? Some of the users posting have even sympathized with Hasbro and an even larger number of dissidents' opinions boil down to "Hasbro is in the right, but I still don't like it boo hoo". A rather astute opinion, but for one: The law doesn't agree with you. And two, such a logical fallacy would assume that you don't own it either. Edit: Redundancy in my ranting. I have the attention span of a... Yeah.
  10. I can smell the haterade on your breath through the interwebs. You can do the same individually for Look Before You Sleep, Feeling Pinkie Keen, A Dog and Pony Show, Green isn't Your Color, A Bird in the Hoof, Sisterhooves Social, The Cutie Pox, The Mysterious Mare Do Well, Family Appreciation Day, and MMMMystery on the Ponyville Express. ...In fact many people do ignore one or more of those. This probably isn't the most appropriate section of the forum to make this quip in, but John Calvin would like to have a word with you.
  11. Three-way tie between Phantasy Star Online, Final Fantasy XI and Katawa Shoujo. I think I spent the last three weeks solid in Yamaku.
  12. If I recall correctly, one of the most frightening scenes I remember as a child was either a youma or Jadeite had psychic control over a passenger airplane and was using it to run down the Senshi. They turned it back on him and for about 30 seconds it was the antagonist's terror of being killed by airplane.
  13. Is that not the beautiful irony of it all? Perhaps the purpose of life is that there is no purpose. We have a little less than a century of prepaid time in a massively multiplayer sandbox full of mind-blowing wonder.. If only we could do something about the low resolution...
  14. Human imagination is unlike anything else on the planet and possibly the universe. A coyote once said: So. I ask you: Is the symbolism even there or do we make it for ourselves? Edit: Closed quotes
  15. When Hasbro and DHX says that they're aware of us, or know that we're here, I think it's less of a pat on the back and "Welcome to the team" and more of "Welcome to the party". I'd rather think us more like guests than anything. We're welcomed into a warm home, sharing experiences and and trading banter back and forth with friendly hosts. Mama DHX and Papa Hasbro are throwing a party for their daughter, the primary demographic of the series. We're welcome to the table, but the delicious food wasn't made specifically for us and it would be utterly rude to make demands or requests or complain about the decor. But who doesn't love a party? We're all having a lot of fun, aren't we? It'd be a crime, as an honored guest, to steal the party from that little girl and not helping her to have the best time she can have so early in her life.
  16. I think that sort of thought is sort of an implication that action or coolness or violence isn't for "little girls". Granted, you're correct in saying that it's definitely not being stereotypical in what is commonly thought of as a "girl's show", but do try not to fall into the same stereotypes the fandom is trying to shake off. Not three years ago were the lot of us complaining about being stereotyped about watching something deemed unmasculine or playing in a park that doesn't belong to us. If we want the pretty pony princess park to be open to us, we have to in turn open up the battlefield for them.
  17. @@Something Floaty, the Telegraph said 'It was kind of reminiscent of the Norse'. The Times said 'Kind of turgid, but I liked the bit with horses'. The Mail said 'Lots of massacres; a violent tour de force!' If you only read one book this year then this one is a book. And it's good and it's a book! Actually, I don't think I can really sum up one single book I'd consider the worst, though I do have a bit of a number one out of a list of a few: Atlas Shrugged The Hunger Games Fallout: Equestria Life of Pi
  18. Many "Extra Strength" painkillers have caffeine as an additive. It dilates the blood vessels and reduces blood pressure, in addition to the stimulating effects causing the imbiber to, more than likely, move around. Physical activity helps focus the mind from the pain as well as cause the body to start pumping out everyone's favorite feel-good hormones. Edit: Which, by the way, is why most over the counter meds tell you to seek medical attention if your symptoms don't go away. The body has a natural status quo and regulates itself to reach it. Most OTC medication is supposed to be a detour from Point A to Point B until the bridge is repaired. They aren't supposed to build you a new bridge.
  19. Danny Antonucci is the son of Italian immigrants to Canada. Much of the humor that comes from Rolf was a representation of his "old country", Italy and how much different his family was from the rest of the Canadians. The cul-de-sac the children lived in was basically the neighborhood he grew up in. This is merely conjecture from what I've heard from interviews and such, but I find it kind of sad that it was said that one of the reasons you never see any adults in the series is because he could hardly remember them being there.
  20. Actually, that's EXACTLY what Ed, Edd and Eddy is. The whole series is a bunch of stories about the creator's experiences growing up in another country.
  21. What is mature? What would make it more 'mature'? Usually when people say that they're making the explicit not toward violence and/or sexual themes. To be mature requires nether, but that's usually what this idea sort of entails about a "mature" MLP. And no, it won't work. It'll be a cheesy pastiche like some grimmy drimdark sad sadfic on FiMFiction.net. Or worse, something along the lines of Drawn Together, Family Guy or, well, any of the original programming on [adult swim]. If you'd like it to be more "mature", then you're going to have to look into thinking along the lines of: Ed, Edd and Eddy, had themes dealing with bullying, fitting in, growing up, parental/sibling abuse and how friendship was the heart of the cul-de-sac. Hey Arnold!, was probably one of the darkest, most mature show for children that ever aired. I could even make a post about Arnold coming to terms with his parents' deaths, Helga's abusive dad and alcoholic mom, being a gay teacher, and so on, but this is MLP Forums. The Rugrats, again, actually pretty mature and doubly so due to the stories taking place from the point of view of characters who couldn't even converse with the adults of the series. The Wild Thornberries, a cartoon that actually introduced its demographic to the fact death is a part of life and all actions, no matter their good intent have consequences. The Avatar series, this one would also require some heavy explaining, but I'm more apt to tell you just to go watch it. You'll end up a better person. So. Really, I ask you guys again. What is mature?
  22. Never before has someone been after my own heart. It really does seem like the problem that people have with the show is one that they've made for themselves. The ire drawn from the phrase "it's just a kid's show" really seems more like projection than anything. The idea that the creators, artists, musicians and other staff of this show does things on this show specifically for us, or heaven forbid, that this show is "for us" curdles the tapioca in my gullet. Before you inevitably get on my case about how the fandom gets the occasional nod, especially in seasons 3 and 4: I realize it does. The show is still not yours.
  23. My post was going to be much longer but kind of pried open my jaw and pulled all of the words out. I think most of the knee-jerk reactions Bronies have for the claim "it's just a kid's show" comes from the same sort of place that has them feeling the need to justify that they like Friendship is Magic. The same thing as when being asked: "Why do you like a kid's show?" You're put in the spotlight, having to produce an answer that satisfies someone else. You have to make it seem cool; why not go through all of the highlights of the series? You're already creating a higher standard for the show than actually exists on top of your high expectations as both a fan of the series and being a member in a fandom that has serious issues with an unwarranted sense of entitlement. So yeah. I'm going to go with Thrashy and say that the series hasn't changed from the status quo to match the fandom's ever-growing expectations of it. Which is actually kind of a bad thing for a television series.Except unfortunately... It's just a kids' show.
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