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Sarah The Pegasister

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Posts posted by Sarah The Pegasister

  1. There is no where in the show that states that Granny Smith is Hundreds of years old. Yeah we see that part where granny smith meets Princess Celestia for the first time and it looks like a combination of western and medieval but if you take a look back at how much changed during the american industrialization you get a better picture. There was a man who as an infant was in the same theater as Abraham Lincoln when he was shot, that lived long enough to explain this on television. that's a pretty long time but no where close to hundreds of years.


    Now when we think about this, we can also find an explanation about there being no high schools. during the early 1900's and late 1800's people often got an elementary education, then went off to work, often helping ma and pa at home with the harvest or whatever. education wasn't extremely important when all you needed to know was how to do a simple task. But for the jobs and lifestyles that the main six have it's obvious that they aren't just a group of teens trying to make their way in the world.


    Granny Smith was there when Ponyville was founded. In Winter Wrap up, is states that Earth Ponies have been wraping up winter without magic in Ponyville for hundreds of years.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. I don't need them to be twenty or above, they just seem to be. Twilight lives on her own running a library, which presumably lends books to the public. Fluttershy lives on her own and cares for animals. Pinkie Pie rents a room above the Cake's store. Rainbow lives on her own in a cloud house somewhere over ponyville, and Rarity and Applejack both have their own buisinesses.


    Typically these sorts of things are not something a 16 year old would engage in but this is a different world. Also I'd like to mention that there physical age may be whatever it is, as Granny Smith has been shown to be "Hundreds of years old" so we don't know how their biology works. But their mental age seems like someone in their twenties, because they seem to still have a lot of growing to do, but they are mature and independent.

    • Brohoof 3
  3. I really like Raven and Starfire from Teen Titans. I also like Ms. Marvel, Batwoman, Batgirl, Super-Girl, Wonder Woman, Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, and Green Lantern. Mare Do Well is nice too! But she is only an aestetic persona.


    Villains, though, I have to say my favorites are from this show. Discord was great, Chrysalis IS great, Sombra, etc. The Joker, and Harley Quinn are nice, though.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Marijuana is the best plant on this Earth. If I was stranded on an island and had no other medicine except for an infinitely refilling crate full of one type of medicine, it'd be Cannabis.


    Before Twilight Sparkle became a princess, Celestia was Best Princess.


    Justin Beiber, though I do not like his music or even him, I do have to admit that on some level he has some semblance of talent. To be fair, it's the bare minimum that you need in that industry.


    Applejack is an incredibly interesting character and I love whenever she is part of the spotlight in My Little Pony.


    Feminism is wrong in my oppinion. I like equal rights, and I get Feminists do too, but I don't think men are systemically more powerful or less opressed than women.


    Season 3 is better than both Season 1 and 2 combined.


    Season 4 is better than Season 3, so far.


    Shipping is AWESOME. (depending on who you ask this IS unpopular.)

    • Brohoof 5
  5. Hey everypony, I wanna have a good open conversation about romance. :) I myself am a ridiculously hopeless romantic. I realize sometimes going deep into a topic such as this can be embarrassing or uncomfortable, but I'm craving a nice juicy, lay it all out discussion. (Within reason of course.) So please dont be shy and please indulge me as i try to get to know my fellow fans a little better. So my question is, when it comes to movies, or books, of fanfics, or even you own glorious fantasies in your mind, what do you like about romance? What do you like to see? What makes your blood boil and your heart pound and what makes you go 'dawweee !'. What makes your romance button tick? I always love to hear ponies' answers, because one, it helps me feel normal when I find other ponies who are like me, and two, its always interesting to see what kind of romantic fancies are hiding beneath the surface. :)


    I love romance! Though I've never dated anyone probably because I'm not too good looking but mainly because I'm introverted and don't get out much. To answer your questions in order though:


    What I like about romance is happiness. Two people bonding to the highest level you basically can. That's romance to me.


    What do I like to see? Two or more people (I believe in polyamory!) spreading happiness to each other. I guess that's a bit of a cop-out answer though, so I guess I like to see platonic love. Things like holding hands, kissing, hugging, and just being together in eachother's company.


    What makes my heart boil and blood pound? I guess the truth here is that when a really cute couple is innocently makeing out.


    The weird thing about me is that I'm really into Platonic love. You'll never see me having sex with people, not even just because I probably couldn't even aquire such an oppurtunity. Because I like to just love people, and spread happiness. Sure, for some, sex makes them happy, and more power to them! But for me, it's kind of weird to imagine myself doing that.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Probably not an unpopular opinion, but without blinking or looking back I'd go to Equestria and never come back. I'd never even want to, honestly. The reason being is that to me, it's objectively better*1. It would make me more happy to live there, because the populace ISN'T nearly as negative as Earth tends to be. Not only that but I would be accepted there unconditionally, and as a transwoman that does feel very much not at home in my own skin, that would be a god-send.




    *1 - That is, if you start with certain moral axioms that I personally choose to.

  7. To try and be completely honest and unbiased either way, yes and no. In certain circles where I can rely on physical and cruder forms of humor, such as when I one time asked a friend for a stapler out of nowhere and then stapled some papers to my face, then I can be considered funny. But as soon as any level of REAL intellectuallism is involved, I become hit-or-miss at absolute best. I can't get people to laugh with my words most of the time, because I view the world in a very mechanical way. So basically, the complex art of humor is lost on me functionally in a lot of ways.


    Overall, in the crowd of people I would most prefer to be within, I'm only funny about 30 percent of the time.

  8. I love anthropomorphic animals! I'm not a furry though, because it's never interested me to that degree. Never have I felt inclined to go talk with other people about humanoid animals or draw art of it etc. BUT, I do think Furries are cool because I love people who can get extremely passionate about artistic stuff. A+ in my book!



    [Also, technically, bronies are furries.]


    No we're not actually. A furry is not just someone who likes animals that talk, it's someone who BOTH likes anthropomorphic animals, typically followibng a humanoid form, AND participates in the furry fandom. You wouldn't call someone a brony if they watched MLP once and thought it was okay, would you? If this sounded rude then please understand I did not intend it to.

  9. I think it'd work in the series but I do have to agree with some of the other people here in that I do not personally think it'd make it better outright. The show, in my opinion, has flourished with so many people not because it has adult themes, but because it's themes of all-encompassing tolerance and happiness strikes home with a lot of people, adults included. For them to just throw that away in lieu of dark episodes where Fluttershy get's killed, or something of that nature would be a waste and a shame. However, if they introduced it subtly and didn't change any of the show's best features then I'd be all for it!

  10. I'm convinced that Equestrian society is more trusting of young people than ours is. For example, the CMC just running around and, at even one point bungy jumping? In our world these children would be thought of as genuinely wronged to not have suppervision for such an activity. However in their world it's just the CMC being theirselves. So in conclusion to this, I like to think the legal drinking age is slightly below all of the mane 6, as they seem to be intelectually old enough anyways.

  11. I guess reffering back to my original post in this thread, I do not think there is such thing as "over-analyzing" like some here do. I think the fictional world of Equestria is more than in the mind of the author, but in the mind of all of the fans. So overthinking it would mean that you have to think harder than hundreds of people if not more.

  12. I completely respect all transgenders. Though I would never even consider changing my gender myself. I'm man and I'm proud of it ^^


    This is a great way to feel! To give you an idea of that though, imagine you are the same; you are a man and proud of it. You love every thing you love because you are a man. Now imagine you were born in a pink dress, name Susan. That is why people want to change genders! XD


    Male and happy to be male though often I do wonder what life would have been like as a girl but im happy with what I've been given :P


    By the way, what is bigender? 



    Bigender is having multiple genders at once.


    Honestly, I really don't like being male. (I would almost willingly change to a female) the reason is, well... My body likes sex too much. Also, I just don't feel at home as a man. It's awkward, and extremely disgusting. The only reason I haven't anticipated a sex change is simply because it is somewhat expensive (so are all types of surgery) and it probably isn't an immediate transformation. (I'd heard this from a TV show, forgot what it was called, on TLC I think. This was quite awhile back.)

    Also, because pregnancy would worry me. I'm simply not the sort to welcome something that's kicking around my stomach. Though I have considered adopting older kids, simply because I also don't have a fondness for changing a poopy diaper. I also probably can't really parent such a young child (true, I have to deal with this (decent probability) as a man as well...)


    It's VERY long winded and takes forever. I've been trying to change my voice for months now, to give you an idea.

    • Brohoof 1
  13. 100 percent a transgendered girl. I've always been a girl. The only difference now is that I realized it and started to take acton XD.

    But I'm still into action, I am into romance, literature, good movies, comics, video games, etc. =P


    I feel that mtf is to some degree the most common form of transgeder that people hear about, but I have still yet to fully come out to everyone in my life about it =P

    • Brohoof 3
  14. Some people dislike the rainbow motif going on in season 4, but I personally love it so this episode is an awesome one for me! =D

    Weird Al, of course, served as a really good opposite but equal to Pinkie, and the dynamic is really awesome. This also opens up room for some Pinkie x Cheese shipping =P

  15. I'll only mention this one, and I think that he's right but he's over thinking things and forgetting that  this is meant to be a kids show, so the plot should be as simplistic as possible right? I think that this show is not meant to have applied such deep analysis on it because every episode would end up being crap.


    This is where I will politely disagree. I do not think of this show as "just" a kid's show, but rather, it is a show for the whole family. Kids and adults alike can enjoy the show, hence the fandom, and so it should be treated as such. And I think this because time and again the show has proven to be deeper than just "what's today's moral, and how can we shoehorn it into the episode?"


    I do not think any analysis is to far, even if they are over-thinking it, because the work, in my opinion, has the potential to be bigger than the author's intent. I know a lot of people's view on Equestria is way more well thought out than some of the writers for the show's are. And that's okay because the show is bigger than the author's intent!


    So no, there is no such thing as over analysing in my opinion.




    But even they sometimes take this too seriously.


    And I'll disagree here too. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with taking something very seriously. I like the world of Equestria because it seems deeper than at first glance. It is a place that has intricasities, and I like to think about those things in a very deep way; Probably deeper than the writers of the show ever intended. I do not personally see the disvalue in this.

    • Brohoof 1
  16. Can I just say that I really really love Hearts Strong as Horses? I mean it's almost been a week, and I can't get that out of my head! In a good way though =P.

    As for the episode itself, yeah I really liked it, but it wasn't amazing. The moral was awesome, and I really like the CMC, but, and I can't really put it into words, something was off-putting about it. Not like a mechanical thing, like pacing, or anything like that, but overall I felt like it lacked the same zeal that got me super excited like watching Season 3 for the first time did. Though, this may just be because I've gotten more used to the show, that it isn't really as exciting for me anymore? I hope that's not the case.

    But adressing the elephant in the room with Scootaloo not being able to fly was a great move for the writers I think. I like how up to this point it wasn't even brought up (and I'm not being sarcastic!) because it means that her physical handicap is not viewed as anything that distinguishes her from other ponies. She is an equal, not any better, nor lesser than other ponies.

    I'd probably give this episode a 4 out of 5 though.

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