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  1. I will say the excact message of the show in Canon is love and tolerate and that it is mainly fanon (so to speak) As for being impracrical, I disagree if all people stopped to think about how and why a person has their beliefs and respect their thoughts, even if they disapprove of them, the world would be a better place This is a bogus rumor started about the web, most likely by someone who's never seen the show and someone they convinced others it was about this blatant lie. Your topic title is dead accurate in it being an "illusion" mind you. The show is about FRIENDSHIP and how FRIENDS should be to one another. How friends should back one another up. Give as much, if not more, than they take. And how true friends will just always be there even when they seem like they aren't. If it had any theme of "love and tolerate" than it went out the door with Gilda and Trixie. They were neither loved, nor tolerated. Same goes for the diamond dogs, the dragon, and a host of other characters throughout. First I would say friends are friends because they love and tolerate each other not simply "back them up" Second as for the "villains" both listed and the ones you have not. Gilda, was tolerated, even to the point Pinkie threw her a party to try and get her in a better mood, it was Gilda that raged and flew off in a temper Trixie, had her redemption and acceptance part at the end of Magic Duel The Diamond Dogs, this one can be read two ways in my mind 1. The Diamond dogs were shown as creatures of instinct, seeking diamonds as daschund seeks moles 2. Rarity could have escaped (she had been shown to be very proficient with telekinesis) and decided to flip the servant/master tables on them to show them their actions were wrong. Dragon, diplomacy was the first plan and even acted on Manticore, was dealt with in a loving peaceful manner by Fluttershy Iron Will, had opinion was expected but he was also held accountable for the guarantee he made Luna, was forgiven and is now loved by at one subject I could go on but the point I would like to make is, to me, love and tolerate is not "roll over and accept everything" to me it is respecting people and treating everyone as equals. It is impossible to love and tolerate ​everything. ​ Yes it is hard, very hard to respect everyone's opinions but I do love by love and tolerate and I strive my hardest every day.
  2. I understand where you are coming from those that break the three fundamental laws of saipent beings (do not be a thief, do not be a rapist, do not be a murderer) are clearly an exception. Even holding negative options are fine, but more often than not a brony will trot over another brony's opinion. One brony says "I hate rule 34 it is disgusting." Although I disagree with this ' tone' of speech it is one's opinion Another brony would say "Get over yourself" (or worse) Maybe I mis worded, maybe I failed to fully lay my thoughts out. I'll try again. My main issue is not the opinions held, it is the way they are said (at times) and the rally against an opinion on both sides that gets me. Yes we are all human and we do have suffering opinions. But we can still respect each other and at least give some respect for another' s thoughts. I hope this makes things clearer.
  3. I have to do this I have to address the elephant in the room. We bronies who say love and tolerate to ask those who attack and infant is from the outside have little of those qualities when addressing groups within the herd. Instead of hearing "If that is your interest I will not judge." We hear "rule 34 is disgusting, clopfics are horrible, creepy-pastas (I hope I got that right) are ruining the show for me, I hate silicone Twilight." For a fandom that swears to live by love and tolerance where is it down to reach other?
  4. No problem just a simple miss wording, no need to apologize (I'm not a member of the Grammar Nazis SS unit )
  5. To each their own opinion. Though I did attempt to keep the post as close to the programming function s of the game than focus on the content there of.
  6. Back to the topic posted (as we should be) I've played it, kinda liked it. There is better and worse animations/games out there (both clean and NSFW) So here is my review of the game from a mechanical (I guess you would say) stand point. Graphics: decent but I will say I found the"hand drawn" feel appealing Music: varied and fluid enough to be enjoyable Game: even though there is a most efficient way the game does fully invite you to explore as you see fit Plot: from a story standpoint it is kind of weak (but being both a work in progress and a rule 34 game it is understandable) though I do find the idea of turning into a pony interesting Overall if you do not mind or like rule 34I would put this as a recommendation
  7. Me it differs every time I play a rpg a play something different each time. One of my favorite was a Drow (dark elf) sorcerer who viewed both the end justify the means (mostly he did have limits) and liberal application of force was always a way to solve problems. H ere is a bit of an example. An evil wizard was about to escape through a portal he was out of magic and we knew if he got away he would be difficult to beat again. To complicate matters he took a young child as a hostage. I turned to the cleric. Me: you have ressurection prepared today, right? Cleric : yes, why? (Fireballs the wizard and kid) Cleric: WHAT DID YOU DO!? (Turns and leaves) me: you got resurrection, raise the kid.
  8. I have watched the show with dedication. I have watched many pony videos. But I want more. I want to find fan fiction, artists (especially comics), and more. So I am asking you, my fellow bronies, to tell me of such great works you have found be they can fiction, art, or comic.
  9. Greeting my fellow new member, I would love to see what the brony environment is like in the UK.
  10. Yes it has. It has teached me to be more accepting and tolerant of others. And yes I am a complete open brony I do not hide it one bit.
  11. To be honest for the longest time I avoided mlp like the plague. You see I had just read Twilight (the vampire one not anything about the respectable 's. Sparkle) due to sheer hype and regretted it. And there was also all this hype about mlp. Being burned by hope once I didn't want to be burned again. For a few months and even for episodes into session 2 I avoided it. Until a friend of mine on InkBunny (one of the few people I trust to give me a good suggestion) told me to just give it a chance, watch the first five of you don't like it by then you really never would. Fine I said, I'll give it a shot. I ended up watching all of season one and the current for episodes of season two. Then a miracle happened no for me out of bed before 1 pm on a Saturday. That is when I knew I was a brony.
  12. Hello I am Nouva, a simple unicorn pony with a passion of the written word. I hope to make many new friends here. Though rather taken back by the sheer amount of quality in all forms of art created by everypony I nevertheless might wish to try my word-smithing skills to ply to my peers. Here is to hoping for a long and enjoyable stay.
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