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Everything posted by Firehearted

  1. @@Pripyat Pony, @@Eternal Night,"Uh-huh... Well - Technically I'm a demon from the pits of Tartarus. I only know form Atlas since I don't remember aaanything before 'the thing' happened. Cosmo, you know the thing I told you I'd never tell you about when I broke down in the woods. Yeah, that" I knew I was visibly shaking. "Okay, let's move right on?" Sal seized control. "So even though I'm technically a demon I'm not really one anymore" Good save, Sal "Or at least don't act the part - Yes, she has become watered down. Sure, she can be a jerk sometimes or a lot but she can be the sweetest mare you've ever meet sometimes... Mostly a jerk though. And don't expect me to suddenly be a mare by the way. It only happens if she is on control overnight... Which won't be happening But I will say we look damn fine as a mare - Let's just stop that train of thought there" Okay, now was not the time Sal. Hey, you didn't say I couldn't say that. This is my narration, get out! Jeez cool your jets. I'll leave if you want me to so much. Where was I?... Oh, yeah. "So yeah. We don't talk about that thing and Sal is a jerk sometimes and I know what it feels like to be a mare. I was hoping we could find a way to but since we have different ways we got new ponies in our head I guess we can't help each other" Thank Celestia Sal can't just overpower me like Jinx can with Jay. Who said I can't? Not the time. I feel like narrating for a bit. Scoot over! Sal!
  2. @@Pripyat Pony, @@Eternal Night, "Maybe I am, maybe I'm not" She swept her hair into a more feminine position. "Ugh. Atlas, can you let me stick 'round overnight? I really hate your, ugh, stallion hair and hooves" "No... I might want to mention if I leave in control overnight I wake up a mare. It's awkward. Before I got locked up we had a deal where every weekend or so I'd leave her in control so she could do whatever mare's do. I really don't pay much attention" "Yeah, yeah, I know, it's off since we're in here" The two swapped in perfect tandem like they'd been doing this for a while which they had. "Anyway, this is Salta or just Sal. I know it's my name backwards - Hey, when I popped into existence that's what my mind told me my name was - You know we don't talk about that -Yeah, yeah, woods, panicking, - Shut it... Anyway as soon as I - We - We heard someone else had another pony stuck in their heads I - We - ... WE wanted to know what was up. First of all how'd you get another pony in your head and which is the original?"
  3. @@Pripyat Pony,@@Eternal Night, "That'd be nice... Me, Sal, and Cosmo would like to hear about it. And if Jinx can hear me, mind not screaming everything? I want to talk without that" At least you don't do that... Now isn't the time to fight for control. Cool it. All I what is control of your face, mouth, and vocal cords. We're just going to swap back and forth as this talk goes. Fine... Yes! "Hey, hey, hey!" A young (Mid-twenties), very feminine voice came out of Atlas' mouth. Sal tried to make a face that would look much better on a mare but looked a bit strange on a stallion. "Nice ta' meet ya"
  4. @@Eternal Night, I leaning against the wall waiting for Jay. "Sorry, bud, but we've got to do this" I'd manhandle him if I felt like manhandling him. Besides when I manhandle someone I had a reason. Really, Atlas? You've never told anyone about me... Not even Hunter. Well that's changing. Just hold your horses, Sal. I'm pretty sure she would have rolled her eyes, if she had control of them. "Having her on our side would be nice... But I've got some other reasons why I want to talk to her. We can get her on board with us though too..." @@Pripyat Pony, "There see is" "Hey!' I shouted waving in her general direction. "Over here!"
  5. @, @@Pripyat Pony, @@Eternal Night, "Shit..." I muttered. I wanted to keep talking but I didn't want to mess with the guard. "Just meet us at the excise yard when you can, alright?" I grabbed Cosmo and more-or-less manhandled him away. "Sorry, bud, but we're not getting thrown into solitary or anything just yet" I ditched our food and trays on the way out. What's going on? Sal yawned. You're late to the party. Really? What'd I miss? Long story... You'll find out soon enough. You're going to make me wait? Come onnnn... I wanna know! Keep your mouth shut and you'll find out... Oh, just a reminder, the deal doesn't apply since we're in prison. UGHHHH... I know, you've said it a million times, I know. Good. And remember it. *Huff* Fine. I'll be here then. Good, Sal. She went quiet doing whatever she did when it was like this. Could I really tell this to Cosmo? He is to be trusted... And if he told anyone no one would believe him anyway... But I trust him. "Say, Cosmo" I began. "Actually nevermind" Chicken. Shut up, Sal. I'd been stuck with her ever since the... thing. I shivered visibly. Okay, done thinking about that now. "We're going to have to wait for later to talk to her I guess... But we NEED to talk to her"
  6. @@Pripyat Pony, I believed every word of it. "I need to meet you as soon as possible, and I mean as soon as damn possible. Where are you going after breakfast? We need to get somewhere private so we can talk" Any form of amusement or really anything was gone in my voice. Just commands at this point. She was timid it seemed but the other pony in her head might not be. "And tell that other on inside your head she'll be interested. Very interested" Sal was going to get a kick out of this... Well depend on the use of the world "kick" she might whack me upside the head a couple times. Where is she anyway? @@Eternal Night, "I don't know if I'm letting you in on this Cosmo so don't get your hopes up, got it?"
  7. @@Pripyat Pony, "No, no I don't know you" I munched on some of the stuff. "My good friend here" I shook Cosmo a bit ."Said you took a bunch of people hostage and are one of the most dangerous ponies in here. I just want to make sure the facts are straight before I make any assumptions. Just taking caution ma'am" How in the name of Celestia could she have done that. She looks like the sweetest angel on the planet.
  8. @@Eternal Night, "Hey, it's food. Same here, I'm stuck in some of the higher security cells with the real bad guys for my insane amount of charges. You know, the ones who did the real bad stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if I found another friend or at least acquaintance 'round here. For all I know some of the other guys who got busted with me got thrown in this joint but probably not..." I looked over at the mare. *sigh* "Why did you tell me that, Cosmo? Now I'm going to be sitting here wondering what exactly she did... In fact, let's find out" @@Pripyat Pony, Throwing all caution to the wind... "Hey! Jinx/Jay/whoever you are! Come over here!"
  9. So my friend, Silver Cast, comes up to me one morning and says "Hey, Atlas! You should do this ask thing! You seem bored!" Bored? I'm a pegasus who wears a fez, has the strangest friends, and runs around the Everfree getting shot at/chased/actually finding something for a living. If that's bored I want to know what you're doing. Now excuse me while I yell in the general direction of Canterlot. Ya' happy, Silver?! ... Okay so now the neighbors thing I'm a lunatic... They probably thought I was one before... WHATEVER. ASK ME ANYTHING! COME AT ME INTERNET!
  10. Somewhere in Talon, A Workshop in the Lower City A young and struggling inventor finds himself looking at a revolver rifle, or rather the plans for one. "What the hell am I supposed to do this this?" He asks himself looking at the rifle's blueprints. "This rifle is already perfect, what can I do to improve on it?!" CloudFlash slammed his claw on the table. "Come on! Give me an idea!" He shouted upwards to the gods. "Just an idea..." He slumped down in defeat. It was no use. He wasn't going to come up with the next big thing. With that we went to bed. As he tried to drift to sleep his mind wandered. "Maybe a better way to discard the empty shells? No, you can just throw them out with the whole ammo block... A better reload? No, it's pretty fast as it is..." He shot off his pillow. He left from his bed and darted for his workshop. He went to work under the moonlight providence at his side. ... Days later he emerged from his workshop with a new rifle, the Flash Rifle, the Griffon Kingdom's first practical bolt-action rifle. This rifle would soon be the base of the Griffon Kingdom's army, navy, and soon-to-be air force. The basic design would be made larger into artillery and shrunk for pistols, it would be shaped into different models and produce many different types of firearms, it would dominate the battlefield. But it wasn't there yet. It still wouldn't be too long, however, until the Flash Rifle would be in the claws of almost every Griffon soldier.
  11. @@Eternal Night, "Now, Cosmo, you know better" I laughed. "The network? Funny story that. No, it hasn't fall and yes, it's fallen apart... Let's just say things were said and some people were called and some arrest were made... Yes, the network is still alive, in pieces, but alive... I may have been charged with enough to get me life in prison because, apparently, I leave the world's biggest paper trail. Just piracy, robbery, a couple counts of murder (It was self defense, a LOT of fraud, the whole nine yards. Once I get out, well if I get out, I can easily put the pieces back. Probably" I laughed trying to eat some more muck. Cosmo. He was an interesting one. I've got the strangest bunch of friends and the strangest acquaintances. Then again I was strange too. "Don't worry too much. The Equestrian prison system is pretty easy to get by on. A roof, three meals a day (even if they are terrible), a place to sleep, pretty easy. Just gotta keep your head low" I munched on the muck some more not paying attention to the taste best I could.
  12. Welp. I never thought someone would talk... But they did and to all the wrong people. Millions of bits seized, tons of arrests, evidence uncovered, everything I'd put together over the years gone... Well a good chunk. Parts of the network were able to cut connections before the paper trail found them but everything directly connected to me was gone... I sighed. So it goes. I would be fine... I've been in worse places. ... I woke up my head popping off my pillow. "Today's a great day to be incarcerated!" I grabbed my fez, the only thing I still had, and placed it on my head. "Mornin' officer!" I shouted out of my cell as a guard walked past. I was in some of the higher security cells for my charges. Murder, piracy, theft of a LOT of expensive stuff, and um... hundreds of smaller charges? Oh, yeah and fraud. No biggy. ... I walked around the cafeteria tray of... food? Yeah, I guess that's food. Tray of food in front of me. Where to sit? Hmm... "The hell?" @@Eternal Night,"Cosmo!" I shouted sitting next to him and giving him a good shake. "Long time no see? How long have you been in this joint and what'd ya do? You could probably guess what I'm in here for but you? I thought you'd learned your lesson after stowing away on that boat"
  13. @@AmberDust, "We're here to talk to whoever your national leader is... So can you show us to your Commanding Officer so he can point us in the right direction? Yes, we know this is the southern border, the Griffon Kingdom is your southern neighbor" A few soldiers held their weapons uneasy at the guard's words. A couple went from holding them from their backs to holding them casually pointed toward the guards barrel down. "We aren't interested in raiding. We just want to talk trade and diplomatic relations"
  14. 100th Background Pony Episode = the burning of a million fanfics. The end of the headcanon is neigh!

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      So this has been confirmed? That would be really neat.

  15. @@SharpWit, "This is strange, sir... Very" Adviser FairFlight noted looking at the message. The Emperor has his top advisers had meet to decide if they should trust their new found ally just yet. "We shouldn't trust them! This is all a ploy to let them into our borders!" Shouted IronClaw's more nationalist adviser, SkyEye. "Calm down... We must have trust in our new ally. If we don't then who will have trust in use?" Asked moderate SharpSpear. "Enough of all of you!" The Emperor cut any other who might have wanted to added their two bits. "We'll do as they say. If they pull anything we will crush them with our land armies. Simple as that" They nodded accepting the answer. A communique on the decision was sent the following morning.
  16. @@Eternal Night, You're not done, Atlas... Not yet... I yawned waking up. Daylight crept into the bush. I looked down at Cosmo's body. A bullet hole in his head and a sword in his back.Sweet Celestia. "Why, Atlas" He groaned. "Why?" The 'body' rose up and turned toward me. "Cosmo?" How is he alive? "Why Atlas?. Why did you kill me?" "What?" I remembered. I'd shot him in his sleep and stabbed him for good measure. Dragged him kicking and screaming. I'd laughed as I blew his brains out... "No, no, no..." "Yes..." Cosmo groaned. "NO!" I shouted turning to run. I didn't no, no, no I DIDN'T. "Atlas..." Groaned someone else, who I didn't care nor from where. It was a blur as I darted into deeper wood and the canopy closed up the sunlight. "OOof" I fell down from a ledge. The moon was up? But it was day seconds ago... Before me stood a pike... A pike with a guardsmen of Griffon Baron SharpWords on it. He was impaled all the way through his lower abdomen and out his mouth. He breathed a raspy breath of someone clinging to last threads of life that were slowly slipping away. He looked at me with eyes of pain and fear. They spoke of horrors no one should face or feel. They seemed to ask "Why?" to me. He faced his executioner with fear. His executioner faced him blood dripping from him. I tried to frantically get the blood off my coat as if it would cleanse me of the sins I had committed but it was no use. From the brush three emerged, covered in blood. Cosmo and two more guards, each his own shade of deep red and shade of terror. "Why?" The guards rasped through nonexsitant throats. ... I fled into the forest running from my crimes and praying they'd go away. "Hunter!" I shouted seeing him in a clearing. "Dear Luna, what are you doing here?!" "Monster" He growled at me staring daggers. "What?" "Don't think I don't know what you did!" "W-What?" My voice began to tremble. "I should finish you myself" He began to approach me getting that feral look in his eyes as his hair grew out and claws emerged. "You're more of a monster than me" I bolted again seeking refuge. I didn't check if he was chasing, I just ran. Zecora's hut! I slammed the door shut behind me. "Zecora!" I called into the tree/house. From the only other room emerged Zecora, along with Leads, Silver Cast, Patches, and Hunter. "We know what you did that day and we will make you pay" Zecora rhymed slowing moving forward. They all began to move in unison eyes locked on me. My best friends had bloody entente in their eyes, to make me pay for what I'd done. With another shout I turned to flee to find the door missing. "Why, Atlas? Why, Atlas? Why, Atlas?" The chanted creeping closer. "NO!" I screamed. "NO!" They grabbed me. I flew awake from the bush. "NO!" I screamed again now awake. "I didn't mean to do it! It made me do it!" I bawled on the floor like a child. "I didn't want to do it" I cried. Why? Why did I have to remember? Why can't it all just go away? Because I did it and no matter why I did it and I would pay for it by living my life with the grief.
  17. @@Eternal Night, I curled my noise at the stuff he had sprayed on him. "Ugh" "I think it flew off... We're staying here till daybreak. Try and sleep. In the morning we'll get our stuff and move on. I don't want to risk it coming back for us later and I doubt anything will bother to come into these bushes for no good reason"
  18. @@Eternal Night, I rubbed my eyes from the flash. "If that thing takes my gun with it..." I was going to be pissed. Sure, it wasn't MY gun but it was expensive. MY gun was in my closet at home ready to be fired but that one cost me a lot. I probably had more things to worry about than my gun though. "Hey, good thinking back there" I added before shutting up. This is why you go to bed early 'cause I doubted we're getting sleep now. I kept put feeling a bit too close to Cosmo for comfort but not saying anything or moving since I'd rather not get a close look at a bird's digestive system.
  19. Eh... Not my piece of cake. 6.5ish out of 10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7lxd7RL1To
  20. Before this one I had a pic of my OC Atlas looking pretty normal. Then I got into this vampire RP that was, and still is, the best RP I'd ever been in so in the spirit of it I made one with Atlas looking a bit vampire-y since he'd gotten himself bit along the way. I'll change it sooner or later to something else Atlas related but right now I have nothing.
  21. @@SharpWit, You receive a bottle of White Mountain Wine with a note bearing the Emperor's signature. "We will happily ally with our southern neighbors. Consider the Griffons your friend and by your side" @@AmberDust, "Hello!' I shouted to what I thought was a guard. "Where by chance can I find your capital or at least someone in charge?!" We trudged a bit farther until I was face to face with him. "Nice to you meet you. We've been looking for any sign of civilization for days. We're here on business by the Emperor of the Griffon Kingdom. Mind showing me to your CO?"
  22. @@Eternal Night, Black... I woke up from Cosmo's shaking in a cold sweat. I hadn't noticed that fact in my dream not had I noticed I was dreaming. I jerked my head up from the floor. "Wa? What?" I looked around to see Cosmo looking like he was about to piss himself. "Cosmo. What's wrong?" I gave him a look. "I don't see any... thing..." I looked at the raven. "Hi..." I slowly reached for my musket. "Make no sudden moves" That thing could defiantly eat us if it wanted. "It may not want pony... Ponies can't be common food for it" But who says it wasn't up for some exotic food? I had my musket at my side. Thank Celestia it was loaded. I knew this thing could drop a buffalo but I didn't know if it would drop this. "Pack your things... We've going to walk away... Slowly" I kept my musket train on the bird while I shook my wing awake.
  23. ((Can I get a time?)) I jolted awake. “It’s been six months without incident, Mr. Lightfeather. Very good” Said a man sitting behind a desk. “Wa? Where am I?” I was in an… Office? Behind the man was a long list of pedigrees. The room had a single window, and besides that, the couch I was on and, the desk it was a bit dull. “Where am you? Have you begun to develop amnesia, Mr. Lightfeather? You’re in an insane asylum, admitted by a friend of yours by the name of Leads with a recommendation from a Dr. Silver Cast” He’s not dead! Thank God… I thought I’d killed him… Everything was just so strange… I’d ask why I was thrown in here but I just want to get out now. “How long have I been here, again?” “You’ve been keeping count of the days yourself, Mr. Lightfeather. We gave you a notebook just to keep track” He gave me a suspicious look. “I can’t remember all the time” “Five years, Mr. Lightfeather. You have been in the Thunder Hill Mental Correctional Facility for five years” “Sorry, I just blanked for a moment” “... It’s fine, Mr. Lightfeather. Happens to all of this… As I said six months without incident. Combined with your good conduct I sincerely believe you are ready to return to society” I might have shown more excitement if I was really in for six years. I wouldn’t be best to say I don’t remember anything about it… “So?” “Pack your belongings. A bag will be sent to your room and you will be free to go noon tomorrow. We will notify your kin and those you would wish us to” “Good. Good” This was too strange… Way too strange… Something here wasn’t right. … Noon. I slept terribly. The bed in my padded, yes padded, cell was extremely uncomfortable. I’d rather be sleeping on the jungle floor. Jungle floor… Why did that seem so familiar… Like I should be somewhere. “Mr. Lightfeather?” An orderly opened my door. “Are you ready to leave?” “Yes, I am” “Follow me” As we walked I studied everything I passed. It all seemed familiar. A very surreal feeling swept over me. It felt like some part of me was trying to convince the rest I had been here for five years. No. I was never here. This place was foreign to me. I had no part in it. I walked out the door to freedom. The building sat on a hill next to the coast. In front of me lay nothing but a road and field. No one was waiting for me. Maybe they didn’t send a message? Maybe this place was far away? I walked forward on the road to get away from this place… After no less than five minutes I was turning a bend next to another hill to see a well. A village girl was tending to it but where she lived I didn’t know. I could see no towns anywhere near here, just fields. A figure I knew all too well walked past me toward here. I was trapped were I was as if my feet were in cement. Everything went silent. The girl’s mouth moved to scream but no noise came out. In an instant she was lying in the grass in her own blood. I laughed over her corpse. I took a step back away from myself only to find no ground and fall into the abyss below… Black. … I was boiling hot. The savannah sun beat down on me. Food… I need food. I stumbled around the huge grasslands. *Thump* I collapsed. “You’re in the same boat?” Asked… Me? I looked across at myself who looked tired, hungry, and dying. Oh yeah, and there was a corpse of… Something next to us. “You bet” “Well…” Atlas looked at the corpse of thing. No… Nu-huh… Stop me. “We got a choice?” This me was a lot more… Accepting. Then again I felt like he looked right now. I was going to die if I didn’t get something in me. We ate so of the carcass. It was terrible. But it was something. And I needed something. It was far from picked clean. We could barely muster a few bites. “Good eatin” Atlas joked. “Yeah…” Wait… This is me… This is when I was stuck in the savannah. I-I ate an animal carcass to survive. But I don’t remember any of this… Something is- Black.
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