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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

(insert username)

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Everything posted by (insert username)

  1. What's your opinion on... *ahem* Barfigh- MUSIC? Not barfights, music. Muuuusic.
  2. "Mysterious as the dark side of the moon" indeed.
  3. Ate way too much brrrrrrrqqqqq

  4. I don't know if anyone else said this, but this thread has a lot of 7+ ratings... (WARNING: TVTropes link, click at own risk) Anyway, YOU SIR, you get a 8.8/10. I don't understand the background, but Luna's always nice, and the whole thing is pretty cool in general.
  5. nice 666th thread reply you have there crispy HAVIN' A GOOD TIME, HAVIN' A GOOD TIME!
  6. Banned for still using that sig when you have CLEARLY mentioned you aren't a robot overlord anymore! This is an OUTRAGE!
  7. If you mean the game, I only play it during parties at a certain friend's house. results are hilarious TPAM appreciates a good punch in the stomach once in a while.
  8. I really didn't get anything significant done today... Whatever, good night everypony. qqqqq

    1. Tyger


      Same here. Damn my laziness!

    2. SugarSlatheredCandyApple


      I spent most of the day watching the food network. Everything was thanksgiving related. I'm not even cooking for thanksgiving, i'm baking two pies, and I already have the recipes.

  9. Sounds fun, but as an alternative, we should sing something by The Village People. ...nah just kidding, At The Gala's fine.
  10. Known for that AMAZING sig that goes OUTSIDE THE BORDERS OF REALITY. ...also the borders of the sig. But also REALITY!
  11. Heyo new guy. I really like your name; That's a great opinion you have. In fact it's so great, I want to take your opinion and throw it in some eggs, maybe add some green onion and pepper... *ahem* Anyway, enjoy the forums. They're FORUMTASTIC!
  12. My favorites: Touhou #(insert number) Any Rhythm Tengoku/Heaven Catherine Trauma Team
  13. I've got some FULL THROTTLE RHYTHM HEAVEN NOSTALGIA going right now.
  14. Guys, I figured the way around it! (insert copyrigh(----CENSORED----)ce) well goddamn
  15. I never got the time or resources to do it, but I wanted to paint somepony's cutie mark on my headphones. Other than that, I'm still working on ponification of the electronics.
  16. Banned for banning based off of false accusations. Hint hint.
  17. It took me until today to realize: Hearing people speak poorly of doctors makes me want to punch a baby.

    1. (insert username)

      (insert username)

      Keep in mind I don't mean punching a baby every time I hear it, I mean punching the SAME baby.

    2. Tyger


      I don't like babies at all.

  18. I don't bookmark many things, but here's what I do have: - This site - A Youtube video to MP3 converter - The Instant CSI button (YEAAAAAAAAAAH) - A cripplingly bad piece of fanfiction which is actually hilarious
  19. I'm going to guess that it's someone completely new who ends up being a huge fan of Rainbow Dash, which is why he/she became the MASKED HERO. EDIT: or it's scootaloo
  20. S is for sugar, a key ingredient in marshmallows (i.e. what the ponies are made of).
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