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Fauna Flight

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Posts posted by Fauna Flight

  1. It's a manga actually. And it's definitely...surreal. This character and a few others use dreams to find their true self. For example, in the dream world, the protagonist is a man dressed as a girl and acts like a horny one to signify lack of identification. The raped girl is a man hating psychopath with a knife. The girl who stretched herself too far across too many thing becomes a mass of tentacles. Yeah, freaky


    It's later explained that this is actually a sort of baby purgatory where who you are going to be born as is determined by a dream within a dream. Our protagonist is eventually born as a girl and it's revealed that the duality thing was actually that she had a twin brother who died in child birth

    oh. Sounds creepy but interesting!

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Does it have to be from an anime? Cuz I could show you so many gay scenes of certain cartoon characters :lol: (They aren't a couple in the series, but they act so gay around each other and it's so precious xD)

    Sure thing! I didn't know yaoi could be in other shows, but gay scenes count as Boy X Boy. ^.^

    Wait, I just thought of another example! Tohya and Yukito from Card Captor Sakura. Through the entire first two seasons it is implied that they are very very close friends, and are shown to deny the advances of any girl that worked up the nerve to ask either one of them out. But, in the third season, they are given further development both as individual characters and as a couple and it is so precious.


    For a specific scene, I would definitely have to say the one where Tohya sacrifices something very special to him in order to save Yuki's life. I won't go into further detail, since I don't wanna spoil it.

    I've heard of Carp Captor. I love the intro. It's so cute-sounding!

    Do she males count? If so, then every scene from After School Nightmare. Before you ask, the main character's upper half is male, their lower half female

    Huh, that's odd. I guess it counts, though. Sounds like an interesting anime.



    Think you misunderstood what I was trying to say there; I ment yaoi/yuri type anime.



    The ones you mentioned I've already seen.


    But if we're going that route; watch Kemono Souja Erin.. It is my personal favourite anime of all time.


    Okay! I think Free! Iwatobi Swim Club is really gay, especially since the five male main characters act so tender to each other. But, it's also fan service. ^.^ I can't recall watching any yaoi animes except Free! Iwatobi Swim Club and... half of the first episode of... Boku no Pico. :eww: Dang, that anime is dirty to the bone between the two male characters...

    Oh well, those are the only ones I've watched!

  3. When you mentioned Italy and Germany, I almost wanted to mentally face palm myself, because I couldn't believe I forgot that one. XD My favorties aren't really yaoi or yuri but I just like to sit there and be like '' Ohmygosh I can feel the bromance, gotta ship thise '' and then head over to fanfiction to find a good fanfic. xD

    Haha that's exactly what happens to me. xD

    I see a yaoi or yuri scene in one of my fave animes and I'll immediate be like, "GOTTA SHIP THIS!" and I run to the fanfics. xD

    I've never really watched one before and I don't avoid them at all..


    Just never caught one on my anime-hunting trips.. Are they dismissed often by reviewers or aren't there any truly popular/good ones?


    If you do know a few please recommend! That said; I would prefer slice of life styled ones.. But I can go with anything as long if it has good characters.

    Well, Sword Art Online and Attack on Titan have been good. I could also recommend Clannad(but it is a drama slice of life anime) and another anime everyone has been talking about is Beyond the Boundaries. I have NO idea what it's about. xD

    These 4 are all quite popular in the fandom, and Attack on Titan was the most popular of 2013.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Mine are:

    -Attack on Titan

    -Free! Iwatobi Swim Club

    -Sword Art Online

    -Ouran Highschool Host Club


    -Nichijou(one of my first animes)
    -Clannad Afterstory(I cried my eyeballs out... it was my first drama anime)



    what are yours?


    -DreamBrony :D

  5. inb4 Homu-chan.


    Anyways, I am a huge Revolutionary Girl Utena fan, and it is most definitely a yuri series. I can't pinpoint any one specific scene from it as my absolute favorite, however...


    There is a recurring circumstance where Utena and Anthy are going to sleep, and they have discussions, holding each others arms. These bedtime talks are some of the most interesting and insightful scenes in the show, simply because they are the very few circumstances where we see Anthy completely comfortable and true to herself. In the show, Anthy is a big enigma, and a lot of her actions and words are ambiguous. But this set of scenes have her literally let her hair down, and help build Utena and Anthy's relationship.

    That's cool! I'm a huge Attack on Titan fan, and I love anime and ponies. ^3^ There's not really any yaoi or yuri shows I watch, but Ouran Highschool Host Club and Free! Iwatobi Swim Club might count, depending on the episode or scene.

  6. It was to make room for a marathon of Littlest Pet Shop, culminating in the season finale.

    Okay, first they shortened season 3 of My Little Pony is 13-ish episodes so they had time to create season 1 of Littlest Pet Shop, and now they are canceling episode air times of My Little Pony to make way for a Littlest Pet Shop marathon?

    A while ago, I must admit, I was a younger girl and so I did buy Littlest Pet Shop figurines, but now, the toys and show are... Eww. I don't like what they did to one of my childhood toys, and the show is horrible in my opinion. It's not bad, but it's not the greatest show on Earth. Now, that same show that I despise is interfering with my favorite show on telivision.

    It's really bothering me...

    • Brohoof 2
  7. Before you ask, "What is yaoi?" or "What is yuri?", Here are my definitions,

    Yaoi is Boy X Boy, particuarly in a anime or Japanese media.

    Yuri is Girl X Girl, particuarly in a anime or Japanese media.

    Not everyone here is a fan of Japanese works, but I sure am!


    WARNING: Contains yaoi and yuri in this thread!!!!!

    Before we begin, here is mine!!! :wub:


    Mine totally has to be this.



    Anime: Hetalia

    Pairing: Italy X Germany

    Episode: 11, I think...

    Plot: Italy, the one with the curl in his hair, says "Good morning!" to Germany, the blonde one, and begs for a hug. (I know, weird, huh? He asked for a hug from Japan, too, but Japan friendzoned him. xD) Italy actually tries to lift himself up to reach Germany for a kiss or hug but he sprains his heels from trying to reach Germany and he starts to feel pain. Germany finally agrees to hug Italy, standing still in his current state, and kisses both of Italy's cheeks. Apparently, he doesn't know how to hug people, but he was also probably trying to let his ally Italy feel better(this scene takes place during WWII, and so they are in the Axis Powers together with Japan). Italy gets really worked up because he is 170 cm while Germany is 180 cm, and he tried so hard to reach Germany's level.

    Opinion: It's very adorable in my opinion. What really got me in Hetalia was Chibitalia, their mini-shorts they had with Chibi Italy and the countries. Holy Roman Empire would always be like, "Italy-senpai notice me!" but at the same time, be strong like a man. He made me fangirl a bunch, especially when he parted ways with Italy to go into the war. ;3; But Italy X Germany are to die for!!!


    Okay, so maybe I have said too much, but it's just my fangirling kicking in. ^_^ Hehe!

    So, what is your favorite?
    (It doesn't need to really be from a anime, but please keep it boy x boy or girl x girl.)

    -One favorite is what I'd like to see, but if you have more, feel free to share!

    -You don't need to be so descriptive like I was! xD

    -A gif or picture is not required, but if you have one of your favorite scene, you can use it if you'd like!








    • Brohoof 1
  8. Cual es tu OTP?


    It can be from any show, tv, movie, book, videogame, anime, ect.


    It can also be hetero and homo.

    Before we begin, I'll say mine.

    (Please tell me where each of your OTPs or where your OTP is)


    Attack on Titan: EreRi (hint my signature ;P) But I also like EreMin, JeanMarco, Historia(Krista) X Ymir, and Springles.

    Sword Art Online: KiritoSuna

    Fairy Tail: NaLu

    Naruto: NaruSake

    Ouran Highschool Host Club: TamaHi

    Warrior Cats: FireGrey

    Sherlock Holmes: JohnLock

    Doctor Who: Doctor Rose

    Free! Iwatobi Swim Club: ReiGisa

    Hetalia: ItaMany (But I also enjoyed the relationship between Italy and Holy Roman Empire in Chibitalia)


    Okay, now it's your turn, what are/is your OTP(s)?





    :wub:  -DreamBrony

    • Brohoof 2
  9. It was fine. I thought Twilight and Pinkie were the best, but the others might have gotten in the way a little bit. The sad thing is, they didn't really advance the problem or episode until Rainbow and Twi fly. :huh: Oh well, I thought the music was awesome! PINKIE RAPPER FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! The lesson was awesome as well. Yeah... that's it I guess.

  10. My new OTP that isn't lesbian or gay... (My les. Ship is FlutterDash) >////<

    Good songs, great characterization, nice humor, Pinkie gets hit with reality and sadness(almost as good as Party of one, except she didn't really go insane this time, but depressed).

    We got a flashback where we saw more filly Pinkie and baby BG ponies.


    Really wonderful episode! I'm so glad Pinkie wasn't an idiot like the other S4 episodes this time around! Amy deserves a cookie!

  11. tumblr_my68xtFV0M1rksc1bo2_500.gifI LOVED THIS EPISODE SO MUCH!!! Even though the song was meh in my view, I could dance to this episode all  day! It made me smile and laugh every second. B)

    tumblr_my68xtFV0M1rksc1bo2_500.gifI LOVED THIS EPISODE SO MUCH!!! Even though the song was meh in my view, I could dance to this episode all  day! It made me smile and laugh every second. B)


    And yes, I am a fan of Attack on Titan. xD

  12. I noticed that one guy that reviews mlp episodes took off a point just for that scene and I was confused why.

    Yeah, TheMrMysteriousMan or something like that. I don't remember his name, really. xD I don't know why he took off a point, either. Maybe it's because this is a children show and we shouldn't show sudden deaths like this.

  13. 467327__safe_solo_rainbow%2Bdash_animate <--- My initial reaction when I realized all of the popular memes and brony references in the episode. (Example: Applelicious and SlenderMane) I couldn't help but post this, okay? I'm just bored. Also, who doesn't need to talk about more Pinkie Pie!? She was awesome in the episode!

  14. I think they made a few nods to the fandom, but it was much more obvious in other episodes that they were specifically targeting the fandom with various references, just for the sake of catering to the bronies.  I'm much more inclined to think that their references and brony jokes were more subtle this time around, while keeping the episode centered on the more core message of the series.

    Well, now that I think about it, there are surely other episodes with brony references. I just think the episode had a great moral, plot, and was worth watching. I'd totally watch this episode again. :)

  15. Some art I've made from January 2014- November 2013. Any art shown to be stolen from me will be reported. All of this artwork is copyright to me, and the characters or FriendshipIsWitchcraft and Skyrim belong to their respectful owners. All rights reserved. (Also, this was all made on my iPad with Art Studio. I've grown to like it better than my laptop's art program, paint.) Enjoy! (The alicorn is my OC)










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