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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Starbound

  1. <Follow me, little Melody. I will show you the universe. But first I will tell you the story of my wonderful friends, the Humans. See all this wonder? The stars? Nebulae? All these are hidden to your race. The stars you see from the ground are illusions. Because your world is clouded by magic. You rely on it. Humans do not. They have developed eyes, or telescopes, to see all this beauty. 50 years ago they developed their first Interstellar spaceship and travelled to the stars. Their planet is called Earth.> They saw Equestria from space, a blue and green and white globe, and then a tiny moon orbiting it. The sun was even smaller, orbiting Equestria, which was at least hundreds of times bigger. The sun was comprised of 5 different balls of light, sun shards that remained in space. <You see, your world should not exist. But magic bends the laws of the Universe. One day humans will visit your part of the galaxy and gaze at your impossible planet with awe. > (Like what I am doing here? This is coming straight out of a story I once wrote.)
  2. A wolf? Okaaay... well, I'm fine with that, but I'm not sure how everypony at the resort would react. Well, Felicity is accepting of all creatures so at least you will have ONE pony who won't run away. You are accepted! Okay, now you don't need to enter in as much mares. Only one more to balance it.
  3. "Mom!? Mom, wake up! Something is wrong with Melody!" Melody took a few deep, gasping breaths, and then continued to her ragged breathing. Willow felt her forehead. It was mysteriously cold. "Mom, please wake up! Something is wrong with Melody!" She continued to shake Luna out of her stupor. (Drowsiness)
  4. Yes! You are accepted! My goal was to get a least 10 people to play, we are getting closer! And also, I need 1 or 2 Co-DMs. Candidates?
  5. Awesome! Just read the whole description! You missed one vital part: the password!
  6. Not everyone. I'm just saying, we need variety. Is it okay if I ask a few people to include Mare OCs? And we need advertisement! I want to ask you to PM your friends and invite them to the RP; but that is up to all of you.
  7. Melody slept fitfully, tossing and turning, mumbling, and breathing ragged breaths. At one point she accidentally hit Willow in the nose, waking her up. "Yes... Melody? I'm awake. Melody? Never mind." Willow peeked at Steel, and hid again. "Why did you do that? That knife is too dangerous. One day you will hurt somepony other than yourself." She carefully picked it up with her magic and dropped it further away from Steel. "There. But don't get mad when you wake up." Melody stirred behind her. "Melody?" Willow shook her gently. "Melody?" She shook her harder. "Melody!?" She nudged Luna. "Mom? Mom? Melody won't wake up! And she isn't breathing right either!"
  8. "I know, I just like to make things big. You both aren't as arrogant as Trixie! How horrible would that be? I just want to help, that's all. Well, I need to go check on my plants back at home, and then prepare for the show. It is this evening, so I don't have a whole lot of time. Well, goodbye! I will hopefully see you all at the show!" Felicity walked in the direction of her house in her usual bouncy way.
  9. http://m.youtube.com/results?q=top%20gear%20lamborghini%20aventador&sm=1 And if you are still not impressed, take a look at this.
  10. The Luna Lamborghini, please. Who doesn't want a Lamborgini Aventador? Any pony haters will be in awe of the 700 *pony*power engine and the fact that it looks like a stealth bomber! People will be too jealous to notice the Luna decals.
  11. Well, I've taken a look at your posts, and, well... just use a bit more punctuation. (You need commas, man! But seriously, another stallion? We need mares, people! Whatever, you are accepted.
  12. Minecraft, Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow, and Terraria.
  13. I would like to join with Felicity! http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/felicity-r5876 Might have to replace someone, though...
  14. The community is cruel... Well, if two of you added in a mare we could still start the RP... but I want to wait. After all, after a day or two we might have 10 participants
  15. I'm not just good... I'm pro! Suck it, community! Pro, pro, pro, pro, pro, pro... @lonewolf1735 I still see you... just join. Please? Please? Please?
  16. All right! I won't be asking you, but for future participants pleaae try to balance things out by adding a Mare. @lonewolf1735 I know you're looking... 'cause I'm a SPY.
  17. Why, thank you very much! Perfect match for Felicity! Both of you are accepted! Link to the OC I will be using (Sorry for the sideways picture). http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/felicity-r5876 We need a few mares to balance things out, for now.
  18. "Thank you!" She said, taking a small bite out of the cupcake. "You know what, I though this would taste like air, but it doesn't! Wow! And I won't let you down! I will make sure everypony in Equestria will want to come to your magic show! There is going to be cake and streamers and balloons... I can't wait! I will try to get to work as soon as possible."
  19. "I'm sorry, Mom. I shouldn't have gotten mad, either." She wrapped up Melody and as much of Luna as she could and fell asleep to the steady rhythm of her sister's breathing. For Melody, everything was black. One by one, stars appeared and she was standing in space. <Welcome, little one. I see you have found us.> 《What? Who is there?》A milky blob of light appeared in front of her. <I, am but a lowly spirit travelling the cosmos. And I have come to enlighten you. Give you peace. Take you on a tour of the Universe, as you may. > 《Really?》<Yes, little Melody. Now follow me. >
  20. Willow couldn't move anymore. She longed to sit next to Luna, but she couldn't. Instead, she stroked Melody's mane. She wondered. She looked at her empty flank. She wondered, what could Melody's cutie mark be? Something to do with plants, really. Melody had been even closer to wildlife than she was. She traveled out to the gardens at nighrtand checked on all her beautiful flowers. He eyelids closed furthers as she thought of all the wonderful possibilities. A rose? A musical note? She had the voice of an angel. A rose shaped like a musical note? Melody had silenced. She asleep as well. She was dreaming about the stars, where Celestia was. Where their parents were. How she ached to be up there with them. To eternally explore the infinite beauty, the serenity, the perfection.
  21. "Mom... please stop... Wanderlust is my friend. I don't care if he is dishonorable or a Wytch. Just... stop. I don't care anymore. I don't want to make you sadder." She sadly looked at Wanderlust, who's was running away. Melody rushed over to Willow and cried into her mane. Steel was lying, limp, in the cave. His bloody dagger glinted. "Why does there need to be so much fighting? I remember when Steel used to be all lovey-dovey and soft with Star Struck, but now everypony wants to cut something's head off! I don't see, where is the honor in that?" 《Why can't it be normal anymore?》Melody sobbed into Willow's mane. Willow's eyelids drooped. She hadn't noticed how tired she was.
  22. Congratulations, Reciever! You have been invited to Sunset Resorts, where the sun never sets upon a beautiful day! Complete with Equestria's ONLY 7-Star hotel, acres of spas, rides, pools, and resteraunts, you will love this resort! You have been chosen by Princess Celestia herself to travel to Sunshine Resorts and spend any amount of time, from 4 years to 1 day, COST FREE! <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Don't worry, we are still open for new participants! Feel free to ask about joining! Haven't seen any Slice of Life/Romance RP's lately? Nostalgia and hunger for more? After I was so sadly rejected from an Imperfect Solution, I decided to make this RP for all the newbies and veterans out there! Step up, step up! Come one, Come all! Just provide me your Character Sheet and say the secret password (somewhere in this post)! I would prefer to have a healthy balance between mares and stallions, please! If there is not, I will be asking a few people to include 2nd OCs to balance things out! <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Rules: 1. I make any final decisions! Please don't boss other people around. No one likes that. 2. Love at first sight is allowed, but you can't just say "I love you" and suddenly there is a couple. Slowly work your way into relationships. 3. Keep things spicy! Conflict! Break-ups! Make-ups! No one wants a stale RP. 4. Please be appropriate. Anyone taking things a step above kissing (But I am curious about how that would play out.) will recieve consequences. Such as friendly reminders, stern ones, and then being banned from the RP. 5. No magical demon ice rainbow magical stuff. Meaning only ponies are allowed and you can't go above unicorn magic. No alicorns. 6. No dirty language, please! 7. No violence, or weapons. 8. Plz don rite lyk dis. (Please don't write like this.) I hate sifting through messy, horrible posts. If you are the kind of person who is lazy and won't write properly, don't play. 9. Have fun! (Its mandatory!) 10. Secret Password: *Starbound is Awesome!* <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Participants: Starbound (GM) as Felicity the Mare Delernil (Co-GM) as Distance Traveller the Stallion Torrent505 (Co-GM) as Heart Breaker the Stallion (\_Blaze_/) as Rye the Stallion Lonewolf1735 as Casual Connor the Stallion Lightwing as Lightwing the Mare Arkman575 as Iris Wind the Female Wolf ||Flying Grace|| as Benigna Palerma the Mare Thunder-Dash as Thunder Dash the Stallion GameBeaver as Thunder Farts the Stallion Scribblegroove as Streamsung Swann the Mare <><><><><><><><><><><><> Current Mare : Stallion ratio: 5 : 6 <><><><><><><><><><><><> Thank you all very much!
  23. I agree with Scribblegroove. Melody collapsed, and Willow is running on fumes. She has just been to stressed out lately to notice. I'll bet you will notice dark circles under her eyes...
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