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Blog Entries posted by arkman575

  1. arkman575
    Ok, usually I don’t go and rant about stuff. So, to keep that true about myself, I’ll list it out and give details of the events that have made me decide to open this blog.
    Well, to start off, this blog post is mostly for venting some built up stress over the past few days. Apparently I should do this more often as my special somepony has been noticing my lack of my usual calm attitude. Funny thing is, she is a cause of that stress. Not a big cause, but there is a bit. I’m not going to dive too heavily into my social life due to the fact that in a relationship, there is a need for confidentiality.
    Ok, the second place of stress this past week is an issue that has plagued many internet dwellers since the beginning of the comment button. The internet wars. Be it youtube comments to replies on a twitter post, fans always find a way to battle it out to prove there ever so slight dominance over their fellow nerd. Don’t say that there are areas of peace across the web, because no matter where you look, you will find a hater. (I think that’s a rule of the internet somewhere) So, as I was saying, a war can start with just one comment. Then, it could explode into a fury of spam, rage, and anger. In one of the recent wars, I was a mere bystander for most of it. It involved one member of a clan arguing with a another clan’s member. It then escalated for months at a time and involved both clans entirely. It probably be considered a full on war due to the fact that there even was a turncoat that nearly took out a member of a clan. I eventually was drawn into the pointless conflict. Thankfully, the first clan had silenced communications with the second. I will not give any more details regarding these events as I still feel that revealing information might bring harm to people that I trust.
    So ya. That’s about it from your local Equestrian wolf. If you have a comment or question, just leave a comment. Know who you trust, trust who you know.
    -Seth E.
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