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Everything posted by Deesinn

  1. Anything I think of, we're together to be together, doesn't really matter where we're at. I've been on dates at Ikea for gods sake.
  2. Like, dude, this rocks, but I might be saying that cuz I'm drunk, but I still like it. Rainbow dash looks cute in this pic.
  3. Because most people who are in this fandom (general nerd culture as a whole) have self confidence issues, and chicks are turned off by that, duuuuuh.
  4. I mean yeah, you know obviously if you're in a situation that could be potentially dangerous then don't say anything, it's easy enough to gauge that kind of thing and if you're not capable of doing that then something is wrong, but let's be real, those kind of situations are very few and far between and people tend to over-blow situations because they're afraid of something that might happen. It's like the notion of, "I shouldn't go outside today because I might get hit by a car". You can never really know anything, all you can do is look at your personal situation and perspective and make decisions based on that. I find it very hard to believe that being open about liking My Little Pony will have a lot of negative influences on your place in society and your quality of life. I did an experiment a few years ago when I was really self conscious. I constantly thought that people where thinking about me all of the time, and I had to get over it, so I did something that was pretty ballsy for me at the time, and that was going to a packed club and sitting right in the front of the bar right in the middle of the club from peak hours all the way until closing. In my head I thought people where making fun of me and thinking I was such a loser, but the reality of the situation was nobody cared I was even there. Sure I got the odd "Hey man, whats up? How ya doin tonight?" And the bartender would ask me if I wanted anything, but everybody was too busy stuck in their own heads to be paying me any attention. People are so socially conditioned to be worried about themselves that what other people are doing, wearing, or watching rarely causes any kind of physical confrontation. People also make the choice to BE offended, life if I sat here and called you an asshole, you choose to feel attacked or not, so it may be true that I said those words, but you can take them however you want to, it's your responsibility at the end of the day, so these kids being bullied over watching a show and killing themselves over it is quite silly and I really can't blame the fact that it was really over liking a TV show. I also understand that repeated emotional abuse can cause instability in the way we control our emotions and actions, but there is always a solution to these kind of problems, and most kids don't do a damn thing about it until it's gone too far. I'm willing to bet you 3000 dollars that the VAST VAST VAST majority of high-school and under kinds who are into My Little Pony openly do not get physically beaten over it by bullies. For the ones who do, do something about it. I've never even seen a topic around here about anybody getting physically violent over being a brony, and this place get's tons of traffic. Until I see some good statistics on the matter, I think my point is defiantly the better route to take. There is defiantly a difference, but OP was asking why people want to express their love for the show openly, so I gave an example as to why people want to express their love of bands openly. It's basically the same reason, because people like the stuff they like and want that to maybe represent them in some way. This is what I'm talking about, you're doing it to, mind reading. A corporation is not going to not hire because you like My Little Pony, give me a break. It's not about fighting social norms or complying with then, it's about doing what YOU want to do regardless! Whether people consider it normal or not doesn't matter, just don't not do something you want to do over fear, it's silly! For me it's different, I wear pony shirts almost everyday, I go to the mall every Sunday with a couple of friends and we just hit on women. I wear the pony shirts while hitting on chicks and they don't even care, usually they're curious and want to know what it is because it looks so cute! Every gig I play at (If the place doesn't have a dress code like Britney's Lounge) I wear pony shirts. NOBODY CARES, I'm a grown man, 24 years old, and not once have I gotten any backlash. I literally sit up on stage for an hour with a spotlight, around 200 people watching me, and during the after party or when other bands go on to play, nobody really asks why I have a shirt on that has 6 ponies on it. They don't care because I'm confident and secure about myself, and wasting their time attacking me would be pointless because they know I wouldn't put up with it. The difference between harmlessly wearing pony merch and the Westboro Baptist church is that church goes out of their way to disrespect people and families, so obviously people will get offended and not like what they're about or what they say. Confidence DOES get you traction, it opens doors and opportunities with your career, with your love life, and with your friendships. To me it's always better to appear confident, no matter what I'm really feeling! In the end it is your life and you should just do what you want to do and not let societal norms hold you back from achieving whatever it is you want. And if you choose to involve ponies or not is totally up to you, for me, I'm stickin wid tha poni3!
  5. What do you mean? Should I not tell people what my favorite band is, or not share what I enjoy watching as entertainment? That's what people do, we share our interests with each-other. You wear a shirt of your favorite band or a band you like because you want to show your appreciation and support of the band, not because you want other people to listen to the band. If you're not doing it for yourself, then you're doing something wrong, same goes for My Little Pony or whatever the hell you're into. People don't alienate bronies for liking My Little Pony, they alienate then because they're vulnerable and don't stand up for themselves. Lots of us have low self esteem and that is a major turn off for most people. The problem is not this show, it's how you see yourself and how you behave. People are very over sensitive to due to bad social conditioning, so even if somebody playfully insults you, they take it offensively and can't just roll with a joke and make fun of themselves. I mean I agree that forcefully screaming you're into a TV show is probably stupid and gets annoying, but you shouldn't hide it because you fear that other people will judge you, people judge people all of the time, it's instinct. The trick is to stop caring and value your opinion about yourself over top of everybody elses. Stop caring basically, do what you want, when you want. Try not to let society get to you, it's a mind game is what it is. Again, if you're confident and proud of who you are, people are attracted to that and can feel it from a mile away, you're not going to be alone and isolated, that's a choice you make. Ponies has nothing to do with it. It's like dudes who are afraid to talk to chicks or to flirt with them. They think there is some danger involved, but in reality the chances of something seriously bad happening are so small that it's not even worth considering. The same goes for most things in life, I agree that it's just a stupid show, but hiding it out of fear of rejection and being bullied is wrong because first off, you're not a mind reader, and two, you're not psychic, you can't know what people are thinking, so why spend so much energy hiding it? Nobody is going to kick you out of your home if your parents find out, and nobody is not going to be your friend or date you because you like a show about ponies. It's ridiculous and people who believe that something really bad will happen need to be a man and grow some balls. At the LEAST you can use it to expand your comfort zone! There are way more positives than negatives, I can go on and on for hours.
  6. Sure it does, some guy came up with it on 4chan or whatever, if the internet wasn't around 4chan wouldn't exist, and thus the name would probably not exist.
  7. Sure they would, but they wouldn't be called bronies. I guarantee you there where men who liked MlP before the internet was around.
  8. There's nothing creepy about it, that's what a chick says, spike would just be like "Whuuut, you crazy girl!"
  9. Happens to me all of the time, keep it if you liked it the first time.
  10. Yep, this one right here, other than that we're defiantly the worst.
  11. Nah dude, 100-200 dollars for a 2 hour recording session to hire a good drummer vs shelling out the money for hardware and software? It's infinity cheaper to purchase a drum machine plugin and use samples than it is to hire somebody, especially in the genres or Pop and Rock music in the long term. We're not even talking a full band. Any moron can learn how to program 4/4 grooves and fills when they don't have to actually play anything and painstakingly practice dynamics and muscle memory exercises for years upon years. You can't even compare it, programming drums is just way cheaper in the long run, and is far less time consuming, period. Don't put words in my mouth, I never said it did not require knowledge or experience, but I am saying it is defiantly easier, for myself anyways.
  12. No, everybody is very critical, and it's totally cool. If you're having a good time and people are reading what you write, that's the most you can ask for, anything else is extra. Just keep doing it.
  13. Haha, I like this, because it's kinda true. He dodged the clop question, that's not cool man, gotta be honest. I wish I was on Drew. Hold on, did I miss something, what does watching a TV show have to do with having a girlfriend or where you live? Chicks dig the ponies.
  14. Dave Matthews Band is easily the best band performing live right now, people in Canada stone me for saying this. I think that acoustic instruments take a lot more work and practice to master, and I think the skills you obtain from trying to master an acoustic instrument is more satisfying than programming a song, but either way they are both totally justifiable ways to produce music. One is much cheaper and requires no knowledge on how to actually play, and the other is not cost effective, but I think it has a higher potential for creativity. I think it's funner to learn the language of, for example, the drums and to be able to articulate what you want to play with your limbs rather than clicking bright squares to insert a snare drum or cymbal shots. I also think that innovation comes from actually playing more of the time and not from programming because it's a totally different experience to actually be playing something physically and emotionally. You're not going to get the next Tony Williams from sitting at a computer.
  15. Check out my friend Jon, he's really good at guitar

  16. Go listen to the music that you enjoy listening to, even if it's not about MLP. Take things that you like and make them you're own. Musicians are master thieves you know. For example, I just recorded a cover on the drums of the song Make A Wish, and a bar before the chorus there's this quarter note build up Pinkie sings and I needed something to build the tension. Couldn't figure out what to do so later on I was listening to a tune called Rapunzel by Dave Matthews Band. The drummer does this phrase that totally matched what I needed, so I stole it, and it works perfectly. So yeah, just turn on some music that you love and you should be able to come up with something.
  17. Sweet, I'm unbanned! Guess I won't swear anymore.

  18. In 6 and a half hours, we're starting our Friday Night Pony ****cast . You're all invited to participate as long as you tell me you're over 18. We drunk and have a blast talking ponies and life (and even clopping). It starts at 10:00 PM mountain time, and will be uploaded to YouTube afterwards for the world to see how pathetic and alone we really are. Add me on skype for more info. Have a great party pony night! sheldon780
  19. Hah, it's true, but I needed a grand piano, and Cubase became my best friend.
  20. I'm not a fan, basically because their free VSTs kinda suck!
  21. No it's just a stupid TV show, but I kinda like it because there's defiantly some meaning towards the term, a history and a message. Like I'm a brony, I like this show, and I participate in this fandom. It doesn't really mean anymore than that to me.
  22. Deesinn

    Friday Night Pony Podcast

    So you mods wanna explain why Phuck is a problem, when people say the actual F word all over the threads?
  23. Experience man, just keep doing it.
  24. Hey everypony! So tomorrow (Friday) night at 9:30 Mountain time, we're starting the Pony Fuckcast. This is a really big skype group call where we drink and talk about thing pony, and not pony related. Since we've already reached 16 people who regularly browse the forums, and the last one was so ridiculous and funny, I've decided to record it and start posting these on YouTube every week. It'll be about 2-3 hours long. You have to be 18+ and you can't be an over-emotional little girl, we talk raunchy, we insult each other for fun, and we generally don't care what we produce, as long as it's funny, which isn't hard if every pony is totally relaxed and cool. If you have suggestions for topics, let me know because I suck cock at coming up with ones. It can literally be anything, if you want to talk about it, just write it in the comments or PM me. If you want to be in the chat, and not participating directly, or if you want IN on the call (You need a mic) then feel free to add me on Skype. Like I said, it's being recorded, keep that in mind. If you have a youtube channel and are in the call, you will get promotion during your introduction, and your channel will be in the description of the video. Remember, this is purely for fun, expect nothing from it but a good time with friends and strangers who will become your friends. Skype: sheldon780
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