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  1. Random question, where in the show are the Equestria Games hosted this season... Crystal Empire?
  2. Oh, its not a huge deal, I was just wondering, I was just throwing my two cents at the issue.... I did some research and learned that Inspired DOES stack however, each effect happens one at a time. So you don't look at 3 cards if you have 3 inspired, you can loop at the top card 3 times and choose what to do with it.... The Card text overrides the rules inside the rule book.
  3. Hey because the CCG just came out and like many CCG the theory crafting could be intense. I think it would be very nice to have a centralized section so all thoughts and rules are confined together.
  4. Dizty Doo actually has multiple appearances and interacts with the Mane characters... These are not all of the occurrences, just the ones that come off the top of my head. She interacted with Rainbow Dash on the episode where Applejack leaves Ponyville because she got second place on all of her competing events She dropped a Ton of crap on top of Twilight Sparkle during Pinkie's Twitching Tale.
  5. But if you compare the reading of the Rarity card, "When you score at least 2 points at this card's Problem during one Score Phase, turn this card over" and Twilight's Card "When you win a faceoff involving this card, turn this card over". The way I understand this, is that Rarity doesn't have to be present at the resolution of the conflict, she just has to score 2 points from her problem, else the writer of the card would have used the word "involved"
  6. The clickety clack of my blackwidow keyboard... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_XrqLkLG9M
  7. I would be lying if I was to say the thought hasn't crossed my mind
  8. You know how I combat haters... I look them straight in the eyes and say, "Why you mad bro, didn't you know, Friendship its Magic"
  9. I believe Derpy Whooves actual name is Ditzy Doo. And she became Derpy because of the influx of Bronies on 4chan.... and I believe Her and Doctor Whooves are a couple and they have a filly.... for a split second you can see Doctor Whooves and Ditzy with their filly, standing next to each other at the last episode of season 3 while Twilight is singing at the end.... Side note, in that last episode of while Twilight is singing in the background there are hundreds of peoples OC, you just have to know what you are looking for.
  10. Hello Everypony! My name is Bashscript and I am new to this forums but not new to MLP. I am a software engineer and consider myself a scientist, and I love to theory craft as well as explain my theories of the Universe of MLP... Like for example, how do ponies keep time? If the sun is controlled, does that mean that there are no hours/minutes/seconds in the day? We know that there are days, years, and seasons.... thanks to Rainbow Dash's counting down the days until the next Daring Doo Book. Or the question, because the sun and moon are both controlled and we have seen them transition next to each other as in what happens to other creatures outside of Equestria, like over the seas... Are their seas? is the world round? Are they in an internal night? We know Zecora comes from a "far away land" and she contains the knowledge of Cuite Marks so it stands to reason that other ponies outside of Equestria have cutie marks.... Or the question, if back in the founding of Equestria, earth ponies grew the food, and pegasus controlled the weather, and Unicorns controlled the sun and moon, why is celestia and luna controlling the sun and moon, and why do unicorns get to freeload on the unity? I'm sorry if I geeked out there for a bit....
  11. Favorite pony is Big Macintosh.... hardly speaks, only had 2 real episodes of real dialog.... HAS NOT BEEN INCLUDED IN A MUSICAL NUMBER.... No Big Macintosh love....
  12. Oh no you got this wrong.... there is a line when rarity is freaking out that her friends are going to watch rarity go down in flames.... Rarity says something like, "Oh look there our friend Rarity going down in flames, IT FRIENDSHIP MAGIC".... Best line of the season.
  13. Alright guys, I have a question, has anyone else encountered this. I got two of the starter decks, and I was playing as my mane, Twilight and my brother was Rarity… Let me playout a game play so you can see if we are doing something wrong… He goes first On his turn, with his two action tokens he summons two different friends of different powers and complete his problem…. gaining 1 point for the confronting the problem and 1 point for bonus…. That means in a Single Score phase he gains 2 points because according to the rule book in Step 2 “If you are fulfilling the requirements, you successfully confront that Problem and score 1 point.” and Step 3 says “Check if you are the first player to successfully confront the Problem if you are, score that Problem’s bonus point.” Because he scored 2 points in a single score phase he can flip over Rarity… Rarity’s bonus is “Inspired”. According to the rule book, “Inspired, at the start of your Main Phase, look at the number of cards on the top of an opponent’s deck equal to the number of cards you have in play with this keyword. Put each of those cards on either the top or the bottom of that player’s deck in any order”... Which we gathered, if he has 2 inspired cards in play, then at the start of his main phase he can control my next 2 cards. Because he can control the “Flipped” card, he controls the result of all Faceoffs… As well has the ability to remove big cards that could change the game. In his starter deck he got 4 cards + Rarity that have inspired…. which after Rarity is flipped its a snowball effect because Rarity controls the game…. Having an Inspired herself. From this point on meaning (My second turn) I am being controlled by Inspired and will lose... This played out over 25 games of losing every time... I have played TCG before, both magic and wow... I have won tournaments so I feel I understand TCG/CCG at some level... I cannot find a way to prevent, this from happening.... I mean it takes 2 of my turns to even get a trouble maker out there and by that time he has already no matter want, have completed his problem... and flipped over Rarity. My question is this… Am I misunderstanding Inspired? It feel that inspired is way too overpowered because that power can prevent their opponent from ever getting any cards to counter it.
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