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Everything posted by FIutt3rguy

  1. Im kind of a doormat like Fluttershy I'll sacrifice my own happiness if it'll make someone else feel good. I smile a lot when I'm with my friends but when Im by myself I hardly ever smile. I guess that means Im kind of an emotionally needy person? On a brighter side ever since I downloaded the Pinkie Pie desktop where her smile is pressed up against the screen I smile a lot more now. Pinkie's Pie cutie mark is a beautiful thing when you think about it. Because having the talent to make people smile is overlooked. She has talent of heart. Almost like her element should be happiness mores than laughter??? my friends, my music, and the will to live all keep me going. They're all I have. Without them I'd be nothing for sure.
  2. Never cared for Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, Team Fortress 2, Ke$ha, Bruno Mars.
  3. I voted "no." But the thing is my friends and family would say I'm a relatively happy guy. I don't like to confront them with my problems. I don't want them to worry you know?
  4. I'm sick to my stomach. I hate thinking about this (shootings, violence, the likes). WHY ARE PEOPLE SO INSENSITIVE?
  5. I don't know what I liked more. The ballad itself? Or the amazing art direction? I'll definitely have to check out more of Steven Wilson's work. 10/10 The composer Rob Dougan is known for creating electronic music with heavy classical influences. "Clubbed to Death" was used as the theme song to "The Matrix", heavily regarded as a film well ahead of its time. This music draws its roots from Edward Elgar's "Enigma Variations" (Mov. #1) in which the string introduction is an excerpt from. The person that gets to listen to this beautiful work of music is lucky. Rob Dougan is a musical genius.
  6. 9/10. I liked the interlude at around 2:00 minutes. Though I never played the games this song (if fan remixed), is done extremely well from what I can tell.
  7. Wow. Death threats? Really? "That's a bit harsh. Don't you think?"
  8. Um, let's see there are hedgehogs!!! http://3219a2.medialib.glogster.com/media/93/93072b3ec89a677315b74e30d8df1a82877d851cd1ac3589f4c47e2e13095eb4/hedgehogs131206-486x322-1.jpg http://math.hws.edu/~ca4355/hedgehog.jpg http://www.factzoo.com/sites/all/img/mammals/pygmy-hedgehogs.jpg Bunnies!!! http://www.cutehomepets.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/holland-lop-rabbit.png http://rabbitbreeders.us/wp-content/uploads/Mini-Lop-Rabbit-Breed.jpg British Shorthair Kitties!! http://www.pocandpoch.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/British-Short-Hair-Cats.jpg and uhhhh Kiwi Birds!!!! http://thefeaturedcreature.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/kiwi-bird-22.jpg
  9. For over ten years I've had a best friend that lives in NJ. We originally met on a video game. We would stay up late communicating with each other by our head sets telling "what if" stories, ways to troll people, things in this world that bothered us, talking strategies, what our favorite maps were, complain about our parents, then fall asleep. Eventually we exchanged phone numbers, then FB information, then personal stories. We could talk to each other about ANYTHING. We talked every day for a loooooong time. We knew almost everything there was to know about our counterpart. It wasn't until we became older (maybe around age 18) that things started to get in the way of us communicating with each other. We became competitive in everything we did. Our jobs, friends, girls. We lost sight of our friendship altogether. Up until recently I had kept my brony lifestyle a secret. So when he found out about it he ridiculed me for it. Saying that he was going to tell all of our friends and they were going to stop talking to me. It got worse though when we started throwing insults at each other about who's life was harder, who screwed prettier women, why you're a failure, what's wrong with you, why you'll never be anything, your dreams are meaningless, etc. We would always end our harshest fights with "I'm never talking to you ever again." Neither one of us could bring ourselves to say we were sorry. That part was hard. Our darn pride. We hated fighting, really we both hated fighting. But life is hard. And sometimes it takes very little to tear two people who were once strongly connected apart. Something as little as age? We still talk but it's never been the same since that fight. I strongly believe I love him and that's why it hurts when we fight. Ah, but this isn't a pity party. I have other friends and Jon and I are cool now (that's his name Jon xD).
  10. SOILERS!!!! So the first episode was actually better than I expected. The animation style is different sure, but in a lot of ways I thought it was cool like when Buttercup flew to unplug the game in the first person. I thought it had some funny parts too!! Like the professor in the dance off, Mojo Jojo's ingenious soft ball plan, and when Bubbles was arguing over whether to give up the game because it was tearing the girls apart. It's also really fun to say Dance pants revolution. LIKE really really fun.
  11. Yeah I'll have to look into it more. My friend swears by 'em. But as of now it's just me, this rig, and my Hendrix CDs.
  12. Boss Distortion Stomp Box, Ibanez Weeping Demon Wah Pedal, Line6 Spyder 4 75, Ernie Ball Super Slinky Nickel wound strings, on an Ibanez RG4EX1. I hear a lot of ponies complain about Line6 amps. But I like mine considering it was a gift and that it has a looper and auxiliary line built in. I love the flame top on it. But I'm not really into customizing or anything. I don't really have the cash. My rig as is is sitting at 837$. And that's fine for me. I don't want to put any decals on my guitar. I'm worried to put anything except cleaner, cotton cloth, and my sweaty strum arm on the finish. xD
  13. Loved FIFA '11. I always picked FC Chelsea because Didier Drogba was a tank up front.
  14. Oh man am I right there with you bud. The most violence I can bear is cartoon violence (no blood or gore still). I couldn't watch "Kick-ass" well because there were very disturbing scenes in it that I saw and put me in a bad mood. Actually they gave me nightmares. I really only enjoy comedies (like "The Office" "Parks and Recreation" and "The Big Bang Theory" or "Wreck-It Ralph" and "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs"). When my Dad puts something on like Conan the Barbarian, or the Terminator, or Goodfellas I come up with some excuse to leave the room. Same thing when my friends are watching/playing something violent. I couldn't do "Game of Thrones" or "Hunger Games". "Lord of the Rings" was borderline but I lived with the fight scenes. I've gotten my friends to the point where they understand I don't like violent stuff. Eventually they figured it out when they noticed all my interests were non-violent (e.g. how every game I have is rated Teen or lower, how I never seem to want to watch anything even mildly violent, and that I enjoy Littlest Pet Shop and MLP). Some people like us are extremely sensitive to violence and we don't like looking at it because it makes us sad. Well I won't speak for others but it makes me sad when I see cops killed, or soldiers burned alive, or my friend run a woman over on GTA. I empathize to an extreme point where I will think of the families killed even in something as silly as a video game. After watching a cop get mowed down violently and terribly I think well what if he had a wife and a daughter? And what would his daughter's face look like once she found out daddy was shot to death? The plethora of school shootings and terrible gun violence in the years past make me sick thinking about being one of the kids who huddled in a corner of the classroom scared for their lives, or the brave teachers who tried escorting their kids to safety only to be greeted with untimely death in the hallway, or the unfortunate victims that survived to see pools of human blood and dead bodies far too young to be dead, the victims who have to live with those days for the rest of their lives thinking either "it could have been me!" or "why me?". I apologize for being grim but that's what I think about and I am guessing the OP and others do as well. These are things nobody who enjoys violence should think about. Call it overly sensitive. Whatever. It's a part of who I am. For these reasons I don't buy violent video games, or watch violent videos or movies. It's cool if you do. But please don't think less of me because I can't. SORRY THAT WAS QUITE LONG TO READ.
  15. 7:30 EST on Cartoon Network. Who's watching it!?!?!?
  16. Is everypony excited for the upcoming CGI animated Sonic series featuring Roger Craig Smith, and Mike Pollock? Dave Polsky is heading the writing and I think we are in for one hay of a ride this fall when the 52 episode season airs. Dave Polsky wrote episodes for MLP (e.g. Spike at Your Service, Too Many Pinkie Pies, Over a Barrel, and most recent Rarity takes Manehattan). Dave also wrote for South Park and a plethora of other animated comedies. IM EXTREMELY EXCITED FOR THIS SHOW AND REALLY HOPE DAVE KNOCKS IT OUT OF THE PARK. Sonic needs a new cartoon, maybe one that isn't so uh- bad? Sonic X was alright, the writing was atrocious and the AoStH was ok at best. SatAM was the best '90s Sonic animated cartoon IMO. I was just so excited when I first heard the rumors about the time the third season of MLP came to a close. And then this article was released… http://blogs.sega.com/2013/10/02/sonic-boom-working-title-a-new-animated-series-coming-fall-2014/#comment-102215 I don't know. Boy am I nervous and hope it does well. It looks like the characters get redesigned and that's ok for me so long as Roger Craig Smith is voice acting and they give us a little bit of SonicxAmy (come on you know you want to! )
  17. Got to be Forest Rain's "Great to be Different".
  18. Twisted Metal 2 on the PS3. I'm playing it on Hard and as Thumper.
  19. Yeah I read this comment on youtube that said they'd been playing for a little over 20 years and used the same arpeggio and chords in the Snow intro verse riff thingy. He said he still couldn't play it that fast... I don't know if thats too extreme because I'd like to believe after 20 years of playing in your bedroom you can at least play that for a minute and a half straight with no hiccups. Then again…
  20. Yeah it's Cliff 'em All, Ride the Lightning, Master of Puppets, ...And Justice for All, and Garage Inc. wasn't bad (give "Astronomy" a chance. Metallica does a cover of a very popular Blue Oyster Cult song). But man are John's fingers fast… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6aruvzmOY8 If you can play the intro in tempo and in its entirety I have mad respect for you.
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