Where Have All The Elements Gone?
Silly Songs with Luna is brought to you by the Night.
"And now it's time for Silly Songs with Luna- the part of the show where Luna comes out and sings a Silly Song. We find Luna in her room, reading a scroll. It is an archive scroll about Discord's attack on Ponyville. Luna looks up from the scroll and begins to sing."
Where have all the Elements gone?
What happened to our Harmony?
Twilight has lost the Magic
And Rarity Generosity
Where have all the Elements gone?
We blame you, Discord!
Now Equestria's very doomed
Unless the Magic of Friendship can save us
Luna continued to sing a song about the Elements of Harmony, lifting a hoof dramatically. As she finished the song, she lifted both front hooves and shook them in the air.
"This has been Silly Songs with Luna. Tune in next week for 'The Song of The Moon'."
"And we are CLEAR!"
Luna sat down again, relaxing after a rather silly Silly Song. She giggled, remembering next week's song.
"So what is this about "The Song of the Moon?"
"The song writer thought that it would suit you well."
"It seems... hilarious."
"I'm glad you feel that way, Princess Luna. These are silly songs, after all. If the Princess of the Night finds them hilarious, well then we're doing our job aren't we?"
A few days later, Scootaloo, Princess Twilight Sparkle, and Apple Bloom answered Princess Luna's summons and gathered at the entrance of the Canterlot Castle.
"Are y'all sure we're supposed to meet Princess Luna today?"
"Yeah... Were we really supposed to meet Princess Luna today, Twilight?"
"Of course, girls. She sent me a summons and asked me to bring two fillies, so I thought you two would like to come along."
At that moment, Luna came out yawning. Her normally flowing hair was very frizzy and poofy, and Luna was wearing light blue pajamas with a moon pattern.
"Curse these radio show people... Oh! You made it... come in."
Twilight and Scootaloo entered, Apple Bloom hesitating momentarily.
"Um... Were you sleeping, Princess Luna?"
"... Oh. Okay."
Apple Bloom rushed in behind Twilight and Scootaloo, following Luna to an observatory. Once the four of them enter, the eyes of both fillies widened to rival the size of the moon they were about to sing about.
"Wow... it's so..."
"Yeah... that."
Ponies buzzed around them, getting equipment prepared for the radio show.
"Princess Luna, let's get started!"
Twilight, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom had practiced the few words to the song that they were singing all they way here, so once the music started, they assumed their positions.
The moon
The moon
The moon
The moon
The moon (Moon 26x)
Luna goes to rise the moon
And her mane is very blue
Blue moon moon (6x)
Blue moon
Suddenly, Celestia burst through the doors, her eyes red and her hair poofy. She stifled a large yawn before shouting.
"Good evening, sister. We are recording a new song- would you like to join us?"
"No!! Stop! Being! So! SILLY!"
Luna gasped.
"You dare challenge my silliness?!? You have declared war with this statement, Celestia!!"
To be continued...